As I mentioned before, the curl documentation needs improvement. As a first step I converted the man page for curl_easy_setopt into no less than 210(!) individual man pages. One new for each option the function supports.
The man page was originally (a few days ago) almost 3000 lines, and now with them all split up we end up with a lot more text. This because the new format encourages more text per option and each page now has to detail itself more. This should also make each option much easier to google/search and to link to when we help users understand the options.
I’ve made some server-side scripts to generate html versions of them all, I generate a list of all options we have and the examples we host on the web site now have all mentions of the options linked directly to these new pages.
The curl_easy_setopt man page will then get most explanations cut out and mainly be used as an index with the options grouped into logical sections to help users find the options they want to use. I could cut out almost 2500 lines.
The new man pages add about 7500 lines of documentation (excluding the headers in each file)…