Why is your email in my car?

I got this email in German…

Subject: Warumfrage

Schönen guten Tag

Ich habe auf meinem Navi aus meinem Auto einen Riesentext wo unter anderem Ihre Mailadresse zu sehen ist?

Können Sie mich schlau machen was es damit auf sich hat ?

… which translated into English says:

I have a huge text on my sat nav in my car where, among other things, your email address can be seen?

Can you tell me what this is all about?

I replied (in English) to the question, explained how I’m the main author of curl and how his navigation system is probably using this. I then asked what product or car he saw my email in and if he could send me a picture of my email being there.

He responded quickly and his very brief answer only says it is a Toyota Verso from 2015. So I put an image of such a car on the top of this post.