Coming: a curl distros meeting

The curl project arranges a two hour video conference meeting on March 21, 2024, with the aim of getting together people from curl and persons packaging curl for distributions. Linux distros and others. If you distribute curl to your users, consider yourself invited!

The main purpose is to improve curl and how curl is shipped to end users. The idea is to make it a multi-party conversation to see how we can improve collaboration, information exchange, testing, experiences etc so that we in the curl project can help the distros ship curl better, faster and more convenient. To the benefit for everyone who uses curl and libcurl packaged by distributions.

Of course, getting people working on related matters together and talking could also help us get to know each other a little better, to get some faces and voices attached to email addresses and by that, making cooperation smoother in the future.

The meeting is open for anyone interested to join and participate in.

The event starts at 16:00 UTC and might last up to two hours.

All details and specifics for this event is put in this wiki page:
