My name and email address can be found in the VPN client application made by Cisco called AnyConnect.
They are present there as part of the curl license, because this product – like thousands of others – uses libcurl. My name appears in many products.
Apparently, people often have problems finding an appropriate address to contact when they have issues with this app. This leads a disproportionate amount of them to send emails to me asking for solutions and fixes to their situations.
So far over the years, close to one hundred different persons have emailed me about problems with Cisco’s AnyConnect. I have not been able to help a single one of them because I know nothing about this application.
The reason my email address is shown there is because I am the lead developer of curl, which is but a small component in this application. I am not associated with Cisco nor this product.
This is the support email address you are looking for:
See also: other funny emails I got and curl credit screenshots.
Good, already first result in Google for “email Cisco AnyConnect” 🙂
Hi Daniel,
I’d like to raise a documentation bug.
Cisco AnyConnect is now called Cisco Secure Client, with AnyConnect VPN module being part of it.
Change needed:
Please mention Cisco Secure Client, so that it is also visible in search engines.
And seriously:
Warm regards!
Dear Mateusz, this is a ‘bug’ that is fixed by the act of raising it ?