Tag Archives: command-line

curl with partial files

Back in September 2023, we extended the curl command line tool with a new fairly advanced and flexible variable system. Using this, users can use files, environment variables and more in a powerful way when building curl command lines in ways not previously possible – with almost all existing command line options.

curl command lines were already quite capable before this, but these new variables certainly took it up several additional notches.

Come February 2025

In the pending curl 8.12.0 release, we extend this variable support a little further. Starting now, you can assign a variable to hold the contents of a partial file. Get a byte range from a given file into a variable and use that variable in the command line, instead of using the entire file.

You can get the first few bytes and use as a username, you can get a hundred bytes in the middle of a file and POST that or do countless other things.

Byte range

You ask curl to read a byte range from a file instead of the whole one by appending [n-M] to the variable name, when you assign a variable. Where N and M are the first and the last byte offsets into the file, 0 being the first byte. If you omit the second number, it means until the end of file.

For example, get the first 32 bytes from a file named secret and set as password for daniel:

curl --variable "pwd[0-31]@secret" \
--expand-user daniel:{{pwd}} \

Skip the first thousand bytes from a file named localfile and send the rest of it in a POST:

curl --variable "upload[1000-]@localfile" \
--expand-post '{{upload}}' \

With functions

You can of course also combine the byte offsets with the standard expand functions. For example, get the first hundred bytes from the file called random and send them base64 encoded in a POST:

curl --variable "binary[0-99]@random" \
--expand-post '{{binary:b64}}' \

I hope you will like it.


After his post was first published, we discussed the exact syntax for this feature and decided to tweak it a little to make it less likely that old curl versions could be tricked when trying a new command line options.

This version is now showing the updated syntax.

webinar: mastering the curl command line


It is yet again time for a dual Zoom-twitch curl webinar. This one-hour (or so) session will be live-streamed on Twitch and broadcast on Zoom concurrently.

Of course entirely free to attend.

Date: September 5, 2024
Time: 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST, 10:00 PDT)

The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session for all your curl questions.

You can select which one to view/attend. On the Zoom call, you will be able to ask questions via voice and on both you can ask questions via text/chat.

The Zoom version must be signed-up for to attend. The Twitch version you can just show up to.


The slides

a filename when none exists

This is episode four in my mini-series about shiny new features in the upcoming curl 8.10.0 release.

One of the most commonly used curl command line options is the dash capital O (-O) which also is known as dash dash remote-name (--remote-name) in its long form.

This option tells curl to create a local file using the name from the filename part of the provided URL when downloading. I.e. when you tell curl

curl -O https://example.com/file.html

This command line conveniently creates a local file called file.html in which it saves the downloaded data.

The -O option has been supported with this functionality since curl first shipped, in March 1998. An important point here is that it picks the name from the URL so that a user can tell what filename it creates. No surprises. The remote server is not involved in naming it.

What about no filename scenarios?

URLs do not necessarily need to have filename parts. Like these examples:


Since there are no filename parts in these URLs, they used to cause curl to refuse to operate with -O and instead return error. curl could not create a local filename to use:

$ curl -O http://example.com/
curl: Remote filename has no length
curl: (23) Failed writing received data to disk/application

Trying harder

Starting in curl 8.10.0, curl works a little harder to come up with a filename to store the download in when -O is used. While there is no filename part in the URL, the user did ask curl to download the URL to a local file so it now tries a few extra steps:

  1. Use the filename part from the URL if there is one, like before.
  2. If there is no filename but there is a path provided in the URL, extract the right-most directory name from the URL and use as filename.
  3. If there is neither a filename nor a path in the URL, curl uses a default, fixed, filename as a final backup: curl_response. This name intentionally has no extension because curl has no idea what data that will come and using an extension could mislead users into believing it says something about the type of content.

Several people have insisted that index.html would be better and sensible default file name. I cannot agree with that, since it might just as well be an image or a tarball of your favorite open source project. I think naming such a file index.html would be more misleading than simply sticking to the neutral curl_response.

Let me give you a little table showing what filenames that will be used with curl -O and a given set of URLs:

URLlocal filename
http://example.com/one.html?clues=noone.html (curl ignores the query part)
http://example.com/one/two/?id=42two (because it is the right-most directory piece)
http://example.com/path/path (because it is the right-most directory piece)
http://example.com/curl_response (because no filename nor directory to use)

Find out which name

You can use curl’s -w, –write-out option and its %{filename_effective} variable to learn exactly which name that was used.

Prefer another name?

There is always the -o (lowercase o) option that lets you specify whatever filename you like. You do not have to let curl pick the filename for you.

Clobber or not

curl will by default overwrite, clobber if you will, any previously existing file using the same name. If you rather curl took a more careful approach, consider using –no-clobber in your command lines. It makes curl pick an alternative filename if the chosen one already exists when curl is about to download data into a local file.

skip a curl transfer

This is episode three in my mini-series of posts describing news in the coming curl 8.10.0 release. Part one was more help, part two verbose, verbose and verbosest.

This new command line option in curl 8.10.0 is a simple one that has been requested by users repeatedly over the years so I figure it was about time we actually provide it.

If the target file already exists on disk, skip downloading it.

It is exactly as simple as that. No date check, no size check, no checking if the file is even what you want it to be. If the target file is present and exists that is a signal enough that the file should not be downloaded; to skip the transfer.

A real-world command line using this feature could then look like this:

curl --skip-existing --output local/dir/file https://example.com

Or if instead -O is used, it still works the same:

curl --skip-existing -O https://example.com/me.jpg

Easy, right? See the manpage.

Broken files can also be present

To avoid a previous broken download remainder to linger around and cause future transfers to get skipped, remember that curl also has a –remove-on-errror option.


In curl 8.10.0, on September 11, 2024.


From a movie with a suitable if even perhaps subtle reference.

verbose, verboser, verbosest

A key feature for a tool like curl is its ability to help the user diagnose command lines and operations that do not work the way the user intended them to.

When I do XYZ, why does it not work?

The command line option -v and its longer version --verbose have been supported by curl since day one for this purpose. A boolean flag that when used shows what is going on by outputting extra information from the execution.

I need to emphasize the boolean part here. Up until curl 8.10.0, this option was a plain boolean. You either did not get verbose output or you got it. There was no levels or ways to increase or decrease the amount of information shown. Just a binary one or zero. On or off.

But starting in 8.10.0 the story is different.

The world

Meanwhile, there is a universe of additional command line tools out there. Many other tools also offers a -v option for outputting verbose tracing information. In many other tools, the -v is not a boolean but instead you might get additional output if you add more vs. -vv shows a little more, -vvv even more etc.

Users are fairly trained on this. To the extent that we often get to see users use -vvv etc on curl command lines in bug reports etc. The curl command line parser accepts more of them fine (any amount really), but repeating them just enables the boolean again and again to no extra effect.

When we asked users for their favorite command line option in the annual curl user survey in May 2024, a noticeable amount of respondents said -vv or -vvv. Even though they do nothing extra than -v. I think this shows to which extent people are trained to and are used to having these options for command line tools.

Make curl do what you think it did


In curl 8.10.0, coming on September 11, 2024, we introduce support for -vv, -vvv and -vvvv. One, two, three or four vs. (Maybe we add more in the future.)

If you write the v-letters consecutive next to each other like that, you increase the logging level; the amount of verbose output curl shows. It might then possibly do something in the style that many users already expected it to do.

The extra logging it can do in 8.10.0 is actually nothing new, what is new is that you can get to it by simply using -vv and friends. The old style of getting such extra verbose tracing is to instead use a selected combination of –trace-time, –trace-ascii and –trace-config.

Backwards compatibility

In curl we care deeply about backwards compatibility and not breaking users existing scripts and use cases when we ship new versions. This change is perhaps on the border of possibly doing this, so we have tried to tread as gently as we can to make sure that risk is slim.

This is why doing something like curl -v -v will not increase the level, because a user might have one of the switches in ~/.curlrc, another one on the command line and a third one in a custom file read with curl’s -K option etc. We want the extra output level to be explicitly asked for.

Using a single -v after a -vv or -vvv resets the level back to the original lowest-but-enabled for the same reason. The --no-verbose option also still works, even though the option is not strictly a boolean anymore and curl normally otherwise only supports the --no- prefix for boolean command line options.


Stefan Eissing wrote the pull-request that landed this change.

Mastering the curl command line

For the first time ever, I am going to present a single, very long, video class with the title shown above.

This session will be streamed and recorded live on August 31, starting at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST, 09:00 PDT) and is expected to take about two and a half hours. Due to many uncertainties, the stream might of course be longer even if the end recording might get edited down a little.

[The slides] [Interactive text version][slides as pdf]

The stream will be done on my usual twitch channel:


The agenda for this monster session might still be tweaked a little before it happens but the work in progress version is shown below. It should cover most of what curl can and knows in 2023.

There is no need to sign up. It is entirely free of charge. All you need to do to enjoy it live is to go to the above link at the correct time on the right day. You can participate and ask questions live in the designated chat while the stream is live.

The project (10 min)

  • start
  • name
  • products
  • open source
  • development
  • releases
  • issues
  • pull requests
  • asking for help
  • paying for help

Command line (20 min)

  • command line options
    • long vs short names
    • depends on version
  • URLs
    • scheme
    • name and password
    • host
    • port number
    • path
    • fragment
    • browsers’ address bar
    • options and URLs
    • connection reuse
    • parallel transfers
  • trurl
  • URL globbing
  • List options
  • config file
  • passwords
  • progress meter

Using curl (30 min)

  • verbose
    • --trace
    • --write-out
  • version
  • persistent connections
  • Downloads
    • What exactly is downloading?
    • Storing downloads
    • Download to a file named by the URL
    • Use the target file name from the server
    • HTML and charsets
    • Compression
    • Shell redirects
    • Multiple downloads
    • My browser shows something else
    • Maximum file size
    • Storing metadata in file system
    • Raw
    • Retry
    • Resuming and ranges
  • Uploads
  • Transfer controls
    • Stop slow transfers
    • Rate limiting
    • Request rate limiting
  • Connections
    • Name resolve tricks
    • Connection timeout
    • Network interface
    • Local port number
    • Keep alive
  • Timeouts
  • .netrc
  • Exit status
  • SCP and SFTP
  • Reading email
  • Sending email
  • MQTT
  • TFTP
  • DICT
  • Copy as curl
  • --libcurl
  • h2c

TLS details (15 min)

  • ciphers
  • enable TLS
  • verifying server certificates
  • OCSP stapling
  • client certificates
  • TLS backends

Proxies (20 min)

  • Discover your proxy
  • PAC
  • Captive portals
  • Proxy type
  • HTTP proxy
  • SOCKS proxy (tor)
  • MITM proxy
  • Authentication
  • HTTPS proxy
  • Proxy environment variables
  • Proxy headers

HTTP (30 min)

  • Protocol basics
  • Method
  • HTTP response codes
  • Responses
  • Authentication
  • Ranges
  • HTTP versions
  • Conditionals
  • Multipart formpost
  • -d vs -F
  • Redirects
  • Modify the HTTP request
  • Cookies
  • HTTP/2
  • Alternative Services
  • HTTP/3
  • HSTS

FTP (10 min)

  • Authentication
  • Directories
  • Uploading
  • Custom FTP commands
  • Two connections
  • Directory traversing

Rounding off (5 min)

  • How to dig deeper
  • Where is curl going

curl write-out to files

The curl option –write-out is one of my personal favorites and offers users an excitingly powerful way to output information from a transfer. Over time, it has been extended to provide more and more features.

It was for example not that long ago we added the ability to output the content of specific headers with %headers{} to this option.

Now (shipping in the coming curl 8.3.0, merged in commit 1032f56efa) we take the next step and add yet another little nifty function to this option that makes it even more powerful and allows you to use it for more purposes better going forward.

It can now save the selected info to a specific file instead of just outputting to stdout or stderr. Or to multiple files. Or append to files. With %output{}.


Write the used IP address of the remote host to a file named “remote.txt”:

curl -w "%output{remote.txt}%{remote_ip}" https://example.com

Get the same information, but append it to the remote.txt file:

curl -w "%output{>>remote.txt}%{remote_ip}" https://example.com

Output the HTTP response code from the HTTP server to stderr and then append it to the file “log.txt” as well:

curl -w "%{response_code}%output{>>log.txt}%{response_code}" https://example.com


introducing curl command line variables

If you are anything like me, you appreciate solving your every day simple tasks directly from the command line. Creating crafty single shot command lines or a small shell script to solve that special task you figured out you needed and makes your day go a little smoother. A fellow command line cowboy.

Video presentation


To make life easier for curl users, the tool supports “config files“. They are a set of command line options written in a text file that you can point the curl tool to use. By default curl will check for and use such a config file named .curlrc if placed in your home directory.

One day not too long ago, a user over in the curl IRC channel asked me if it was possible to use environment variables in such config files to avoid having to actually store secrets directly in the file.


This new variable system that we introduce in curl 8.3.0 (commit 2e160c9c65) makes it possible to use environment variable in config files. But it does not stop there. It allows lots of other fun things.

First off, you can set named variables on the command line. Like :

curl --variable name=content

or in the config file:


A variable name must only consist of a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or underscore (up to 128 characters). If you set the same name twice, the second set will overwrite the first.

There can be an unlimited amount of variables. A variable can hold up to 10M of content. Variables are set in a left to right order as curl parses the command line or config file.


You can assign a variable a plain fixed string as shown above. Optionally, you can tell curl to populate it with the contents of a file:

curl --variable name@filename

or straight from stdin:

curl --variable name@-

Environment variables

The variables mentioned above are only present in the curl command line. You can also opt to “import” an environment variable into this context. To import $HOME:

curl --variable %HOME

In this case above, curl will exit if there is no environment variable by that name. Optionally, you can set a default value for the case where the variable does not exist:

curl --variable %HOME=/home/nouser

Expand variables

All variables that are set or “imported” as described above can be used in subsequent command line option arguments – or in config files.

Variables must be explicitly asked for, to make sure they do not cause problems for older command lines or for users when they are not desired. To accomplish this, we introduce the --expand- option prefix.

Only when you use the --expand- prefix in front of an option will the argument get variables expanded.

You reference (expand) a variable like {{name}}. That means two open braces, the variable name and then two closing braces. This sequence will then be replaced by the contents of the variable and a non-existing variable will expand as blank/nothing.

Trying to show a variable with a null byte causes error


Use the variable named ‘content’ in the argument to --data, telling curl what to send in a HTTP POST:

--expand-data “{{content}}”

Create the URL to operate on by inserting the variables ‘host’ and ‘user’.

--expand-url “https://{{host}}/user/{{user}}”

Expand variables

--variable itself can be expanded when you want to create a new variable that uses content from one or more other variables. Like:

--expand-variable var1={{var2}}
--expand-variable fullname=’Mrs {{first}} {{last}}’
--expand-variable source@{{filename}}

Expansion functions

When expanding a variable, functions can be applied. Like this: {{name:function}}

Such variable functions alter how the variable is expanded. How it gets output.

Multiple functions can be applied in a left-to-right order:

curl offers four different functions to help you expand variables in the most productive way: trim, json, url and b64:

  • trim – removes leading and trailing whitespace
  • json – outputs the variable JSON quoted (but without surrounding quotes)
  • url – shows the string URL encoded, also sometimes called percent encoding
  • b64 – shows the variable base64 encoded

Function examples

Expands the variable URL encoded. Also known as “percent encoded”.

--expand-data “name={{name:url}}”

To trim the variable first, apply both functions (in the right order):

--expand-data “name={{name:trim:url}}”

Send the HOME environment variable as part of a JSON object in a HTTP POST:

--variable %HOME
--expand-data “{ \"homedir\": \"{{HOME:json}}\” "


On hacker news.

The curl fragment trick

curl supports globbing in the sense that you can provide ranges or lists in the URL that will make curl iterate, loop, over all the different variations and do a separate transfer for each.

For example, get ten images in a numeric range:

curl "https://example.com/image[1-10].jpg" -O

Or get them when named after some weekdays:

curl "https://example.com/{Monday,Tuesday,Friday}.jpg" -O

Naming the output

The examples above use -O which makes curl use the same name for the destination file as is used the effective URL. Convenient, but not always what you want.

curl also allows you to refer to the number or name from the range or list and use that when naming your output files, which helps you do better globbing.

For example, maybe the file name part of the URL is actually the same and you iterate over another difference in the URL. Like this:

curl "https://example.com/{Monday,Tuesday,Friday}/image" -o #1.jpg

The #1 part in the example is a reference back to the first list/range, as you can do multiple ones and even using mixed types and you can then use multiple #-references in the same command line. To illustrate, here is a simple example using two iterators to download three hundred images:

curl "https://{red,blue,green}.example.com/image[1-100].jpg" -o "#2-#1-stored.jpg"

There is actually no upper limit to how many transfers you can do like this with curl, other than that the numeric ranges only deal with up to 64 bit numbers.

Hundreds? Maybe go parallel

If you actually do come up with a command line that needs to transfer several hundred or more resources, then maybe consider adding -Z, --parallel to the mix so that curl performs many transfers simultaneously, in parallel. This can drastically reduce the total time needed for completing the task.

curl runs up to 50 transfers in parallel by default when this option is used, but you can also tweak this amount with --parallel-max.

A fragment trick

Okay, so now we finally arrive at the fragment and the trick mentioned in the title.

If you want to do several repeated transfers but not actually change the URL then the examples above do not satisfy you as they change the URL for every new transfer.

A neat trick is then to add a fragment part to the URL you use, and then do the globbing there. The fragment is the rightmost part of a URL that starts with a #-character and continues to the end of the URL.

A fragment can always be added to a URL, but the fragment is never actually transmitted over the network so the remote server is not aware of it.

Get the same URL ten times, saved in different target files:

curl "https://example.com/index.html#[1-10]" -o #1.html

If you rather name the outputs according some scheme, you can of course just list them in the glob:

curl "https://example.com/index.html#{mercury,venus,earth,mars}" -o #1.html

Maybe slower

In cases where you transfer the same URL many times, chances are you want to do this because the content changes at some interval. Perhaps you then do not want them all to be done as fast as possible as then the contents may not have updated.

To help you pace the transfers to get the same thing over and over in a more controlled manner, curl offers --rate. With this you can tell curl to not do it faster than N transfers per given period.

If the URL contents update every 5 minutes, then doing the transfer 12 times per hour seems suitable. Let’s do it 2016 times to have the operation run non-stop for a week:

curl "https://example.com/index.html#[1-2016]" --rate 12/h -o "#1.html"

Append data to the URL query

A new curl option was born: --url-query.

How it started

curl offered the -d / --data option already in its first release back in 1998. curl 4.0. A trusted old friend.

curl also has some companion versions of this option that work slightly differently, but they all have the common feature that they append data to the the request body. Put simply: with these options users construct the body contents to POST. Very useful and powerful. Still today one of the most commonly used curl options, for apparent reasons.

curl -d name=mrsmith -d color=blue https://example.com

Convert to query

A few years into curl’s lifetime, in 2001, we introduced the -G / --get option. This option let you use -d to create a data set, but the data is not sent as a POST body anymore but is instead converted to a query string and used in a GET request.

curl -G -d name=mrsmith -d color=blue https://example.com

This would make curl send a GET request to this URL: https://example.com/?name=mrsmith&color=blue

The “query” is the part of the URL that sits on the right side of the question mark (but before the fragment that if it exists starts with the first # following the question mark).


In 2008 we added --data-urlencode which made it even easier for users and scripts to use these options correctly as now curl itself can URL-encode the given data instead of relying on the user to do it. Previously, script authors would have to do that encoding before passing the data to curl which was tedious and error prone. This feature also works in combination with -G of course.

How about both?

The -d options family make a POST. The -G converts it to a GET.

If you want convenient curl command line options to both make content to send in the POST body and to create query parameters in the URL you were however out of luck. You would then have to go back to use -d but handcraft and encode the query parameters “manually”.

Until curl 7.87.0. Due to ship on December 21, 2022. (this commit)

--url-query is your new friend

This is curl’s 249th command line option and it lets you append parameters to the query part of the given URL, using the same syntax as --data-urlencode uses.

Using this, a user can now conveniently create a POST request body and at the same time add a set of query parameters for the URL which the request uses.

A basic example that sends the same POST body and URL query:

curl -d name=mrsmith -d color=blue --url-query name=mrsmith --url-query color=blue https://example.com


I told you it uses the data-urlencode syntax, but let me remind you how that works. You use --url-query [data] where [data] can be provided using these different ways:

contentThis will make curl URL-encode the content and pass that on. Just be careful so that the content does not contain any = or @ symbols, as that will then make the syntax match one of the other cases below!
=contentThis will make curl URL-encode the content and pass that on. The preceding = symbol is not included in the data.
name=contentThis will make curl URL-encode the content part and pass that on. Note that the name part is expected to be URL-encoded already.
@filenameThis will make curl load data from the given file (including any newlines), URL-encode that data and pass it on in the POST.
name@filenameThis will make curl load data from the given file (including any newlines), URL-encode that data and pass it on in the POST. The name part gets an equal sign appended, resulting in name=urlencoded-file-content. Note that the name is expected to be URL-encoded already.
+contentThe data is provided as-is unencoded

For each new --url-query, curl will insert an ampersand (&) between the parts it adds to the query.

Replaces -G

This new friend we call --url-query makes -G rather pointless, as this is a more powerful option that does everything -G ever did and a lot more. We will of course still keep -G supported and working. Because that is how we work.

A boring fact of life is that new versions of curl trickle out into the world rather slowly to ordinary users. Because of this, we can be certain that scripts and users all over will need to keep using -G for yet another undefined period of time.


Finally: remember that if you want curl to show you what it sends in a POST request, the normal -v / --verbose does not suffice as it will not show you the request body. You then rather need to use --trace or --trace-ascii.