I’ll talk at FSCONS 2010

Recently I was informed that I got two talks accepted to the FSCONS 2010 conference, to be held in the beginning of November 2010.

My talks will be about the Future and current state of internet transport protocols (TCP, HTTP, SPDY, WebSockets, SCTP and more) and on High performance multi-protocol applications with libcurl, which will educate the audience on how to use libcurl when doing high performance clients with potentially a very large number of simultaneous transfers. A somewhat clueful reader will of course spot that these two talks have a lot in common, and yeah they do reveal a lot of what I do and what I like and what I poke on these days. I hope I’ll be able to put the light on some things not everyone is already perfectly aware of.

The talks will be held in English, and if the past FSCONS conferences tell anything, my talks will be video filmed and become available online afterward for the world to see if you have a funeral or something to attend to that prevents you from actually attending in person.

If you have thoughts, questions or anything on these topics that you would like to get answered in my talk, feel free to bring them up and I’ll see what I can do.

(If those fine guys and gals at FSCONS ever settled for a logo, or had one I could link to, I would’ve shown one of them right here.)