On May 7, 2020 I will present common mistakes when using libcurl (and how to fix them) as a webinar over Zoom. The presentation starts at 19:00 Swedish time, meaning 17:00 UTC and 10:00 PDT (US West coast).
libcurl is used in thousands of different applications and devices for client-side Internet transfer and powers a significant part of what flies across the wires of the world a normal day.
Over the years as the lead curl and libcurl developer I’ve answered many questions and I’ve seen every imaginable mistake done. Some of the mistakes seem to happen more frequently and some of the mistake seem easier than others to avoid.
I’m going to go over a list of things that users often get wrong with libcurl, perhaps why they do and of course I will talk about how to fix those errors.
It should be done within 30-40 minutes, plus some additional time for questions at the end.
You’re interested in Internet transfer, preferably you already know what libcurl is and perhaps you have even written code that uses libcurl. Directly in C or using a binding in another language.
The video and slides will of course be made available as well in case you can’t tune in live.
Sign up
If you sign up to attend, you can join, enjoy the talk and of course ask me whatever is unclear or you think needs clarification around this topic. See you next week!