Tag Archives: Award

My Nordic Free Software Awards 2009 nominees

Hey, it’s really about time to nominate your favourite Free Software persons and projects from the nordic region for the 2009 awards before the time runs out.

This year, I decided to nominate the following “nordic” heroes:

Simon Josefsson

For his excellent work in GnuTLS, libssh2 and a bunch of other projects.

Henrik Nordström

For his work in the Squid project, and his efforts within IETF and its HTTP related struggles and more.

Björn Stenberg

As the primary founder of the Rockbox project. He started somehting special back in 2001 that now is a huge, thriving and succesful Free Software project.

As you might spot, I favor “doers”. I don’t believe in the concept of “nordic projects” when it comes to free or open software – the entire concept of open and free should mean that projects cross borders and regions.

In fact, it feels so out of the ordinary to think about open source people in a geographical context I find it hard to come up with a lot of names. It would be cool if ohloh had some ways to list people and projects based on where people live.

Then again, if a person from a nordic country moves somewhere else, is he or she still a nordic person? Does it depend on where the person lived during the actual act? Is Linus Torvalds a nordic person since he was born, lived many years and started his big project in Finland?

(yeah I already blogged about this subject but hey, it can’t hurt can it?)

Top Free Software persoject 2009?!

As two years before this, FSCONS is again looking for nominees for The Nordic Free Software Award 2009.

If you know any fine persons or projects you think are fitting and are from “the Nordic countries“, head over to that web page and submit!

And btw, this year’s FSCONS is set for November 13-15 although their site is still pitch black. I hope to be able to go there this year. Perhaps even do a talk about something!

Update: the word ‘persoject’ is not a mistake, even though it looks weird and wasn’t explained in this post. It was just a word I made up last year when I blogged about this award, and I re-used it now without thinking much about it… I won’t do it again. I promise! 😉

The NFSA 2008 went to…

The Nordic Free Software Award 2008 went to Mats Östling for programverket.org which is “a project operating with open software and open software development in the public sector. The purpose is to achieve more collaboration and more efficient IT application within the public sector“. Congratulations Mats!

The FSCONS official site (the award was handed out during that event) keeps up with its tradition with being totally behind the schedule and isn’t even mentioning the winner yet…

I’m not sure only two awards is enough to draw any conclusions, but with Skolelinux last year and a public sector open source project this year it certainly gives a feeling what the jury has prioritized so far.

Nordic Free Software Award Nominee 2008

It seems I’m again (as I was last year) nominated for the Nordic Free Software Award.

They list thirteen nominees, of which there are four organizations/companies. I’m proud to be mentioned in such a swell company.

Unfortunately I cannot be present at the FSCONS itself this year (where the award is being handed over), so all the partying and celebrating the award winner will have to be done without me! 🙂

“Nordic” Projects?

It did struck me why the idea of handing the Nordic Free Software Award to a project feels like a bad idea: Free Software projects really aren’t geographical in general.

People tend to live at a fixed location for a specific time and thus you can say that N is living in a Nordic country or not.

Free Software projects however, are not even allowed to exclude people from other places and even projects that may origin at once place or even have its largest user-base in a particular geographical spot.

Last year’s Nordic Free Software Award was handed to Skolelinux since I believe the project origins in Norway (a nordic country) and some of the leading persons in the project are Norwegian. But is that then a nordic project? I don’t want to claim that it isn’t because I honestly don’t know, but their web site certainly says nothing about it being restricted or limited to nordic countries in any significant way. If it does, I couldn’t find it.

I am the primary person and maintainer behind curl but I wouldn’t dream of calling it a “nordic” project. The trio who started Rockbox are all Swedish but calling it a nordic project would just make me laugh.

Isn’t it so, that if you can come up with a “Nordic” Free Software project that currently only lives and strives within one or more Nordic countries without spreading itself over the world, isn’t that then more likely to be a proof of a failure of said project than anything else?

Your favourite Free Software persoject!

So they’ve opened the nomination process for the Nordic Free Software Award 2008.

Now’s the perfect time to run over and submit your favourite “nordic” free software person and have him/her get some of the appreciation he/she deserves.

Ah you can in fact also nominate teams or projects for this award as well, as last year the Skolelinux was awarded the price. I’m actually not really sure that I like that. I think the price should either be for single persons or for teams and projects.

If you rather be in the jury for the awards, the guys are also looking for such people!