These are some presentations Daniel has done that are preserved on video. You'll find many more on Daniel's Youtube channel.

56 minutes, 2022-08-23
everything I know and learned about running and maintaining OpenSource projects for three decades

How to get started with libcurl
51 minutes, 2022-03-24
basic libcurl fundamentals and API design and explain how easily you can get your first transfers going in your own application

curl with Rust
41 minutes, 2022-01-31
curl is adding support for Rust components. Why and how it will work. We will also find out how this impacts curl and its further usage at Rust Linz 22

Curl runs on all your devices
1h19m, 2021-06-17
From a few hundered lines of code in the 90s, to running in all Internet- connected devices on the globe. This is the story of how curl conquered the world at NLUUG vEvent

Landing code in curl
54 minutes, 2020-08-13
how to get your first code contribution merged into the curl code repository

testing curl for security
44 minutes, 2020-07-02
learn what we do to ensure the highest level of security for cURL and libcURL

Why everyone is using curl and you should too
40 minutes, 2020-01-21
Who uses curl and why they do it

HTTP/3 is next Generation HTTP. Is it QUIC enough?
43 minutes, 2019-11-19
HTTP/3 and QUIC explained at GOTO Copenhagen 2019

just curl it
28 minutes, 2019-10-22 [slides]
How to use curl, including some tricks you might have missed and some things you should avoid. at Nordic APIs

HTTP/3 - HTTP over QUIC is the next generation
40 minutes, 2019-09-06 [slides]
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol. at Fullstackfest 2019

HTTP/3 is coming soon
60 minutes, 2019-05-10
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development within the QUIC working group in the IETF.

Writing safe and secure code
22 minutes, 2019-04-09 [slides]
With experiences from the curl project, Daniel talks about how to write safe and secure code to run in every portable device on the planet at FOSS-North 2019

HTTP/3 is the next coming HTTP version
1 hour, 2019-02-02 [slides]
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development at FOSDEM 2019

DNS-over-HTTPS - the good, the bad and the ugly
45 minutes, 2019-02-02 [slides]
DNS over HTTPS introduces a new transport protocol to do secure and private DNS messaging at FOSDEM 2019

HTTP/3 is the next coming HTTP version
1h34, 2019-01-23
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development at Goto 10

41 minutes, 2017-11-18 [slides]
A recap on what HTTP/2 brought that HTTP/1 couldn't offer at DevFest CZ 2017

3 minutes, 2017-10-23
Swedish-speaking (with subtitles) explanation of what curl is at the Polhem Prize 2017 awards

HTTP/2: Never Gonna Give You Up
1h04, 2017-05-11
Where HTTP is today, what HTTP/2 is and where to go next. In Swedish at Tech Day by Init 2016

Web transport, today and tomorrow
28 minutes, 2017-04-13
Web transport, today and tomorrow at Netnod spring meeting 2017

You know what's cool? Running on billions of devices
50 minutes, 2017-02-04 [slides]
All about curl, from inception to being everywhere at FOSDEM 2017

HTTP/2 is upon us, what you need to know about it
1h15, 2016-04-12
HTTP/2 is the new version of the web's and the Internet's most important and widely used protocol at Google Tech Talk Meetup

47 minutes, 2015-10-15
HTTP/2 is the new version of the web's most important and used protocol. RFC 7540 shipped and is right now getting deployed across the Internet at GOTO Copenhagen 2015

curl - a hobby project with a billion users
1h11, 2015-08-26 [slides]
curl is like a swiss army-knife for HTTP and internet transfers. Daniel takes us through how it started, how it works and why it never gets done at Google Tech Talk Meetup

Internet all the things - using curl in your device
26 minutes, 2015-02-01 [slides]
libcurl is the world's most used and most popular internet transfer library, already used in every imaginable sort of embedded device out there at FOSDEM 2015