I’ve played around with a possible new design for the libssh2 web site and I’ve put it up on libssh2.haxx.se for everyone to play around with and comment (on the libssh2-devel list please).
The original and actual home page for the project is still over at www.libssh2.org but I’m not happy with that because of a few things:
The wiki duplicates info that we these days write in man pages and hardly anyone updates the wiki so it lags behind or just contains false or outdated info. I also think having the entire site a wiki a bit problematic for things like menus and generic site layout etc.
I want daily snapshots, web versions of the man pages and mailing list archives to be somewhat integrated in the site to be easier to find.
I already hosted libssh2-related stuff anyway so I’ve just packaged it in a slightly more friendly way. In my view.
What do you think?