c-ares 1.7.0

The first c-ares release so far in 2009 took place today when we shipped c-ares 1.7.0 and uploaded it to the web site.

News this time include:

  • Added ares_library_init() and ares_library_cleanup()
  • Added ares_parse_srv_reply(), ares_parse_txt_reply() and ares_free_data()
  • in6_addr is not used in ares.h anymore, but a private ares_in6_addr is
    instead declared and used
  • ares_gethostbyname() now supports ‘AF_UNSPEC’ as a family for resolving
    either AF_INET6 or AF_INET
  • a build-time configured ares_socklen_t is now used instead of socklen_t
  • new –enable-curldebug configure option
  • ARES_ECANCELLED is now sent as reason for ares_cancel()
  • new –enable-symbol-hiding configure option
  • new Makefile.msvc for any MSVC compiler or MS Visual Studio version
  • addrttl and addr6ttl structs renamed to ares_addrttl and ares_addr6ttl
  • naming convention for libraries built with MSVC, see README.msvc

The set of bugfixes done include these:

  • ares_parse_*_reply() functions now return ARES_EBADRESP instead of
    ARES_EBADNAME if the name in the response failed to decode
  • only expose/export symbols starting with ‘ares_’
  • fix \Device\TCP handle leaks triggered by buggy iphlpapi.dll
  • init without internet gone no longer fails
  • out of bounds memory overwrite triggered with malformed /etc/hosts file
  • function prototypes in man pages out of sync with ares.h

As usual, c-ares would be nothing without the fierce and skillful help provided by a team of volunteer hackers. We always need more help and assitance, join the c-ares mailing list and join in the fun!
