Firefox OS Flatfish Bluedroid fix

Hey, when I just built my own Firefox OS (b2g) image for my Firefox OS Tablet (flatfish) straight from the latest sources, I ran into this (known) problem:

Can't find necessary file(s) of Bluedroid in the backup-flatfish folder.
Please update the system image for supporting Bluedroid (Bug-986314),
so that the needed binary files can be extracted from your flatfish device.

So, as I struggled to figure out the exact instructions on how to proceed from this, I figured I should jot down what I did in the hopes that it perhaps will help a fellow hacker at some point:

  1. Download the 3 *.img files from the dropbox site that is referenced from bug 986314.
  2. Download the script from the same dropbox place
  3. Make sure you have ‘fastboot’ installed (I’m mentioning this here because it turned out I didn’t and yet I have already built and flashed my Flame phone successfully without having it). “apt-get install android-tools-fastboot” solved it for me. Note that if it isn’t installed, the script will claim that the device is not in fastboot mode and stop with an error message saying so.
  4. Finally: run the script “./ [dir with the 3 .img files]”
  5. Once it has succeeded, the tablet reboots
  6. Remove the backup-flatfish directory in the build dir.
  7. Restart the flatfish build again and now it should get passed that Bluedroid nit
