Tag Archives: c-ares

Projects in need of your help

I’m involved in numerous projects, and a subset of them take a lot of my “copious” spare time. This has the unfortunate downside that a few other projects get left behind a bit. Projects that also really could use with some more attention and improvements. Two of the most obvious examples of this are c-ares and libssh2. Coincidentally, both of these projects are also used by libcurl (although of course also by others).

c-ares is a library that performs asynchronous DNS lookups. It is quite mature and functional already, as it is based on the ares project and has been proved in use for quite some time. There are currently one or two issues that have appeared recently when the Debian project tried to provide the curl package built with c-ares…

libssh2 is a client library for talking SSH2 with servers. There are actually not very many SSH libraries “out there”, and in an evaluation I did a few years ago libssh2 was the best one around. libcurl uses libssh2 for SCP and SFTP transfers, and it (libssh2) does suffer from a few API flaws, a few bugs and perhaps most noticably it is significantly slower than the openssh tools in just about all transfer tests.

I’m still highly involved in both of these projects, but lack of time prevents me from participating as much as I’d like to.

c-ares 1.5.0

SONAME bump and more is included in the fresh new c-ares release, when the changes from the Google camp was incorporated. There have also been a fair bunch of bug fixes that should make this the best c-ares version so far.

There are some indications c-ares is coming to Debian. It seems to already be packaged and made available for at least Fedora, Gentoo, OpenSuse and more…

Update: I quickly released a 1.5.1 since I messed up with the 1.5.0 which didn’t build out of the tarball…