Bring your stuff here, and they brick it for you? Or should we take our already bricked stuff there?
Another lovely sign. This one is from Kista C and this actually means “tray station” here as where you bring your tray after you’re done with your meal. Technology-damaged as I am, I can only think of… brick.
I thought that I’d just complete my recent series of talking about (possible) upcoming Rockbox ports, even though the guys working on this already have been in progress for a while.
This target is quite different than the (already supported) Gigabeat F and X series, and is in fact more like a Zune (claimed to be based on this hardware).
Anyway, Gigabeat S has a 530MHz CPU with FPU, 2.4″ 320×240 LCD, 30 or 60GB disk and it runs a Windows(!) edition.
As all Gigabeat players, this is notoriously hard to get your hands on, especially in Europe.
curl, open source and networking