I have two kids, aged two and five. In our home I get to see a fair amount of animated movies, and yes most of them are run over and over again as the kids for some reason like to see the same movie endless number of times.
Anyway, what does a man like me do when he sees the same movies many times? He spots inconsistencies and patterns. My wife can get annoyed at times when I for example remark on how Nemo can get back to the main tank when the only way back is a pipe stuffed with a plant, in Finding Nemo.
Or the fact that Dinoco is both the name of a gas station in Toy Story I and the name of the racing team in Cars.
More recently I detected a bigger pattern that collides a bit with myself:
A113 is on the license plate of Andy’s mother’s car as visible towards the end of Toy Story I.

A113 in The Incredibles it is the conference room number where our main hero Bob is supposed to meet someone at that special island, only to get end up getting in fight with the big spider robot thing.
A113 shows up on a screen in Wall-e as some kind of instruction from the huge Axiom ship’s computer.
A113 is marked on the “electricity cabinet” outside my house! (see picture below)

Yeah, and once I had all this tracked down and it felt a bit strange I typed A113 into that search engine thing and of course I got to learn everything about A113…