Tag Archives: movies

curl sighting: Silk Road

In the 2021 movie Silk Road, at around 19:23-19:26 into the film we can see Ross Ulbricht, the lead character, write a program on his laptop that uses curl. A few seconds we get a look at the screen as Ross types on the keyboard and explains to the female character who says I didn’t know you know how to code that he’s teaching himself to write code.

The code

Let’s take a look at the code on the screen. This is PHP code using the well known PHP/CURL binding. The URL on the screen on line two has really bad contrast, but I believe this is what it says:

  $ch = curl_init("http://silkroadvb5pzir.onion");
  $ch = curl_init();
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY,                
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, 7);
  $output = curl_exec($ch);
  $curl_error = curl_error($ch);

.onion is a TLD for websites on Tor so this seems legit as it a URL for this purpose could look like this. But then Ross confuses matters a little. He uses two curl_init() calls, one that sets a URL and then again a call without a URL. He could just have removed line three and four. This doesn’t prohibit the code from working, it just wouldn’t have passed a review.

The code then sets a proxy to use for the transfer, specified as an HTTP URL which is a little odd since the proxy type he then sets on the line below is 7, the number corresponding to CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME – so not a HTTP proxy at all but a SOCKS5 proxy. The typical way you access Tor: as a SOCKS5 proxy to which you pass the host name, as opposed to resolving the host name locally.

The last line is incomplete but should ultimately be curl_close($ch); to close the handle after use.

All in all a seemingly credible piece of code, especially if we consider it as a work in progress code. The minor mistakes would be soon be fixed.


Viktor Szakats spotted this and sent me the screenshot above. Thanks!

Another wget reference was Bourne

wget-is-not-a-crimeBack in 2013, it came to light that Wget was used to to copy the files private Manning was convicted for having leaked. Around that time, EFF made and distributed stickers saying wget is not a crime.

Weirdly enough, it was hard to find a high resolution version of that image today but I’m showing you a version of it on the right side here.

In the 2016 movie Jason Bourne, Swedish actress Alicia Vikander is seen working on her laptop at around 1:16:30 into the movie and there’s a single visible sticker on that laptop. Yeps, it is for sure the same EFF sticker. There’s even a very brief glimpse of the top of the red EFF dot below the “crime” word.


Also recall the wget occurance in The Social Network.

News flash! Tech terms used almost correctly!

Ok, The Social Network isn’t a new movie by any means at this time, but I happened to see it the other day. I’ll leave the entire story and whatever facts or not it did or didn’t portrait in a correct manner.

But I did spot the use of several at least basic technical terms used in the beginning that struck me as amazingly correctly used! The movie character Mark actually used wget to download images (at about 10:05 into the movie), and as you can see on my first screenshot the initial keystrokes we get to see on the command line also actually resembles a correct wget command line. You can click on these images to get a slightly larger version of the pics. I’m sorry I couldn’t get any higher quality ones, but I figure the point is still the same!


After having invoked wget, as is explained he gets many pictures downloaded and what do you know, the screen output actually looks like it could’ve been a wget that has downloaded a couple of files:


He also mentioned the terms ‘Apache’, ’emacs’ and ‘perl scripts’ in complete and correct sentences.

Where is the world heading?!

Update: Hrvoje Niksic, the founder of wget, helped out with some additional observations:

The options looked right to me, something like -r -A.jpg …

I was wondering about the historical accuracy of the progress bar, but it checks out. The movie takes place about a year and a half after the release of Wget 1.8, which added the feature. The department that takes care of these things did a good job. 🙂


I have two kids, aged two and five. In our home I get to see a fair amount of animated movies, and yes most of them are run over and over again as the kids for some reason like to see the same movie endless number of times.

Anyway, what does a man like me do when he sees the same movies many times? He spots inconsistencies and patterns. My wife can get annoyed at times when I for example remark on how Nemo can get back to the main tank when the only way back is a pipe stuffed with a plant, in Finding Nemo.

Or the fact that Dinoco is both the name of a gas station in Toy Story I and the name of the racing team in Cars.

More recently I detected a bigger pattern that collides a bit with myself:

A113 is on the license plate of Andy’s mother’s car as visible towards the end of Toy Story I.

A113 in The Incredibles it is the conference room number where our main hero Bob is supposed to meet someone at that special island, only to get end up getting in fight with the big spider robot thing.

A113 shows up on a screen in Wall-e as some kind of instruction from the huge Axiom ship’s computer.

A113 is marked on the “electricity cabinet” outside my house! (see picture below)

Yeah, and once I had all this tracked down and it felt a bit strange I typed A113 into that search engine thing and of course I got to learn everything about A113

Neuros OSD 2.0

For you who are into things like open source hardware for your videos, it can be interesting to note Neuros‘ recent posting of their planned specs for their upcoming OSD 2.0 player that I guess then will replace the current Neuros OSD model.Neuros OSD 2.0

In hard techy interesting terms: they plan to upgrade to Texas Instruments Davinci 6446 chipset, which is a 300MHz ARM9 with a C64x DSP core embedded. Pretty much like the existing DM320 one, but it seems with a great deal of more horse power under the hood. Given their specs paper, it will support a lot of formats and at least partially up to HD resolutions. It’ll also support internal harddrive and offer 256MB RAM and 256MB internal NAND flash.

Personally I don’t care that much as I don’t even have analogue TV and don’t download/have many movies to watch and my existing DVB-T box has fine recording abilities and my DVD is good enough for my kids to repeatedly watch the same animated films over and over and over…

Oh btw, if this sounds like your kind of backyard and other things combine well, Neuros is hiring Linux developers for what I believe is this hardware.

(sorry for the crappy quality of the pic but I nicked it from the PDF)

The Bourne Nmap

Over at insecure.org we can read about nmap‘s appearance in The Bourne Ultimatum (IMDB) movie and they also show two screenshots, out of which I’ll show you one:

I couldn’t resist trying to resolve the host name in there, only to find that telservice.net is a Korean company/network (which kind of makes it less likely to have the address of the Guardian UK – supposedly the hacking target in the movie) and of course the specific host name in this shot doesn’t resolve and the IP address showing isn’t belonging to telservice.net… Wow, who could’ve guessed that? 😉

And yeah, I’m jealous. I want one of the projects I participate in to appear in movies too!

3gp movies on Debian

Sony Ericsson w580iI recently shot a little video with my phone (SE w580i) and when I copied it over to my Debian Linux box I of course immediately realized I had no video players that would show a 3GP film. Or rather, they all showed it but none of them played the sound! It seems the phone uses the ‘amr_nb‘ codec for audio, which is a non-free thing that my “Debian unstable” players (not very surprisingly) don’t have built-in support for…

Anyway, if you close your eyes for the problems with closed proprietary evil, I got pointed to the cool site www.debian-multimedia.org and then I could add the following line to my /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org unstable main

… and do a plain plain “apt-get update” and “apt-get dist-upgrade” and wham, my mplayer could now show the 3gp video with sound.Film and Sound icon

The only slightly quirk remaining is that I didn’t manage to transcode the movie with audio nicely with mencode, but I didn’t really spend enough time to figure out why.