I honestly don’t know what particular thing I did to get this, but GitHub gave me a 3D-printed steel version of my 2020 GitHub contribution “matrix”. You know that thing on your GitHub profile that normally looks something like this:

The gift package included this friendly note:
Hi @bagder,
As we welcome 2021, we want to thank and congratulate you on what you brought to 2020. Amidst the year’s challenges, you found time to continue giving back and contributing to the community.
Your hard work, care, and attention haven’t gone unnoticed.
Enclosed is your 2020 GitHub contribution graph, 3D printed in steel. You can also view it by pointing your browser to https://github.co/skyline. It tells a personal story only you can truly interpret.
Please accept this small gift as a token of appreciation on behalf of all of us here at GitHub, and everyone who benefits from your work.
Thank you and all the best for the year ahead!
With <3, from GitHub

I think I’ll put it under one of my screens here on my desk for now. The size is 145 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm. 438 grams.
Thanks GitHub!
Update: the print is done by shapeways.com
How did they even get your mailing address?
kats: Not very complicated. They emailed me and asked if I wanted this gift. I accepted and told them a shipping address…
You’re acting like this is a “gotcha” but GitHub has paid services. Obviously he uses them.
Cloverpi: I presume you refer to me when you say “he”. No, I don’t use any paid services on GitHub. (I’m member of teams there that do though.)
Awesome! It reminds me that I should contribute more 🙂
How does this compare to meeting the King?
LS: haha, well this was a very nice gift and I appreciate it a lot, but a full-fledged award and a gold medal from the hands of the Swedish king is hard to beat. I doubt I’ll ever experience something like that again…