I’m very happy to announce that the curl project is about to run our first ever curl meeting and developers conference.
March 18-19, Nuremberg Germany
Everyone interested in curl, libcurl and related matters is invited to participate. We only ask of you to register and pay the small fee. The fee will be used for food and more at the event.
You’ll find the full and detailed description of the event and the specific location in the curl wiki.
The agenda for the weekend is purposely kept loose to allow for flexibility and unconference-style adding things and topics while there. You will thus have the chance to present what you like and affect what others present. Do tell us what you’d like to talk about or hear others talk about! The sign-up for the event isn’t open yet, as we first need to work out some more details.
We have a dedicated mailing list for discussing the meeting, called curl-meet, so please consider yourself invited to join in there as well!
Thanks a lot to SUSE for hosting!
Feel free to help us make a cool logo for the event!

(The 19th birthday of curl is suitably enough the day after, on March 20.)