All posts by Daniel Stenberg

Buy your own standard from SIS

As Marcus Rejås blogged and has been mentioned already by mainstream “media” such as IDG, Microsoft and its allies managed to buy themselves a favorable vote from Sweden in the OOXML debacle.

For our Swedish readers, I can’t but to show this funny picture I found on the SIS web site:

The text in that circle on the right says “buy standards by clicking on your area”… and boy, did they!

(Updates: further Swedish details in DN and ekot.)

Blogging blogging

I’ve been “blogging” more or less for ages already (my first post on Advogato was in May 2000) but I thought it was about time I installed a proper blog software so that I could post my rants easier and possibly somewhat more often than what I’ve done in the past…

Ok, so this is a WordPress default install on Debian unstable and it was a fairly easy install once I found the “.deb” install procedure linked from WordPress’ site