I’ll be celebrating my 10th FOSDEM when I travel down to Brussels again in early February 2019. That’s ten years in a row. It’ll also be the 6th year I present something there, as I’ve done these seven talks in the past:
My past FOSDEM appearances
2010. I talked Rockbox in the embedded room.
2011. libcurl, seven SSL libs and one SSH lib in the security room.
2015. Internet all the things – using curl in your device. In the embedded room.
2015. HTTP/2 right now. In the Mozilla room.
2016. an HTTP/2 update. In the Mozilla room.
2017. curl. On the main track.
2017. So that was HTTP/2, what’s next? In the Mozilla room.
DNS over HTTPS – the good, the bad and the ugly
On the main track, in Janson at 15:00 on Saturday 2nd of February.
DNS over HTTPS (aka “DoH”, RFC 8484) introduces a new transport protocol to do secure and private DNS messaging. Why was it made, how does it work and how users are free (to resolve names).
The presentation will discuss reasons why DoH was deemed necessary and interesting to ship and deploy and how it compares to alternative technologies that offer similar properties. It will discuss how this protocol “liberates” users and offers stronger privacy (than the typical status quo).
How to enable and start using DoH today.
It will also discuss some downsides with DoH and what you should consider before you decide to use a random DoH server on the Internet.
In the Mozilla room, at 11:30 on Saturday 2nd of February.
HTTP/3 is the next coming HTTP version.
This time TCP is replaced by the new transport protocol QUIC and things are different yet again! This is a presentation about HTTP/3 and QUIC with a following Q&A about everything HTTP. Join us at Goto 10.
HTTP/3 is the designated name for the coming next version of the protocol that is currently under development within the QUIC working group in the IETF.
HTTP/3 is designed to improve in areas where HTTP/2 still has some shortcomings, primarily by changing the transport layer. HTTP/3 is the first major protocol to step away from TCP and instead it uses QUIC. I’ll talk about HTTP/3 and QUIC. Why the new protocols are deemed necessary, how they work, how they change how things are sent over the network and what some of the coming deployment challenges will be.
DNS Privacy panel
In the DNS room, at 11:55 on Sunday 3rd of February.
This isn’t strictly a prepared talk or presentation but I’ll still be there and participate in the panel discussion on DNS privacy. I hope to get most of my finer points expressed in the DoH talk mentioned above, but I’m fully prepared to elaborate on some of them in this session.
I suspect the http/3 and dns security rooms will be packed. Next year someone should just propose a “Daniel” track in Janson!
Yes, I think those rooms have a very high risk of getting packed. The DNS room claims a capacity of just 80 and the Mozilla room fits 174…
the external factor evaluation matrix will definitely be useful to you in the future