Tag Archives: HTTP/3

curl HTTP/3 security audit

An external security audit focused especially on curl’s HTTP/3 components and associated source code was recently concluded by Trail of Bits. In particular on the HTTP/3 related curl code that uses and interfaces the ngtcp2 and nghttp3 libraries, as that is so far the only HTTP/3 backend in curl that is not labeled as experimental. The audit was sponsored by the Sovereign Tech Fund via OSTIF.

The audit revealed no major discoveries or security problems but led to improved fuzzing and a few additional areas are noted as suitable to improve going forward. Maybe in particular in the fuzzing department. (If you’re looking for somewhere to contribute to curl, there’s your answer!)

The audit revealed that we had accidentally drastically shrunk the fuzzing coverage a while back without even noticing – which we of course immediately rectified. When fixed, we fortunately did not get an explosion in issues (phew!), which thus confirmed that we had not messed up in any particular way while the fuzzing ability had been limited. But still: several man weeks of professional code inspection and no serious flaws were detected. I am thrilled over this fact.

Because of curl’s use of third party libraries for doing QUIC and HTTP/3, the report advises that there should be follow-up audits of the involved libraries. Fair proposal, but that is of course something that is beyond what we as a project can do.

Trail of Bits is professional and a pleasure to work with. Now having done it twice, I have nothing but good things to say about the team we have worked with.

From curl’s side, I would like to also highlight and thank Stefan Eissing and Dan Fandrich for participating in the process.

The full report is available on the curl website, here.

The third

This is (quite fittingly since it is for HTTP/3) the third external security audit performed on curl source code, even if this was more limited in scope than the previous ones done in 2016 and 2022. Quite becomingly, the amount of detected important issues have decreased for every new audit. We love scrutiny and we take security seriously. I think this shows in the audit reports.


OSTIF’s blog about the audit.


The top image is a mashup of the official curl logo and the official IETF HTTP/3 logo. Done by me.

Selecting HTTP version (three)

The latest HTTP version is called HTTP/3 and is being transferred over QUIC instead of the old classic TCP+TLS duo.

An attempt of an architectural drawing could look like this:

HTTP network stacks

Remember: experimental

HTTP/3 support in curl is still experimental so we do reserve the right to change names, behavior and functionality during development.

We aim to remove this experimental label from HTTP/3 support during the spring of 2023.

HTTP/3 is for HTTPS only

Before we dig into the details of this, remember that HTTP/3 can and will only be used for HTTPS:// URLs. It is always encrypted and there is no way to do HTTP/3 over clear text. Asking to do HTTP/3 with a HTTP:// URL is therefor a non-starter. An error.

Cannot upgrade a connection

When HTTP/2 was introduced to the world, there was a companion TLS extension created called ALPN that allows a client to ask for HTTP/2 to be used. This is a very convenient and slick way for a client to mostly transparently upgrade from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 over the same connection. No penalty or extra time wasted even.

With HTTP/3, the procedure cannot be done in the same easy way. As my fancy picture above shows, HTTP/3 requires a separate QUIC connection done to the host. A connection that uses HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 cannot be upgraded to HTTP/3. The client needs to make a separate, dedicated connection for HTTP/3.

(Since QUIC is done over UDP, HTTP/3 also uses a different port number space than the earlier HTTP versions.)

If the QUIC connection fails, it means there can be no HTTP/3 and then a client might instead select to try an older HTTP version over another connection.


The original and official (according to the HTTP/3 RFC) way of bootstrapping a transfer into HTTP/3 is done like this:

A client makes a request using HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 to a server and in its response headers, the server indicates that it supports HTTP/3 by including an Alt-Svc: header with details on where and how to connect to the HTTP/3 server – and also for how long into the future this information is valid.

The client can then make its next HTTP operation against that server with HTTP/3 to the above mentioned host name and port number. So unless this info was already cached, a client needs an initial “upgrade” round-trip before it can use HTTP/3. Also, many clients/browsers will rather prefer to reuse the existing initial (HTTP/2 or HTTP/1-using) connection for subsequent requests rather than creating a new one since that might be faster.

Thus, the upgrading to HTTP/3 might not happen until some time has passed that allow the initial connection to close.

curl supports alt-svc and can upgrade to HTTP/3 using it.

Alt-Svc replacement

There are some inherent problems with this header and server operators do not like it. A working group set out to fix its problems have rather suggested a new header, alt-svcb, to replace it. This header looks simpler, partly because it is made to lean on another newcomer in the game: the HTTPS DNS records.

HTTPS records

This is a proposed new DNS record which can contain information about a server’s support for (among other things) HTTP/3, called HTTPS. Called a DNS RR, where RR is Resource Record. A field of information stored in DNS.

Yes, the name of this DNS record makes discussions a little confusing as HTTPS is otherwise generally a URL scheme or perhaps even a “protocol”.

A client can use DNS to figure out if and where it should try HTTP/3 or an older HTTP version when speaking to a particular host by using this HTTPS record. This is not yet an official standard and the RFC is not finalized, but there are servers out there deploying it already and there are clients/browsers taking advantage of it.

curl does not support HTTPS records yet, but we have a rough plan for how to do it.

Just try it

During curl’s several years of having offered experimental HTTP/3 support, we have provided an option for the user to ask it to use HTTP/3 directly against the host mentioned in the URL. Known as --http3 for the command line tool.

Going forward, this option is going to remain an option to ask curl to speak HTTP/3 with the server in the URL but it will also allow curl to fallback to an earlier HTTP version in case of QUIC problems. See below for details on exactly how.

Starting now, we also introduce a new separate option to ask for exactly and only HTTP/3 without any fallback. We expect this to be less commonly used by users. This option for the command line is currently called --http3-only.

Happy eyeballs everything!

We want users to be able to ask for HTTP/3 with a fallback to an earlier HTTP version if needed. The option should start as an opt-in but with the expectation that maybe in a future it can become a default.

Challenges involve:

  1. A not insignificant share of QUIC attempts are blocked when the company/organization from which the attempt is made does not allow them.
  2. Sometimes UDP is just slowed down (a lot)
  3. HTTP/3 is still only deployed in a fraction of all servers

This is how we envision to do it:

  1. Start an HTTP/3 attempt
  2. If it has not connected successfully within N milliseconds, start an HTTP/2 attempt in parallel. (That can become an HTTP/1 transfer depending what the server supports.)
  3. The first successful connect wins and the other one is discarded.

For each of these separate attempts, IPv6/IPv4 is also selected in the same kind of race against each other to pick the one that connects first. Potentially making up to four parallel connect attempts going on at the same time: QUIC-IPv6, QUIC-IPv4, TCP-IPv6 and TCP-IPv4!

I made a little drawing to visualize how the different connect attempts then might get initiated:

Multi-layered happy eyeballs

This is planned

I just want to be clear: this is what we plan to make work going forward. The code does not actually work like this just yet.


In a slightly longer plan, before this feature is removed from its experimental state, we will probably remove both --http3 and --http3-only from the command line tool and instead create a more generic --http-versions options to maybe replace a lot of HTTP selection options. The exact functionality and syntax for this is yet to be worked out.

The underlying libcurl options might still remain as described in this blog post though.

curl -w certs

When a client connects to a TLS server it gets sent one or more certificates during the handshake.

Those certificates are verified by the client, to make sure that the server is indeed the right one: the server the client expects it to be; no impostor and no man in the middle etc.

When such a server certificate is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA), that CA’s certificate is normally not sent by the server but the client is expected to have it already in its CA store.

What certs?

Ever since the day SSL and TLS first showed up in the 1990s user have occasionally wanted to be able to save the certificates provided by the server in a TLS handshake.

The openssl tool has offered this ability since along time and is actually one of my higher ranked stackoverflow answers.

Export the certificates with the tool first, and then in subsequent transfers you can tell curl to use those certificates as a CA store:

$ echo quit | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect curl.se:443 > cacert.pem
$ curl --cacert cacert.pem https://curl.se/

This is of course most convenient when that server is using a self-signed certificate or something otherwise unusual.

(WARNING: The above shown example is an insecure way of reaching the host, as it does not detect if the host is already MITMed at the time when the first command runs. Trust On First Use.)


A downside with the approach above is that it requires the openssl tool. Albeit, not a big downside for most people.

There are also alternative tools provided by wolfSSL and GnuTLS etc that offer the same functionality.


Over the last few years we have seen a huge increase in number of servers that run QUIC and HTTP/3, and tools like curl and all the popular browsers can communicate using this modern set of protocols.

OpenSSL cannot. They decided to act against what everyone wanted, and as a result the openssl tool also does not support QUIC and therefore it cannot show the certificates used for a HTTP/3 site!

This is an inconvenience to users, including many curl users. I decided I could do something about it.


Already back in 2016 we added a feature to libcurl that enables it to return a list of certificate information back to the application, including the certificate themselves in PEM format. We call the option CURLOPT_CERTINFO.

We never exposed this feature in the command line tool and we did not really see the need as everyone could use the openssl tool etc fine already.

Until now.

curl -w is your friend

curl supports QUIC and HTTP/3 since a few years back, even if still marked as experimental. Because of this, the above mentioned CURLOPT_CERTINFO option works fine for that protocol version as well.

Using the –write-out (-w) option and the new variables %{certs} and %{num_certs} curl can now do what you want. Get the certificates from a server in PEM format:

$ curl https://curl.se -w "%{certs}" -o /dev/null > cacert.pem
$ curl --cacert cacert.pem https://curl.se/

You can of course also add --http3 to the command line if you want, and if you like to get the certificates from a server with a self-signed one you may want to use --insecure. You might consider adding --head to avoid the response body. This command line uses -o to write the content to /dev/null because it does not care about that data.

The %{num_certs} variable shows the number of certificates returned in the handshake. Typically one or two but can be more.

%{certs} outputs the certificates in PEM format together with a number of other details and meta data about the certificates in a “name: value” format.


These new -w variables are only supported if curl is built with a supported TLS backend: OpenSSL/libressl/BoringSSL/quictls, GnuTLS, Schannel, NSS, GSKit and Secure Transport.

Support for these new -w variables has been merged into curl’s master branch and is scheduled to be part of the coming release of curl version 7.88.0 on February 15th, 2023.

Workshop season 5 episode 2

Day one was awesome. Now we take the next step.

The missing people

During the discussions today it was again noticeable that apart from some specific individuals we also lack people in the room from prominent “players” in this area such as Chrome developers or humans with closer knowledge of how larger content deliverer work such as Netflix. Or what about a search engine person?

Years ago Chrome was represented well and the Apple side of the world was weak, but the situation seems to have been totally reversed by now.

The day

Mike Bishop talked about the complexities of current internet. Redirects before, during, after. HTTPS records. Alt-svc. Alt-SvcB. Use the HTTPS record for that alternative name.

This presentation triggered a long discussion on how to do things, how things could be done in a future and how the different TTLs in this scenario should or could interact. How to do multi-CDN, how to interact with DNS and what happens if a CDN wants to disable QUIC?

A very long discussion that mostly took us all back to square one in the end. The alt-svcb proposal as is.

Alan Frindell talked about HTTP priorities. What it is (only within connections, it has to be more than one thing and it something goes faster something else needs to go slower, re-prioritization takes a RTT/2 for a client to take effect), when to prioritize (as late as possible, for h2 just before committing to TCP).

Prioritizing images in Meta’s apps. On screen, close, not close. Guess first, then change priority once it knows better. An experiment going on is doing progressive images. Change priority of image transfers once they have received a certain amount. Results and conclusions are pending.

Priority within a single video. An important clue to successful priority handling seems to be more content awareness in the server side. By knowing what is being delivered, the server can make better decisions without the client necessarily having to say anything.


I had Thai food. It was good.


Lucas Pardue talked about in HTTP vs tunneling over HTTP. Layers and layers of tunneling and packets within packets. Then Oblivious HTTP, another way of tunneling data and HTTP over HTTP. Related document: RFC 9297 – HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol. Example case on the Cloudflare blog.

Mark Nottingham talked on Structured Field Values for HTTP and the Retrofit Structured Fields for HTTP.

Who is doing SF libraries and APIs? Do we need an SF schema?

SF compression? Mark’s experiment makes it pretty much on par with HPACK.

Binary SF. Takes ~40% less time parsing in Mark’s experiment. ~10% larger in size (for now).

The was expressed interest in continuing this experimenting going forward. Reducing the CPU time for header parsing is considered valuable.

Sebastian Poreba talked “Networking in your pocket” about the challenges and architectures of mobile phone and smartwatch networking. Connection migration is an important property of QUIC that is attractive in the mobile world. H3 is good.

A challenge is to keep the modem activity off as much as possible and do network activities when the modem is already on.


My very important duties during these days also involved spending time in pubs and drinking beers with this awesome group of people. This not only delayed my blog post publish times a little, but it might also have introduced an ever so slight level of “haziness” into the process and maybe, just maybe, my recollection of the many details from the day is not exactly as detailed as it could otherwise have been.

That’s just the inevitable result of me sacrificing myself for the team. I did it for us all. You’re welcome.

Another full day

Another day fully packed with HTTP details from early to late. From 9am in the morning until 11pm in the evening. I’m having a great time. Tomorrow is the last day. I’ll let you know what happens then.

QUIC and HTTP/3 with wolfSSL

Disclaimer: I work for wolfSSL but I don’t speak for wolfSSL. I state my own opinions and I try to be as honest and transparent as possible. As always.


Back in the summer of 2020 I blogged about QUIC support coming in wolfSSL. That work never actually took off, primarily I believe because the team kept busy with other projects and tasks that had more customer focus and interest and yeah, there was not really any noticeable customer demand for QUIC with wolfSSL.

Time passed.

On July 21 2022, Stefan Eissing submitted his work on introducing a QUIC API and after reviews and updates, it was merged into the wolfSSL master branch on August 9th.

The QUIC API is planned to appear “for real” in a coming wolfSSL release version. Until then, we can play with what is available in git.

Let me be clear here: the good people at wolfSSL has not decided to write a full QUIC implementation, because that would be insane when so many good alternatives are already being worked on. This is just a set of new functions to allow wolfSSL to be used as TLS component when a QUIC stack is created.

Having QUIC support in wolfSSL is just one (but important) step along the way as it makes it possible to use wolfSSL to build a QUIC implementation but there are some more steps needed to turn this baby into full HTTP/3.


Luckily, ngtcp2 exists and it is an established QUIC implementation that was written to be TLS agnostic from the beginning. This “only” needs adaptions provided to make sure it can be built and used with wolSSL as the TLS provider.

Stefan brought wolfSSL support to ngtcp2 in this PR. Merged on August 13th.


nghttp3 is the HTTP/3 library that uses ngtcp2 for QUIC, so once ngtcp2 supports wolfSSL we can use nghttp3 to do HTTP/3.


curl can (as one of the available options) get built to use nghttp3 for HTTP/3, and if we just make sure we use an underlying ngtcp2 built to use a wolfSSL version with QUIC support, we can now do proper curl HTTP/3 transfers powered by wolfSSL.

Stefan made it possible to build curl with the wolfSSL+ngtcp2 combo in this PR. Merged on August 15th.

Available HTTP/3 components

With this new ecosystem addition, the chart of HTTP/3 components for curl did not get any easier to parse!

If you start by selecting which HTTP/3 library (or maybe I should call it HTTP/3 vertical) to use when building, there are three available options to go with: quiche, msh3 or nghttp3. Depending on that choice, the QUIC library is given. quiche does QUIC as well, but the two other HTTP/3 libraries use dedicated QUIC libraries (msquic and ngtcp2 respectively).

Depending on which QUIC solution you use, there is a limited selection of TLS libraries to use. The image above shows TLS libraries that curl also supports for other protocols, meaning that if you pick one of those you can still use that curl build to for example do HTTPS for HTTP version 1 or 2.

TLS options

If you instead rather pick TLS library first, only quictls and BoringSSL are supported by all QUIC libraries (quictls is an OpenSSL fork with a BoringSSL-like QUIC API patched in). If you rather build curl to use Schannel (that’s the native Windows TLS API), GnuTLS or wolfSSL you have also indirectly chosen which QUIC and HTTP/3 libraries to use.


ngtcp2 supports Picotls shown in orange in the image above because that is a TLS 1.3-only library that is not supported for other TLS operations within curl. If you build curl and opt to go with a ngtcp2 build using Picotls for QUIC, you would need to have use an second TLS library for other TLS-using protocols. This is possible, but is rarely what users prefer.

No OpenSSL option

It should probably be especially highlighted that the plain vanilla OpenSSL is not an available option. Primarily because they decided that the already created API was not good enough for them so they will instead work on implementing their own QUIC library to be released at some point in the future. That also implies that if we want to build curl to do HTTP/3 with OpenSSL in the future, we probably need to add support for a forth QUIC library – and someone would also have to write a HTTP/3 library to use OpenSSL for QUIC.

Why wolfSSL adding QUIC is good for HTTP/3

People in general want to build applications and infrastructure using released, official and supported libraries and the sad truth is that there is a clear shortage in such TLS libraries with QUIC support.

In your typical current Linux distribution, quictls and BoringSSL are usually not viable options. The first since it is an OpenSSL fork not many even ship as a package and the second because it is done by Google for Google and they don’t do releases and generally care little for outside-Google users.

For the situations where those two TLS options are out of the game, the image above shows you the grim reality: your HTTP/3 options are limited. On Windows you can go with msh3 since it can use Schannel there, but on non-Windows you can only use ngtcp2/nghttp3 and before this wolfSSL support the only TLS option was GnuTLS.

For many embedded solutions, or even FIPS requirements, wolfSSL is now the only viable option for doing HTTP/3 with curl.

New HTTP core specs

Before this, the latest refreshed specification of HTTP/1.1 was done in the RFC 7230 series, published in June 2014. After that, HTTP/2 was done in the spring of 2015 and recently the HTTP/3 spec has been a work in progress.

To better reflect this new world of multiple HTTP versions and an HTTP protocol ecosystem that has some parts that are common for all versions and some other parts that are specific for each particular version, the team behind this refresh has been working on this updated series.

My favorite documents in this “cluster” are:

HTTP Semantics

RFC 9110 basically describes how HTTP works independently of and across versions.


RFC 9112 replaces 7230.


RFC 9113 replaces 7540.


RFC 9114 is finally the version three of the protocol in a published specification.


Top image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay. The HTTP stack image is done by me, Daniel.

now on HTTP/3

The first mention of QUIC on this blog was back when I posted about the HTTP workshop of July 2015. Today, this blog is readable over the protocol QUIC subsequently would turn into. (Strictly speaking, it turned into QUIC + HTTP/3 but let’s not be too literal now.)

The other day Fastly announced that all their customers now can enable HTTP/3, and since this blog and the curl site are graciously running on the Fastly network I went ahead and enabled the protocol.

Within minutes and with almost no mistakes, I could load content over HTTP/3 using curl or browsers. Wooosh.

The name HTTP/3 wasn’t adopted until late 2018, and the RFC has still not been published yet. Some of the specifications for QUIC have however.

curling curl with h3

msh3 as the third h3 backend

With the brand new merged support for the msh3 library, curl now supports no less than three different HTTP/3 backends. It was merged into curl’s git repository on April 10.

When you build curl, you have the option to build it with HTTP/3 support enabled. The HTTP/3 support in curl is still considered experimental so it is still not enabled by default.

The HTTP/3 support in curl depends on the presence and support from third party libraries. You need to select and enable a specific HTTP/3 backend when you build curl. It has previously been doing HTTP/3 using either quiche or ngtcp2 + nghttp3. Starting now, there is yet another option to consider: the msh3 library.

The msh3 library itself uses msquic for doing QUIC. This is a multi platform library that uses Schannel for TLS when on Windows and OpenSSL/quictls for other platforms. The Schannel part probably makes solution this particularly interesting for curl users on Windows.

curl with rust

I did an online presentation with this name for the Rust Linz meetup, on January 27 2022. This is the recording:

The individual slides are also available.

Content quickly

In this presentation I talk about how libcurl’s most important aspect is the stable ABI and API. If we just maintain those, we can change the internals however we like.

libcurl has a system with build-time selected components, called backends. They are usually powered by third party libraries. With the recently added HTTP backend there are now seven “flavors” of backends.

A backend can be provided by a library written in rust, as long as that rust component provides a C interface that libcurl can use. When it does, it being rust or not is completely transparent and a non-issue for libcurl.

curl currently supports components written in rust for three different backends:

None of these backends are yet “feature complete”, but we are moving slowly towards that. Your help is appreciated!

The QUIC API OpenSSL will not provide

In a world that is now gradually adopting HTTP/3 (which, as you know, is implemented over QUIC), the problem with the missing API for QUIC is still a key problem.

There are a number of existing QUIC library implementation now since a few years back, and they are slowly maturing. The QUIC protocol became RFC 9000 and friends, but the most popular TLS libraries still don’t provide the necessary APIs to make QUIC libraries possible to use them.

Example that makes people want HTTP/3

Example tweet of what makes people keen on experimenting and deploying HTTP/3.

OpenSSL PR8797

For a long time, many people and projects (including yours truly) in the QUIC community were eagerly following the OpenSSL Pull Request 8797, which introduced the necessary QUIC APIs into OpenSSL. This change brought the same API to OpenSSL that BoringSSL already provides and as such the API has already been used and tested out by several independent implementations.

Implementations have a problem to ship to the world based on BoringSSL since that’s a TLS library without versions and proper releases, so it is not a good choice for the big wide world. OpenSSL is already the most widely used TLS library out there and lots of applications are already made to use that.

Delays made quictls happen

The OpenSSL PR8797 was delayed back in February 2020 on when the OpenSSL management committee (OMC) decreed that they would not deal with that PR until after their pending 3.0.0 release had shipped.

“It is our expectation that once the 3.0 release is done, QUIC will become a significant focus of our effort.”

OpenSSL then proceeded and their 3.0.0 release was delayed significantly compared to their initial time schedule.

In March 2021, Microsoft and Akamai announced quictls, an OpenSSL fork with the express idea to ship OpenSSL + the QUIC API. They didn’t want to wait for OpenSSL to do it.

Several QUIC libraries can now use quictls. quictls has kept their fork up to date and now offers the equivalent of OpenSSL 3.0.0 + the QUIC API.

While we’ve been waiting for OpenSSL to adopt the API.

OpenSSL makes a turn instead

Then came the next blow to everyone’s expectations. An autumn surprise. On October 13, the OpenSSL OMC announces:

The focus for the next releases is QUIC, with the objective of providing a fully functional QUIC implementation over a series of releases (2-3).

OpenSSL has decided to implement a complete QUIC stack on their own and with the given time line it sounds like it will take them a few years (?) to ship. And instead of providing the API lots of implementers have been been waiting for so long, they explicitly say that it is a non-goal at the start:

The MVP will not contain a library API for an HTTP/3 implementation (it is a non-goal of the initial release).

I didn’t write my own QUIC implementation but I’ve followed the work of several of the implementations fairly closely and it is fairly complicated journey they set out for themselves – for very unclear reasons. There already exist several high quality QUIC libraries, why does OpenSSL think they need to make yet another one? They seem to be overloaded with work already before, which the long delays of the 3.0.0 release seemed to show, how are they going to be able to add a complete new stack implementation of top of this? The future will tell.

PR8797 closed

On October 20 2021, the pull request that was created in April 2019, is finally closed for real as a “won’t fix”.

Screenshot of the actual closing of the PR

Where are we now?

The lack of a QUIC API in OpenSSL has held us back and with this move from OpenSSL, it will continue to hold us back for an uncertain amount of time going forward.

QUIC stacks will have to stick to using or switching to other libraries.

I’m disappointed.

James Snell, one of the key contributors on the QUIC and HTTP/3 work in nodejs tweeted:


Image by Marzena P. from Pixabay