After I watched a talk by Marcus Olsson about docs as code (at foss-sthlm on December 12 2019), I got inspired to provide links on the curl web site to make it easier for users to report bugs on documentation.
Starting today, there are two new links on the top right side of all libcurl API function call documentation pages.
File a bug about this page – takes the user directly to a new issue in the github issue tracker with the title filled in with the name of the function call, and the label preset to ‘documentation’. All there’s left is for the user to actually provide a description of the problem and pressing submit (and yeah, a github account is also required).
View man page source – instead takes the user over to browsing that particular man pages’s source file in the github source code repository.

Since this is also already live on the site, you can also browse the documentation there. Like for example the curl_easy_init man page.
If you find mistakes or omissions in the docs – no matter how big or small – feel free to try out these links!