Category Archives: Open Source

Open Source, Free Software, and similar

Rockbox on c200 and mi4code

Mark Arigo announced his successful port of Rockbox to the Sandisk Sansa c200 series, and following those footsteps MrH brought mi4code 1.0.1 with built-in keys for the most recent c200 firmwares.

While on the subject of mi4 based players: If you are the owner of a Sandisk Sansa e200R model, please help us out a bit by running e200tool on your target and get a dump of the i2c rom for us!

(Update: we got a dump, thanks. No need for more at this point.)

curl on Fedora uses NSS

I noticed curl on Fedora suddenly started using NSS for TLS/SSL, as I believe the first distro out there.

I’ve been under the impression that Debian is the only distro shipping it built with GnuTLS.

I must admit I enjoy seeing more use of curl’s wide support of various underlying technologies, and it also makes it more certain that they will remain working and even get improved as we go. When we add support for things and they never really end up getting used those features just risk serious bitrotting and slowly dying away when the code changes but nobody uses them.

curl plans autumn 2007

We enter feature-freeze on August 31 and we then fix remaining known issues for a week or two in September before we release 7.17.0.

The version number bump is this time mostly due to the new way of dealing with LDAP (being linked properly build-time instead of dlopening run-time like before) and the new LDAPS support. 7.17.0 also brings a brand new port to OS/400, it treats strings sent to curl_easy_setopt() differently and it builds and runs with recent libssh2 versions – that lib changed so much recently so that libcurl 7.16.4 can’t be built with libssh2 0.16 or later.

I am starting my paternity leave on October 1st to take care of Rex full-time, and I’m not sure at this point in time how much that’ll affect how much time and energy I’ll have for curl hacking, at least initially, so getting the curl release done before this seems like a good idea to me.

Edit: I should clarify that the “treats strings differently” means that libcurl will copy the strings passed to it, so that applications no longer need to keep them around until libcurl is done with them like they have been forced to up until < 7.17.0.

mi4code 1.0.0

MrH mailed me the latest version of mi4code that now incorporates proper support for the recent Sansa 1.03.07 firmware (claimed to be beta, only available from some unofficial sansa fan sites, such as, and I’ve uploaded it to the mi4code page.

Note that we still don’t advice anyone to actually use the unofficial 1.03 version as it has been reported to be bad in several aspects, such as the removal of MSC mode!

GPLv3 pains start now

rockbox Yeah, Rockbox ships as a GPLv2 licensed package, without the “or later” option for users to switch license at will. This has been all fine and dandy for a long time and Rockbox includes source from a busload of different other projects, licensed as GPLv2 and BSD etc.

Now, some of the projects Rockbox uses or wants to use are slowly turning GPLv3. First out being espeak, and the corresponding Rockbox patch for using it.

GPLv2 and GPLv3 are not compatible. We cannot ship binaries built with a mix of these licenses.

So, we’re now starting to see the real-world effects of the GPLv3 license. Slowly some projects are going v3, and we (as in the Rockbox project) must remain with their older v2 sources until we take the jump (more or less forced) to v3 – only to then have the reversed situation as then we can’t use projects that are licensed strictly GPLv2 (without the “or later”)…

Sigh. The world is a complicated place.