Tag Archives: release

curl 7.19.5

I’m happy to say that we’ve just shipped our 111th public release of curl and libcurl: 7.19.5

Notable changes this time include:

  • libcurl now closes all dead connections whenever you attempt to open a new connection
  • libssh2’s version number can now be figured out run-time instead of using the build-time fixed number
  • curl can now upload with resume even when reading from a pipe
  • a build-time configured curl_socklen_t is now used instead of socklen_t

… and there are at least 29 bugs fixed. All this during 75 days since the last release.

Thanks everyone!

libssh2 1.1

I’m happy to announce that we now have a version 1.1 of libssh2 released! Noticeable changes this time include:

  • Downloads using SCP or SFTP are now significantly faster
  • Added a Libtool -export-symbols-regex flag to reduce the number of exported symbols in shared libraries.
  • Added a bunch of new man pages and renamed some of the previous ones
  • Enhanced download performance
  • Made libssh2_scp_recv() and libssh2_scp_send() deal with spaces in filenames
  • Fixed the bad randomness and off-by-one in libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex()
  • Added libssh2_version()
  • Fixed libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex() to not fail when called a second time
  • Fixed libssh2_channel_write_ex problems in blocking situations
  • ‘make check’ runs fine on cygwin
  • Added libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2() and deprecated  libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust()
  • better socket error handling internally on win32
  • libssh2 now always set the socket non-blocking internally and deals with the interface as blocking or non-blocking set by libssh2_session_set_blocking.

The library is rapidly maturing and is getting really usable. I’m happy to see that there’s a community slowly building up around this and I’m also grateful for my sponsor paying for parts of the fixes that contribute to make this release the best ever in libssh2’s history.


Rockbox 3.2

The never-ending flow of creativity in the Rockbox project was today turned into a release that we label 3.2. The goodies this time include the things below. The three-months release cycle does prevent the list from growing terribly big…

  • Faster text/graphics rendering on colour targets and in the greyscale library, speeding up list scrolling noticeably on ipod Video.
  • PictureFlow supports all targets except Archos Player, and can function during playback on all non-Archos targets.
  • Add LCD sleep/wakeup for iPod Video (5G, 5.5G) which allows significant increase of battery runtime.
  • New game, Goban plugin.
  • Battery charging on Sansa e200v1/c200v1.
  • PictureFlow resizes cover art on load, and supports greyscale targets.
  • Preliminary support for Ipod accessories.

What didn’t get included:

  • The ‘natsort’ which sorts files with numbers as the number and not by ascii. This caused quite a lot of discussions and will be sorted out for 3.3
  • The Rockbox USB stack. It has been enabled in SVN build for several weeks already, but due to it causing some pretty drastic problems to some users we decided to play it safe and disable it in the release. We really hope it’ll be fine for 3.3.
  • Support for any new targets. The Gigabeat S, the Ondas and the AMS sansas aren’t terribly far away, but still not “there”.

A more detailed list can be found in the Release notes for 3.2.


curl 7.19.4

curl and libcurl 7.19.4 has just been released! This time I think the perhaps most notable fix is the CVS-2009-0037 security fix which this release addresses. A little over 600 days passed since the previous vulnerability was announced.

Other than that major event, there are a bunch of interesting changes in this release:

  • Added CURLOPT_NOPROXY and the corresponding –noproxy
  • the OpenSSL-specific code disables TICKET (rfc5077) which is enabled by default in openssl 0.9.8j
  • Added CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_SERVICE and CURLOPT_SOCKS5_GSSAPI_NEC – with the corresponding curl options –socks5-gssapi-service and –socks5-gssapi-nec
  • Improved IPv6 support when built with with c-ares >= 1.6.1
  • Added CURLPROXY_HTTP_1_0 and –proxy1.0
  • Added docs/libcurl/symbols-in-versions
  • Added support for Digest and NTLM authentication using GnuTLS
  • CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS can now be set to 2 to retry the CWD even when MKD fails
  • GnuTLS initing moved to curl_global_init()

We also did at least 15 documented bugfixes in this release and 25 people are credited for their help to make it happen.

curl 7.19.3

I just now sent away the announcement of curl and libcurl 7.19.3. With some 30 bugfixes and only two actual changes I hope this will again be a solid release that’ll be appreciated and used all over.

The changes are:

  • CURLAUTH_DIGEST_IE bit added for CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH and CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH – as older Internet Explorers have an “interesting” take at the Digest authentication and servers that speak that dialect doesn’t like libcurl’s regular way
  • VC9 Makefiles were added to the release package, for the VS2008 users of the world

Download here.

libssh2 1.0!

I’m happy to say that I’ve just uploaded the 1.0 release of libssh2 to sourceforge! (I must confess that I strongly dislike the “file release” thing of sourceforge but libssh2 has always been released there so I’m just continuing the tradition really…)

The changes can be read closer in the package but the main things are these:

Added libssh2_sftp_tell64()

Added libssh2_session_block_directions()

Added libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex()

Added libssh2_sftp_seek64()

Added the beginning of a test suite

Deprecated libssh2_base64_decode()

Fixed many bugs – possibly the biggest item really since several of the fixed bugs were of the kind that prevented the lib to do successful transfers in many cases.

This is the primary library for SSH-based communication that I know of. Note that this is not the same project as the libssh one. I once did a thorough comparison with all SSH libraries I could find, and libssh2 was then the one nearest to my feature requirements. We have since then taken it a lot further and it is now a fairly stable and good library for SSH-based transfers and generic communication.

There’s of course still (a lot of) things left to do, but here’s the 1.0 as a sign that this is now a lib ready to get used!

Rockbox 3.1

After three months of work since the last release, we manage to keep the schedule and ship Rockbox 3.1. The list of news since 3.0 include the following:

  • A bitmap scaler was added to Rockbox, which means that album art no longer has to be pre-scaled to the correct dimensions on your computer. See AlbumArt for more information.
  • The calendar plugin which has existed for the Archos units for a long time is now available on all devices equipped with a clock.
  • The spacerocks plugin which was removed from version 3.0 due to a major bug has been brought back.
  • Optimised MP3 decoder on dual-core targets, giving several more hours of battery life in most situations.
  • Optimizations for AAC and APE decoding
  • Backlight fading is now available on most targets.
  • When recording in mono, you can now chose between recording the left or right channel, or a mix of both.
  • It is now possible to configure which items are shown in the Quick Screen.
  • Several new features were added to the WPS syntax
  • The build system received a major overhaul. This only matters for people who compile their own builds.

Of course you can find a more detailed list in the MajorChanges wiki page, and the full release notes for 3.1.

My personal contribution has been very tiny this time around and I’ve basically just built the release builds and admined the distributed build system somewhat.


curl 7.19.1

Trying hard to maintain the bimonthly release schedule we’ve been keeping up with for quite some time by now, we therefore now proudly announce the release of curl and libcurl 7.19.1

This release includes at least 24 bug fixes and the following changes:

So THAT is the point of releases!

In the Rockbox project we’ve been using a rather sophisticated build system for many years that provide updated binary packages to the public after every single commit. We also provide daily built zips, manuals, fonts and other extras directly off the subversion server fully automatic every day.

I used to be in the camp that thought that this is a very good system to the extent that it makes ordinary version-numbered releases somewhat unnecessary since everyone can easily get recent downloads whenever they want anyway. We also had a general problem getting a release done.

But as you all know by now, we shipped Rockbox 3.0 the other day. And man did it hit the news!

lifehacker.com, gizmodo.com, engadget.com, slashdot.org, golum.de, boingboing.net, reddit.com and others helped us really put our web server to a crawl. The 4 days following the release, we got roughly 160,000 more visits on our site than usual, 5 times the normal amount (200,000 visits compared to the “normal” 40,000).

Of course, as a pure open source project with no company or money involved anywhere, we don’t exactly need new users but we of course want more developers and hopefully we do reach out to a few new potential contributors when we become known to a larger amount of people.

So I’m now officially convinced: doing this release was a good thing!