Not social enough

There’s this concept that’s very popular these days. Social networking web sites. I’ve always been intrigued by the six degrees of separation idea so I joined Facebook and I’ve given it a try. Result: yawn.

Of course I realize everything depends on who you are, how your social network works and so on, but for me the Facebook experiment has only proven to me what I already suspected: I’m not “social enough” to care about all my friends’ teeny weeny little issues and expressions. I don’t have many friend added (35 at this particular moment) but already at this low number I get terribly uncomfortable after reading too much personal goings-on. And I’m not interested in everyones’ top-lists, what IKEA furniture they would be or which of the characters in the Muppet Show they resemble the most. I’m not going to use Facebook much until something changes.

Twitter is another one of the more trendy sites and services. This is very chaotic and most of the stuff posted there is utter crap. But there are some interesting people to follow and I do my best at following the tradition and contribute with my junk: My Twitter feed. More seriously I kind of use and view twitter as chatter around the coffee machine at a virtual office. You can select who to listen to. You can say whatever you feel like and the ones who might care could be reading it… The good part – for me of course – being that I can stay all geeky and techy and avoid that facebookish stuff I don’t like. Oh, and if you’re a friend in this manner, do tell me so that I can follow you!

LinkedIn is different. Here’s a site with a different goal and perspective, and keeping in touch with people I’ve been involved with professionally is a totally different matter. This makes a lot of sense to me, and it’s actually proven to pay off – several times. I believe me being a contract developer of course also make me value having a large network to reach out to so that I keep getting myself interesting assignments on a regular basis! My LinkedIn page.