Tag Archives: cURL and libcurl


Me and Claes Jakobsson had a talk in #curl the other day about how we rarely meet Open Source people in the Stockholm Sweden area outside of our own little circles and friends.

In that moment we decided we’d try to arrange a meeting. Free Sofware and Open Source people in the area. In one place. Possibly involving beer. And why not some talks by some clueful people? We’re aiming for it to happen already during early spring 2010, but no date has been set yet.

We’ve already sent out a few mails to people, and we’ve posted about this idea at a few places and now I’ve setup a dedicated mailing list for this purpose. The foss-sthlm mailing list.

Do you want to participate at a meeting like this?

Do you want to help arranging the meeting and get the word spread in all the communities that we would like to get the word spread to?

Do you have any experience in arranging a meeting of this sort? We currently have no idea if people are interested enough, or if we get people interested how many we might be able to attract!

Do you by any chance have connections or friends at companies that would be interested in helping out with sponsorships or similar? My company (Haxx) will certainly make a contribution.

Don’t be shy. Join in and help us get some fun going.

Update: we now have web site monitoring our progress.

Adapting to being behind

For many years I’ve always kept up to speed with my commitments in my primary open source projects. I’ve managed to set aside enough time to close the bug reports as fast as they have poured in. This, while still having time to work on new features every now and then.

During this last year (or so) however, I’ve come to realize that I no longer can claim to be in that fortunate position and I now find myself seeing the pile of open bugs get bigger and bigger over time. I get more bug reports than I manage to close.

There are of course explanations for this. In both ends of the mix actually. I’ve got slightly less time due my recent decision to go working for Haxx full-time, and how I’ve decided to focus slightly more on paid work which thus leads to me having less time for the unpaid work I’m doing.

Also, I’ve seen activity raise in the curl project, in the libssh2 project and in the c-ares project. All of these projects have the same problem of various degrees: a lack of participating developers working on fixing bugs. Especially bugs reported by someone else.

Since this situation is still fairly new to me, I need to learn on how to adapt to it. How to deal with a stream of issues that is overwhelming and I must select what particular things I care about and what to “let through”. This of course isn’t ideal for the projects but I can’t do much more than proceed to the best of my ability, to try to make people aware of that this is happening and try to get more people involved to help out!

Don’t get fooled by my focus on “time” above. Sometimes I even plainly lack the energy necessary to pull through. It depends a lot on the tone or impression I get from the report or reporter how I feel, but when a reporter is rude or just too “demanding” (like constantly violating the mailing list etiquette or just leaving out details even when asked) I can’t but help to feel that at times working as a developer during my full-day paid hours can make it a bit hard to then work a couple of hours more in the late evening debugging further.

The upside, let’s try to see it as a positive thing, is that now I can actually “punish” those that clearly don’t deserve to get helped since I now focus on the nice people, the good reports, the ones which seem to be written by clever people with an actual interest to see their problems addressed. Those who don’t do their part I’ll just happily ignore until they shape up.

I will deliberately just let issues “slip through” and not get my attention and require that if they are important enough people will either report it again, someone else will step up and help fix them or perhaps someone will even consider paying for the fix.

curl and libcurl 7.19.7

Time again for a happy release event. Can you believe  this is in fact the 113th release?cURL

Run over to the curl download page to get it!

This time, we bring happiness with the best curl and libcurl release ever and it features four changes and a range of bug fixes. The changes to note this time include:

And a collection of bugs fixed since the previous release involves these issues:

  • The windows makefiles work again
  • libcurl-NSS acknowledges verifyhost
  • SIGSEGV when pipelined pipe unexpectedly breaks
  • data corruption issue with re-connected transfers
  • use after free if we’re completed but easy_conn not NULL (pipelined)
  • missing strdup() return code check
  • CURLOPT_PROXY_TRANSFER_MODE could pass along wrong syntax
  • configure –with-gnutls=PATH fixed
  • ftp response reader bug on failed control connections
  • improved NSS error message on failed host name verifications
  • ftp NOBODY on re-used connection hang
  • configure uses pkg-config for cross-compiles as well
  • improved NSS detection in configure
  • cookie expiry date at 1970-jan-1 00:00:00
  • libcurl-OpenSSL failed to verify some certs with Subject Alternative Name
  • libcurl-OpenSSL can load CRL files with more than one certificate inside
  • received cookies without explicit path got saved wrong if the URL had a query part
  • don’t shrink SO_SNDBUF on windows for those who have it set large already
  • connect next bug
  • invalid file name characters handling on Windows
  • double close() on the primary socket with libcurl-NSS
  • GSS negotiate infinite loop on bad credentials
  • memory leak in SCP/SFTP connections
  • use pkg-config to find out libssh2 installation details in configure
  • unparsable cookie expire dates make cookies get treated as session coookies
  • POST with Digest authentication and “Transfer-Encoding: chunked”
  • SCP connection re-use with wrong auth
  • CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD for 0 bytes transfers
  • CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD for ldap transfers (-w size_download)

null-prefix domino


At the end of July 2009, Scott Cantor contacted us in the curl project and pointed out a security flaw in libcurl (in code that was using OpenSSL to verify server certificates). Having read his explanation I recalled that I had witnessed the discussion on the NSS list about this problem just a few days earlier (which resulted in their August 1st security advisory). The problem is basically that the cert can at times contain a name with an embedded zero in the middle, while most source code assumes plain C-style strings that ends with a zero. This turns out to be exploitable, and is explained in great detail in this document (PDF).

I started to work on a patch, and in the mean time I talked to Simon Josefsson of the GnuTLS team to see if GnuTLS was fine or not, only to get him confirm that GnuTLS did indeed have the same problem.

So I contacted vendor-sec, and then on the morning of August 5 I thought I’d just make a quick check how the other HTTPS client implementations do their cert checks.

Wget: vulnerable

neon: vulnerable

serf: vulnerable

So, Internet Explorer and Firefox were vulnerable. NSS and GnuTLS were. (OpenSSL wasn’t, but then it doesn’t provide this verifying feature by itself) (lib)curl, wget, neon, serf were all vulnerable. If that isn’t a large amount of the existing HTTPS clients then what is? I also think that this shows that it would be good for all of us if OpenSSL had this functionality, as even if it had been vulnerable we could’ve fixed a busload of different applications by repairing a single library. Now we instead need to hunt down all apps that use OpenSSL and that verify certificate names.

Quite clearly we (as implementers) have all had the same silly assumptions, and quite likely we’ve affected each other into doing these sloppy codes. SSL and certificates are over and over again getting hit by this kind of painful flaws and setbacks. Darn, getting things right really is very very hard…

(Disclaimer: I immediately notified the neon and serf projects but to my knowledge they have not yet released any fixed versions.)

libcurl in version management

Already before, I’ve mentioned that libcurl is becoming popular within package management.

libcurllibcurl is a generic library for file transfers over a wide variety of protocols. Over the years, some of the recent ditributed version management softwares have learned about libcurl’s powers and they now use it:

darcs – was born in 2003 and is written in Haskell. I’m under the impression these guys wrote their own binding layer to interface libcurl from Haskell.

git – possibly best known for being created by Linus Torvalds and being used by the Linux kernel project, is using libcurl for HTTP(S) accesses.

bazaar – is written in Python and accordingly uses the pycurl binding for libcurl.

Anyone know of other version control systems using libcurl?

Ironies here include that libcurl itself is still kept within a CVS respository, and also quite possibly that the first version management project I myself participated is Subversion and that not only has two different HTTP dependencies, but none of those two are libcurl (they are neon and serf)…

Update: it seems that Mercurial is also using pycurl as an optional dependency.

How much for a bug?

no bugsWarning: blog post with no clear conclusion!

I offer support deals to companies that want to get help with Open Source programs I’ve contributed to. The deals I’ve made so far have primarily involved libcurl, c-ares or libssh2, but that’s basically because those are projects in which I participate a lot in (and maintain) so people find me easily in relation to those projects.

I wouldn’t mind accepting service and support deals for other projects or software products either, as long as they are products I know and am fairly familiar with already and I am not scared of digging in and fixing things under the hood when that is required.

In fact, I could very well consider to offer to fix bugs in any Open Source software. Like a general: if you have a bug in an open source project that you really want fixed and you can’t do it yourself I might be your man. Of course this would be limited to some certain kinds of projects and programs, but it could still include a wide range of software. A lot more than the ones I happen to be involved in at any particular point in time.

But while “a bug” is a fairly easily defined term to a user who can’t make something work in a given program it can be anything from dead simple to downright impossible for a developer to fix. The fact that users many times cannot determine if a “bug” is hard or easy, if it’s a bug or a feature not working on purpose, makes such a business deal very hard to provide.

How to pay to get a bug fixed?

Fixed price per bug? Presumably only tricky bugs would be considered for this so it would require a fairly high fixed price. But then it’ll also never be used for simple bugs either since the fixed price would scare away such use cases. I don’t think a fixed-price scheme works very well for this.One dollar bill

Then we only have a variable price approach left. A common way for a consultant like me is to charge for my time spent on a project: I set an hourly rate, I fix the issue in N hours. I charge hourly rate * N. For smallish projects, this is less attractive to customers. If we have no previous relationship, there’s a trust issue where the customer might not just blindly accept that I worked 10 hours on a task they think sounds easy so they feel overcharged. Also, there’s the risk that I estimate the job to be 2 hours but end up spending 12. My conclusion is that per-hour pricing doesn’t work for this either.

A variable price approach based on something else than number of hours it took for me to fix the problem is therefore needed.

A bug fix is of course worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. But we don’t know what they are prepared to pay. On the other end, a bug fix can get done by someone for the price he/she is willing to accept to get the job done. So where is the cross section of those two unknown graphs?

I don’t have the answer here. I’m very interested in feedback and suggestions though. If you would pay for a bug fix, how would you like to get the price set?

Conversing through the Internet with cURL and libcurl

I fell over a really nice and friendly introductionary article on curl and libcurl, written by M. Tim Jones, on IBM’s developerWorks site.

I must confess I greatly enjoyed his image showing the network layers and how curl/libcurl fits into the general picture:

curl layers

While of course arguably there is no ‘socket layer’ (as sockets are a pure API) I still think pictures like this serves a good purpose helping to explain how things interconnect. I personally really suck at visualizing things with images so I’m happy when I see this nice work I can borrow ideas from!

Making better advisories

A while ago yet another security flaw was discovered in curl (actually the tenth flaw in more than eleven years) by Scott Cantor. He reported it privately to us. We worked on the issue and in the end I posted an official project cURL security advisory about it. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary really. Scott did great and we fixed the problem rather promptly and in coordination with vendor-sec etc.

After a security advisory and the accompanying release, something particular always happens. It’s the same every time I’ve done this and there’s really no surprise: one by one the different Linux distros and similar parties start to ship their security advisories and alerts about the same problem and they offer their upgrade paths for their users to get a corrected version of the package.

But I’ll tell you why I think those advisories tend to make me really sad. It’s not because of the flaws they fix or how fast or slow they are to appear. It’s entirely due to the contents of them or perhaps in many times the lack of contents.

When the first distro-based advisory comes out, they often tend not to use the phrasing used in the original advisory (which we’ve crafted on for weeks and coordinated with vendor-sec) but they instead offer their own interpretation. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when the guys simplify matters they tend to blur out the actual cause and make the real issue hard to understand. Not to mention that when the first guy had done a mistake, most others just repeat that without thinking.

Credit to the doers

The craft of hunting down security problems in software and the art of then creating a fix for that problem is very time consuming and takes a fair amount of skill and patience. Yet some people do this. Some of those even track down problems in open source code bases and tell the projects about the issues to give them a chance to fix them before they’re made public.

Those people are good people that we need.

In the open source world, and in fact in a lot of other places too, the just about only reward we can offer guys who do outstanding work like this is with attribution. Give credit where credit is due. Mention the guy who did the job!

Distro advisories are not good

Very often the subsequent advisories go the lazy route and they borrow their advisory explanation from another distro’s advisory. Still not using the original explanation. They like short and not too detailed explanations. Factual errors seem to not be too important.

Very few distro-advisories give any credit to the original guy who found the error. The only one thing we can offer as payment is then neglected and this is more of an established practice than a mistake. All distros do this. At best they refer to a CVE number for the flaw, but CVE numbers have the great disadvantage that they very rarely reveal any particular details about the flaw until a long time after the advisory is made.

Not only do they often not credit the originator, they also rarely link back to the original advisory or even the advisory the originator sent out (sometimes they’re sent out independently) – so getting the full description from the actual upstream project is harder than it has to be. They do however generally  link to their own site, using their own issue number for the security problem. If things are good, you can find references to the original in that web page they link to. I’ve also seen several distro advisories that simply don’t at all mention what patches they’ve applied or what particular upstream changset they’ve backported.

In this latest advisory from curl, the common repeated mistake was that the certificate flaw concerned the Common Name field (and it implied that it was only about that field) which is wrong, and which is why the original advisory didn’t explicitly mention that field. It also affects the subjectAltName field and that’s at least – if not more – as important to address for this particular flaw. The flaw also only concerned curl built to use OpenSSL, which was a fact that was often not mentioned at all.

What I suggest!

That every vendor and Linux distro that ship security advisories do this:

  1. credit the original problem founder/researcher. This way the glory and fame goes to the person(s) who often did a lot of research and hard work.
  2. link to the original advisory so that everyone who wants to can get the info and details from the upstream project and their ideas of what the problems are and what the best fixes or work-arounds might be
  3. fact-check your error/solution description better and don’t just repeat what someone else wrote unless you know that’s an accurate description
  4. don’t repeat others’ simplifications and errors. The act of duplicating someone else’s description is pretty low in general and it would often only be a signal that you haven’t understood the issue in the first place. If you have a rule to not copy others you won’t risk copying their mistakes.

50 hours offline

Several sites in the haxx.se domain and other stuff related to me and my fellows were completely offline for almost 50 hours between August 24th 19:00 UTC and August 26th 20:30 UTC.

The sites affected included the main web sites for the following projects: curl, c-ares, trio, libssh2 and Rockbox. It also affected mailing lists and CVS repositories etc for some of those.

The reason for the outage has been explained by the ISP (Black Internet) to be because of some kind of sabotage. Their explanation given so far (first in Swedish):

Strax efter kl 20 i måndags drabbades Black Internet och Black Internets kunder av ett mycket allvarligt sabotage. Sabotaget gjordes mot flera av våra core-switchar, våra knutpunkter. Detta resulterade i ett mer eller mindre totalt avbrott för oss och våra kunder. Vi har polisanmält händelsen och har ett bra samarbete med dem.

Translated to English (by me) it becomes:

Soon after 8pm on Monday, Black Internet and its customers were struck by a very serious act of sabotage. The sabotage was made against several of our core switches. This resulted in a more or less total disruption of service for us and our customers. We have reported the incident to the police and we have a good cooperation with them.

Do note that you could keep track of this situation by following me on twitter.

It’s good to be back. Let’s hope it’ll take ages until we go away like that again!

Update: according to my sources, someone erased/cleared Black Internet’s core routers and then they learned that they had no working backups so they had to restore everything by hand.

fully respect your rights

This is [name removed] writing at Toshiba Corporation.

We are considering using your program curl (http://curl.haxx.se/) in our products. Before going any further, however, we would like to confirm the following so that we are sure to fully respect your rights.

I am so impressed. Thank you Toshiba for being this upfront and courteous when incorporating an open source product. The license is perfectly free and open for you to use curl for this purpose, but the sheer act of this “making sure” gets my 10 points for great business conduct.