Tag Archives: talk

curl presentation video

I held a 38 minute talk (in English) at the FSCONS conference 2007 about curl and libcurl, and now I’ve realized that the recording from that event is available online in various forms and ways.

You can get the pure Ogg Theora video files by using these links:

The slides from the presentation are still available.

fsfe.org hosts the complete collection of videos from that conference.

I haven’t yet had time and oppurtunity to watch it myself. I figure I’ll do that soon to see and learn from my own mistakes and odd habits when talking in public… and try to not get disturbed too much by my own accent!

Security and Open Source

OWASP Sweden is arranging an event on October 6th in Stockholm Sweden to talk about security in the open source process.

I will be there doing talk about security in open source projects, in particular then how we work with security in the curl project. If you think of anything particular you would like me to address or include, feel free to give be a clue already before the event!

A talk that won’t happen

I had already talked to the guys about going to FSCONS 2008 and do a talk about Rockbox and reverse engineering when I realized that the very same weekend we’re going to Rome, Italy with my company and if that isn’t enough, the Google summer of code mentor summit is also taking place that weekend in late October so if Italy somehow got canceled I would probably rather go to California… I quite enjoyed FSCONS last year so I’m a bit annoyed about this situation.

Isn’t that just the irony of life? Here I have an entire autumn with nothing much planned and then all of a sudden three events all take place on the same weekend.

I’m still on for another talk in September in Stockholm though but since I haven’t seen any public details about it I’ll refrain from being specific just yet.