Blessed curl builds for Windows

The curl project is happy to introduce official and blessed curl builds for Windows for download on the curl web site.

This means we have a set of recommended curl packages that we advice users on Windows to download.

On Linux, macOS, cygwin and pretty much all the other alternatives you have out there, you don’t need to go to random sites on the Internet and download a binary package provided by a (to you) unknown stranger to get curl for your system. Unfortunately that is basically what we have forced Windows users into doing for a few years since our previous maintainer of curl builds for Windows dropped off the project.

These new official curl builds for Windows are the same set of builds Viktor Szakats has been building and providing to the community for a long time already. Now just with the added twist that he feeds his builds and information about them to the main curl site so that users can get them from the same site and thus lean on the same trust they already have in the curl brand in general.

These builds are reproducible, provided with sha256 hashes and a link to the full build log. Everything is public and transparently done.

All the hard work to get these builds in this great shape was done by Viktor Szakats.

Go get it!

Project curl governance

Over time, we’ve slowly been adjusting the curl project and its documentation so that we might at some point actually qualify to the CII open source Best Practices at silver level.

We qualified at the base level a while ago as one of the first projects which did that.

Recently, one of those issues we fixed was documenting the governance of the curl project. How exactly the curl project is run, what the key roles are and how decisions are made. That document is now in our git repo.


The curl project is what I would call a fairly typical smallish open source project with a quite active and present project leader (me). We have a small set of maintainers who independently are allowed to and will merge commits to git (via pull-requests).

Any decision or any code change that was done or is about to be done can be brought up for questioning or discussion on the mailing list. Nothing is ever really seriously written in stone (except our backwards compatible API). If we did the wrong decision in the past, we should reconsider now.

Oh right, we also don’t have any legal entity. There’s no company or organization behind this or holding any particular rights. We’re not part of any umbrella organization. We’re all just individuals distributed over the globe.


No active contributor or maintainer (that I know of) gets paid to work on curl regularly. No company has any particular say or weight to decide where the project goes next.

Contributors fix bugs and add features as part of our daily jobs or in their spare time. We get code submissions for well over a hundred unique authors every year.


As a founder of the project and author of more than half of all commits, I am what others call, a Benevolent Dictator. I can veto things and I can merge things in spite of objections, although I avoid that as far as possible.

I feel that I generally have people’s trust and that the community expects me to be able to take decisions and drive this project in an appropriate direction, in a fashion that has worked out fine for the past twenty years.

I post all my patches (except occasional minuscule changes) as pull-requests on github before merge, to allow comments, discussions, reviews and to make sure they don’t break any tests.

I announce and ask for feedback for changes or larger things that I want to do, on the mailing list for wider attention. To bring up discussions and fish for additional ideas or for people to point out obvious mistakes. May times, my calls for opinions or objections are met with silence and I will then take that as “no objections” and more forward in a way I deem sensible.

Every now and then I blog about specific curl features or changes we work on, to highlight them and help out the user community “out there” to discover and learn what curl can do, or might be able to do soon.

I’m doing this primarily on my spare time. My employer also lets me spend some work hours on curl.


One of the prime factors that has made curl and libcurl successful and end up one of the world’s most widely used software components, I’m convinced, is that we don’t break stuff.

By this I mean that once we’ve introduced functionality, we struggle hard to maintain that functionality from that point on and into the future. When we accept code and features into the project, we do this knowing that the code will likely remain in our code for decades to come. Once we’ve accepted the code, it becomes our responsibility and now we’ll care for it dearly for a long time forward.

Since we’re so few developers and maintainers in the project, I can also add that I’m very much aware that in many cases adopting code and merging patches mean that I will have to fix the remaining bugs and generally care for the code the coming years.

Changing governance?

I’m dictator of the curl project for practical reasons, not because I consider it an ideal way to run projects. If there were more people involved who cared enough about what and how we’re doing things we could also change how we run the project.

But until I sense such an interest, I don’t think the current model is bad – and our conquering the world over the recent years could also be seen as a proof that the project at least sometimes also goes in a direction that users approve of. And we are after all best practices certified.

I realize I come off sounding like a real-world dictator when I say things like this, but I genuinely believe that our governance is based on necessity and what works, not because we have to do it this way.

I’ve run the project since its inception 1998. One day I’ll get bored or get run over by a bus. Then at the very least will the project need another way to run…

Silver level?

We’re only two requirements away from Best Practices Silver level compliance and we’ve been discussing a bit lately (or perhaps: I’ve asked the question) whether the last criteria are actually worth the trouble for us or not.

  1. We need to enforce “Signed-off-by” lines in commits to maintain Developers Certificate of origin. This is easy in itself and I’ve only held this off this long because we’ve had zero interest or requirements for this from contributors and users. Added administration for little gain.
  2. We’re asked to provide an assurance case:a description of the threat model, clear identification of trust boundaries, an argument that secure design principles have been applied, and an argument that common implementation security weaknesses have been countered.” – This is work we haven’t done and a document we don’t have. And again: nobody has actually ever asked for this outside of this certificate form.

Do you think we should put in the extra effort and check off the final two requirements as well? Do you think they actually make the project better?

A hundred million cars run curl

One of my hobbies is to collect information about where curl is used. The following car brands feature devices, infotainment and/or navigation systems that use curl – in one or more of their models.

These are all brands about which I’ve found information online (for example curl license information), received photos of or otherwise been handed information by what I consider reliable sources (like involved engineers).

Do you have curl in a device installed in another car brand?

List of car brands using curl

Baojun, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ford, GMC, Holden, Hyundai, Mazda, Mercedes, Nissan, Opel, Renault, Seat, Skoda, Subaru, Suzuki, Tesla, Toyota, VW and Vauxhall.

All together, this is a pretty amazing number of installations. This list contains eight (8) of the top-10 car brands in the world 2017! And all the top-3 brands. By my rough estimate, something like 40 million cars sold in 2017 had curl in them. Presumably almost as many in 2016 and a little more in 2018 (based on car sales stats).

Not too shabby for a little spare time project.

How to find curl in your car

Sometimes the curl open source license is included in a manual (it includes my name and email, offering more keywords to search for). That’s usually how I’ve found out many uses purely online.

Sometimes the curl license is included in the “open source license” screen within the actual infotainment system. Those tend to list hundreds of different components and without any search available, you often have to scroll for many minutes until you reach curl or libcurl. I occasionally receive photos of such devices.

Related: why is your email in my car and I have toyota corola.

Update: I added Tesla and Hyundai to the list after the initial post. The latter of those brands is a top-10 brand which bumped the counter of curl users to 8 out of the top-10 brands!

How to DoH-only with Firefox

Firefox supports DNS-over-HTTPS (aka DoH) since version 62.

You can instruct your Firefox to only use DoH and never fall-back and try the native resolver; the mode we call trr-only. Without any other ability to resolve host names, this is a little tricky so this guide is here to help you. (This situation might improve in the future.)

In trr-only mode, nobody on your local network nor on your ISP can snoop on your name resolves. The SNI part of HTTPS connections are still clear text though, so eavesdroppers on path can still figure out which hosts you connect to.

There’s a name in my URI

A primary problem for trr-only is that we usually want to use a host name in the URI for the DoH server (we typically need it to be a name so that we can verify the server’s certificate against it), but we can’t resolve that host name until DoH is setup to work. A catch-22.

There are currently two ways around this problem:

  1. Tell Firefox the IP address of the name that you use in the URI. We call it the “bootstrapAddress”. See further below.
  2. Use a DoH server that is provided on an IP-number URI. This is rather unusual. There’s for example one at

Setup and use trr-only

There are three prefs to focus on (they’re all explained elsewhere):

network.trr.mode – set this to the number 3.

network.trr.uri – set this to the URI of the DoH server you want to use. This should be a server you trust and want to hand over your name resolves to. The Cloudflare one we’ve previously used in DoH tests with Firefox is

network.trr.bootstrapAddress– when you use a host name in the URI for the network.trr.uri pref you must set this pref to an IP address that host name resolves to for you. It is important that you pick an IP address that the name you use actually would resolve to.


Let’s pretend you want to go full trr-only and use a DoH server at (it’s a pretend URI, it doesn’t work).

Figure out the bootstrapAddress with dig. Resolve the host name from the URI:

$ dig +short

or if you prefer to be classy and use the IPv6 address (only do this if IPv6 is actually working for you)

$ dig -t AAAA +short

dig might give you a whole list of addresses back, and then you can pick any one of them in the list. Only pick one address though.

Go to “about:config” and paste the copied IP address into the value field for network.trr.bootstrapAddress. Now TRR / DoH should be able to get going. When you can see web pages, you know it works!

DoH-only means only DoH

If you happen to start Firefox behind a captive portal while in trr-only mode, the connections to the DoH server will fail and no name resolves can be performed.

In those situations, normally Firefox’s captive portable detector would trigger and show you the login page etc, but when no names can be resolved and the captive portal can’t respond with a fake response to the name lookup and redirect you to the login, it won’t get anywhere. It gets stuck. And currently, there’s no good visual indication anywhere that this is what happens.

You simply can’t get out of a captive portal with trr-only. You probably then temporarily switch mode, login to the portal and switch the mode to 3 again.

If you “unlock” the captive portal with another browser/system, Firefox’s regular retries while in trr-only will soon detect that and things should start working again.

much faster curl uploads on Windows with a single tiny commit

These days, operating system kernels provide TCP/IP stacks that can do really fast network transfers. It’s not even unusual for ordinary people to have gigabit connections at home and of course we want our applications to be able take advantage of them.

I don’t think many readers here will be surprised when I say that fulfilling this desire turns out much easier said than done in the Windows world.


Since Windows 7 / 2008R2, Windows implements send buffer autotuning. Simply put, the faster transfer and longer RTT the connection has, the larger the buffer it uses (up to a max) so that more un-acked data can be outstanding and thus enable the system to saturate even really fast links.

Turns out this useful feature isn’t enabled when applications use non-blocking sockets. The send buffer isn’t increased at all then.

Internally, curl is using non-blocking sockets and most of the code is platform agnostic so it wouldn’t be practical to switch that off for a particular system. The code is pretty much independent of the target that will run it, and now with this latest find we have also started to understand why it doesn’t always perform as well on Windows as on other operating systems: the upload buffer (SO_SNDBUF) is fixed size and simply too small to perform well in a lot of cases

Applications can still enlarge the buffer, if they’re aware of this bottleneck, and get better performance without having to change libcurl, but I doubt a lot of them do. And really, libcurl should perform as good as it possibly can just by itself without any necessary tuning by the application authors.

Users testing this out

Daniel Jelinski brought a fix for this that repeatedly poll Windows during uploads to ask for a suitable send buffer size and then resizes it on the go if it deems a new size is better. In order to figure out that if this patch is indeed a good idea or if there’s a downside for some, we went wide and called out for users to help us.

The results were amazing. With speedups up to almost 7 times faster, exactly those newer Windows versions that supposedly have autotuning can obviously benefit substantially from this patch. The median test still performed more than twice as fast uploads with the patch. Pretty amazing really. And beyond weird that this crazy thing should be required to get ordinary sockets to perform properly on an updated operating system in 2018.

Windows XP isn’t affected at all by this fix, and we’ve seen tests running as VirtualBox guests in NAT-mode also not gain anything, but we believe that’s VirtualBox’s “fault” rather than Windows or the patch.


The commit is merged into curl’s master git branch and will be part of the pending curl 7.61.1 release, which is due to ship on September 5, 2018. I think it can serve as an interesting case study to see how long time it takes until Windows 10 users get their versions updated to this.

Table of test runs

The Windows versions, and the test times for the runs with the unmodified curl, the patched one, how much time the second run needed as a percentage of the first, a column with comments and last a comment showing the speedup multiple for that test.

Thank you everyone who helped us out by running these tests!

Version Time vanilla Time patched New time Comment speedup
6.0.6002 15.234 2.234 14.66% Vista SP2 6.82
6.1.7601 8.175 2.106 25.76% Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise 3.88
6.1.7601 10.109 2.621 25.93% Windows 7 Professional SP1 3.86
6.1.7601 8.125 2.203 27.11% 2008 R2 SP1 3.69
6.1.7601 8.562 2.375 27.74% 3.61
6.1.7601 9.657 2.684 27.79% 3.60
6.1.7601 11.263 3.432 30.47% Windows 2008R2 3.28
6.1.7601 5.288 1.654 31.28% 3.20
10.0.16299.309 4.281 1.484 34.66% Windows 10, 1709 2.88
10.0.17134.165 4.469 1.64 36.70% 2.73
10.0.16299.547 4.844 1.797 37.10% 2.70
10.0.14393 4.281 1.594 37.23% Windows 10, 1607 2.69
10.0.17134.165 4.547 1.703 37.45% 2.67
10.0.17134.165 4.875 1.891 38.79% 2.58
10.0.15063 4.578 1.907 41.66% 2.40
6.3.9600 4.718 2.031 43.05% Windows 8 (original) 2.32
10.0.17134.191 3.735 1.625 43.51% 2.30
10.0.17713.1002 6.062 2.656 43.81% 2.28
6.3.9600 2.921 1.297 44.40% Windows 2012R2 2.25
10.0.17134.112 5.125 2.282 44.53% 2.25
10.0.17134.191 5.593 2.719 48.61% 2.06
10.0.17134.165 5.734 2.797 48.78% run 1 2.05
10.0.14393 3.422 1.844 53.89% 1.86
10.0.17134.165 4.156 2.469 59.41% had to use the HTTPS endpoint 1.68
6.1.7601 7.082 4.945 69.82% over proxy 1.43
10.0.17134.165 5.765 4.25 73.72% run 2 1.36
5.1.2600 10.671 10.157 95.18% Windows XP Professional SP3 1.05
10.0.16299.547 1.469 1.422 96.80% in a VM runing on Linux 1.03
5.1.2600 11.297 11.046 97.78% XP 1.02
6.3.9600 5.312 5.219 98.25% 1.02
5.2.3790 5.031 5 99.38% Windows 2003 1.01
5.1.2600 7.703 7.656 99.39% XP SP3 1.01
10.0.17134.191 1.219 1.531 125.59% FTP 0.80
TOTAL 205.303 102.271 49.81% 2.01
MEDIAN 43.51% 2.30