All posts by Daniel Stenberg

curl’s first twenty years on the mac

September 25, 2001 is the official release date for Mac OS X 10.1. Exactly twenty years ago today.

Mac OS X 10.1

This was the first macOS release from Apple that bundled curl. It was a complete surprise to me as well when I realized this had happened. Nobody had told me about it ahead of time. I don’t even recall anymore how I figured this out, as I’m not a mac user and I’ve never had any direct contact with the peeps at Apple Inc who were and are responsible for shipping curl on that platform. Not before then and not after that either.

The general consensus at the time seemed to be that Apple replaced Wget with curl due to licensing reasons as Wget had been included in their previous OS X release. Wget is licensed under GPL and curl comes under an MIT-like license. I’m not sure if they shipped libcurl too already at that point.

Various Apple products have been using libcurl over the years on several of their operating systems.

We ship source, they build and ship binaries

Apple downloaded our source code tarball, built curl from it and shipped it. (They also made the exact code they used available.) If I remember this correctly, they built curl against OpenSSL and shipped a version of that as well in the beginning.

In later macOS releases (you know they later changed the name of their OS from being Mac OS X to macOS), they’ve switched curl to use different TLS backends over time. At one point they converted over to using Secure Transport (their own native TLS library) only to somewhat later switch again and then to libressl – which is what the current most recent macOS version uses for curl’s default TLS backend.

curl 7.7.2

The original cURL logo

The original curl version they bundled in that first release had been released by us in April earlier that same year. It was our 55th curl release but curl was only a little over three years old at the time. It was a young project and it was just in the beginning phase of what it would become.

Early, not first

Apple was certainly early with shipping curl bundled with their operating system but they were not first. curl was already then provided to several Linux distributions. Apple might’ve been one if the first to ship it by default though.

I remember that it felt awesome and as some sort of recognition and acknowledgement of what we’ve done.

Other operating systems

During the early 2000s lots of operating systems would ultimately one by one start to package and provide curl for their platforms. Linux distributions and BSD flavors of course, but soon the legacy Unixes would also follow. If it wasn’t offered by the primary vendor, third party providers would very soon offer packages,


The third party license screen in iOS (click on the image shown on the right here for the full resolution version) includes the curl license, showing that Apple use it in iPhones and iPads. I don’t know for what.


Apple has kept updating curl in their subsequent operating updates and has done a somewhat reasonable job at keeping up with our releases. In their most up-to-date macOS version 11.5.2 (release date: August 11, 2021) they ship curl 7.64.1, released from us on 2019-03-27. Our 181st release. It has twenty-two known vulnerabilities.

This can be compared to Windows 10 which keeps shipping OS updates very frequently but is seemingly stuck with curl 7.55.1, released in August 2017.

Futile attempts to help

For a while I reported security issues we found (that would be relevant) to Apple product security ahead of time before our releases went public, to give them time to react and ship fixes, the same way we send alerts to free operating systems.

I stopped doing that because 1. the Apple security people always complained on me for giving them too short time to react (something like two weeks, which is also the maximum notification time allowed by others) and 2. Apple never released any quick updates as a reaction to my notifications anyway. It took them months or years, making my efforts pointless. Basically they were just rude.

Nothing in return

Neither me personally nor the project have ever gotten anything or any compensation from Apple. Nothing. Nada. Perhaps Apple using curl early on was somewhat of a stamp of approval for some, which helped persuade others that curl is a tool to trust. Perhaps.

Apple has not sponsored the project, not paid for feature development, not helped us with hardware and never paid for support. They don’t cooperate with us to help us fix Apple-specific issues nor do they ever report problems to us (which we know they must find occasionally). Apple users who run into problems with curl on Apple’s operating systems regularly contact the curl project to get us to help fix Apple’s products. For free of course. We never even get a thank you.

I have a mac these days (purchased with my own money) that I use to debug and test mac-specific issues and problems on.

Apple is of course far from alone is this almost predatory behavior, but this post is about curl’s twenty years of serving Apple customers. Also: yes curl is open source and the license allows them to do this. We continue to ship a product that runs perfectly on macOS and other Apple operating systems. They continue to ship curl bundled with their operating systems.


The curl project has no drastic course-altering changes planned ahead and we’re not going away, so I believe the tool and library have the potential to continue being used on Apple products going forward as well. Possibly for a long time ahead. I have zero knowledge or visibility into that, so it’s just guessing on my part based on what’s been done in the past twenty years.

curl joins the reborn IBB bug-bounty program

In April 2019 we launched the current curl bug-bounty program under the Hackerone umbrella and from my point of view it has been nothing but a raging success. Until today we’ve paid almost 17,000 USD in rewards and and the average payment amount has been increasing all the time.

The reward money in this program have been paid to security reporters sourced from our own funds. Funds that have been donated to the curl project by our generous curl sponsors.

Before that day in 2019, when this program started, we did a few attempts to lean on and piggy-back on other bug-bounty efforts, but that never worked good enough. It mostly made the process unpredictable, outside of our control and ability to influence them and they never paid researchers “proper”.

We even started this latest program in association with a known brand company (that I won’t name here) who promised to chip-in and contribute money to the rewards whenever they would affect one of their use cases – but that similarly just ended up an empty promise for something that apparently never could happen. It feels much more honest and straight forward not giving anyone such false expectations – so they’re no longer involved here.

The original Internet Bug-Bounty

Another “failed program” from the past, at least as far as bounties for curl issues go, was the Hackerone driven bounty program known as IBB. It was an umbrella project to offer bounties for security problems in a set of “internet programs” including curl. I won’t bore you with details why that didn’t work. I think they paid some small bounties to two or three curl related issues.

IBB reborn but different now

The experience from all previous attempts and programs we’ve tried for bounties says that we need to be in control of what reported issues that are considered security related problems and I think it is important that we reward all such issues, without discrimination or other conditions. If the issue is indeed a security problem, then we appreciate getting told about it and we reward the person who did the job, figured it out and told us.

Therefore, skepticism was the initial response I felt when I was briefed about the re-introduction, rebirth if you want, of the IBB program. We’ve been there, we tried that.

But after talking to the people involved, I was subsequently convinced that we should give this effort a chance. There are several reasons that made me think this time can be different, to our benefit. They include:

  1. The IBB program will pay the rewards from their funds, and they will do their own fund raising and “pester “big companies to help out, thus either entirely or mostly remove the need for us to fund the rewards or at least make our spending smaller. Or the rewards larger.
  2. The members of the curl security team will still work with reported issues the exact same way as before and our security team will remain the sole arbiters of what problems that are in-scope and what problems that are not for issues reported on curl. We’ve established a decent working method for that over the last two something years and I feel good about us sticking to this. The IBB program is mostly involved at the end of the process when the reward amount and payout are handled.
  3. We stick to mostly the same work-flow and site for reporting issues and communicating with reporters while the issues are in the initial non-disclosed state. Namely within the nicely working Hackerone issue tracker, which is designed and made specifically for this purpose.


We have not signed up for this new way of doing things for life. If it turns out that it is bad somehow for the curl project or for security researchers filing problems about curl, then we can always just backpedal back to the previous situation and continue as before.

This should be a fairly harmless test and change of process that should be an improvement for us as otherwise we won’t stick to it!

Found any security issue in curl?

Report it!

curl 7.79.1 – patched up and ready

Within 24 hours of the previous release, 7.79.0, we got a bug-report filed that identified a pretty serious regression in the HTTP/2 code that we deemed required a fairly quick fix instead of waiting a full release cycle for it.

So here’s 7.79.1 with several bug-fixes that we managed to queue up and merge in the seven days since the previous release. Enjoy

Release presentation


the 203rd release
0 changes
7 days (total: 8,587)

10 bug-fixes (total: 7,280)
17 commits (total: 27,668)
0 new public libcurl function (total: 85)
0 new curl_easy_setopt() option (total: 290)

0 new curl command line option (total: 242)
11 contributors, 5 new (total: 2,489)
3 authors, 0 new (total: 948)
0 security fixes (total: 111)
0 USD paid in Bug Bounties (total: 16,900 USD)


This was a very short release cycle but there were two rather annoying bugs fixed and we also managed to get a few other corrections merged since they arrived perfectly timed…

HTTP/2: don’t change connection data

For one of the HTTP/2 fixes I was happy to land for 7.79.0 I overdid it a little and change a few lines too many. This caused my previous “fix” to also break common use cases and I had to follow up with this additional fix.

The reason this bug managed to sneak in, is that we don’t have test cases exercising this code path that depends on multiple concurrent HTTP/2 streams over a single connection.

fix the broken >3 digit HTTP response code detection

Probably the second worst bug and regression added in the previous release. When I made the HTTP/1 response code parser stricter and made it allow no more than three digits I messed up my sscanf() fu and forgot that %d also skips leading space. This made curl treat responses that had a fine response code that were followed by a leading digit in the “reason phrase” field get detected as badly formatted and rejected! Now we have test cases verifying this.

curl_multi_fdset: make FD_SET() not operate on sockets out of range

This function would wrongly skip the check for a too large file descriptor if libcurl was built to use poll(), which in this case was a totally unrelated and wrong check. Unfortunately, we don’t (yet) have test cases to catch FD_SETSIZE issues.

provide lib/.checksrc in the tarball

When you build curl with --enable-debug or otherwise run ‘make checksrc’, the code style is changed and due to this missing control file, it would erroneously report an error. The error happened because within a source file a specific checksrc-warning is disabled, but since lib/.checksrc was missing the warning was never enabled in the first place and this discrepancy was not allowed. We didn’t catch this before release because we don’t test-build release tarballs with debug enabled in the CI…

CURLSTS_FAIL from hsts read callback should fail transfer

libcurl didn’t properly handle this return code from the HSTS read callback. Instead of failing the transfer it would just continue! Now we have test cases verifying this.

handle unlimited HSTS expiry

When using HSTS and passing in an entry to libcurl that you specify should never expire, libcurl would pass that the maximum time_t value as an argument to the gmtime() function. The problem is then just that on 64 bit systems, the largest possible time_t value is so big that when converted into a struct tm, the number of years would still overflow the year struct field! This causes the function to return a NULL and libcurl would misbehave. Now we have test cases verifying this.

use sys_errlist instead of strerror on Windows

Another little fix to avoid strerror() on Windows as well where it also is documented as not thread-safe.

make the ssh tests work with openssh-8.7p1

The test suite fired up openssh for testing purposes in a way that no longer is accepted by this OpenSSH version.


We will not change the schedule for next release due to this patch version. It means that the next feature window will instead be one week shorter than usual and that the next release remains set to get released on November 10, 2021.

You wanted WebSockets?

WebSockets has been one of the most requested features and protocol to add to curl and libcurl in the annual user survey. Repeatedly, over the last few years.

WebSockets is not perfectly suitable to be done by libcurl since it’s not really an upload or download transfer protocol, but is more something like “a TCP for JavaScript”. It provides a bidirectional data stream over HTTP. (I was there when it was created, first mentioned on my blog here.)

Ignoring that technicality, WebSockets is often used more or less for a one-directional data stream. Commonly together with the use of other protocols that curl already supports. If libcurl would support it, there will be plenty of applications out there that could simplify their code.

Today, users use a mix of libcurl, custom code on top or “over” libcurl and other WebSockets libraries. There’s no single de-facto way or practice to do WebSockets with libcurl.

WebSockets for libcurl?

I took the topic of drafting a WebSockets API for libcurl to the libcurl mailing list a while ago and after a lot of back and forths and feedback from multiple people, we have a decent beginning of a WebSockets API that might work jotted down.

This is just a potential API described in a document. How it could be made to work. Nobody has actually implemented any of it.


We know users ask for WebSockets, repeatedly and several people helped contributing to the tentative API design.

It’s just that this time I decided to pause and see if I couldn’t get some help in implementing this. To create a team of implementers willing to work before I dive in, alternatively to find someone who’d sponsor this work to allow me to spend more and dedicated time on it. I decided to do this, because I already have a lot of other things on my plate and I have to focus on my paying (curl) customers. I estimate that implementing WebSockets support is quite a lot of work.

If nobody is willing to put in the work or money to make it happen, then maybe that’s rather clear message that this is not a feature that is meant to be provided by curl. At least not now.

WebSockets future

WebSockets was created in the HTTP/1.1 era, and is probably still mostly done using that protocol as bootstrap. There are indications hinting that the future might hold less WebSockets.

It took a long time but eventually a way to do WebSockets over HTTP/2 was provided via RFC 8441, “Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/2”, published in 2018. This allows a WebSockets connection to be done over a single HTTP/2 stream.

The next evolutionary step seems to rather be WebTransport. It is a new take and protocol and is meant to be used over HTTP/3 and QUIC. It is described to “send data to and receive data from servers. It can be used like WebSockets but with support for multiple streams, unidirectional streams, out-of-order delivery, and reliable as well as unreliable transport.”


Image by pisauikan from Pixabay

curl 7.79.0 – secure local cookies

The curl factory has once again cranked out a new curl release.

Release presentation


the 202nd release
3 changes
56 days (total: 8,580)

128 bug-fixes (total: 7,270)
186 commits (total: 27,651)
0 new public libcurl function (total: 85)
0 new curl_easy_setopt() option (total: 290)

0 new curl command line option (total: 242)
62 contributors, 25 new (total: 2,484)
41 authors, 16 new (total: 948)
3 security fixes (total: 111)
3,500 USD paid in Bug Bounties (total: 16,900 USD)


This time we once again announce security advisories in association with the release.

CVE-2021-22945 is a double-free flaw in the MQTT code. Patch your old curl or upgrade to this version if you use it to send MQTT. The reporter of this flaw was awarded 1,000 USD from the curl bug-bounty program.

CVE-2021-22946 is a bug in response handling for several protocols (IMAP, POP3 and FTP) that bypasses the enforced TLS check so that even transfers that are explicitly told to require TLS can accidentally silently be performed in clear text! Rewarded 1,000 USD.

CVE-2021-22947 allows a mitm attacker to inject data into the protocol stream for FTP, IMAP, POP3 or SMTP in a way before the TLS upgrade so that curl accepts that data and uses it after after having upgraded to TLS. The untrusted data slips in and gets treated as trusted! Rewarded 1,500 USD.

These two latter ones came as an indirect result/inspiration from the NO STARTTLS research.


This release comes with three changes to take note of…

Users of the bearssl TLS backend will appreciate that it too now supports the CURLOPT_CAINFO_BLOB option so that the CA certificate easily can be provided in-memory by applications.

The cookie engine in curl now considers http://localhost to be secure and thus cookies that are marked “secure” will be sent over it – even when not using HTTPS. This is done because curl now since a while back makes sure that localhost is always truly local.

Users of the Secure Transport TLS backend can now use CURLINFO_CERTINFO to extract information about the server’s certificate chain.


Some of the most interesting bug-fixes we did this round.

use ares_getaddrinfo()

When you build curl to use the c-ares name resolver backend, curl will now use this function to get improved handling for IPv4+ IPv6. This also ups our requirement on c-ares to 1.16.0.

hyper works better

1xx responses, Transfer-Encoding and more have been fixed. The number of tests that are disabled for hyper builds are even fewer than before, but there’s still plenty of work to do before it can be considered not experimental.

cmake builds: avoid poll() on macOS

We have deliberately not used poll() in macOS builds for a long time when building with configure, and now we realized that cmake builds inadvertently had poll() use enabled, which caused curl to misbehave when for example connecting to a host while that connection got closed by the peer. poll() is now disabled on macOS even when cmake is used.

configure: also check lib64 for the OpenSSL pkg-config file

OpenSSL did a very late change just before they shipped version 3.0.0: they modified the default installation path for the library for 64 bit systems from $prefix/lib to $prefix/lib64, and subsequently we had to update our configure script detection logic accordingly. This helps configure to find OpenSSL v3 installs.

curl.1: provide examples for each option

The documentation now must provide at least one example command line for each command line option curl provides. This is verified in the build and will cause build errors if a file doesn’t comply! Feel free to suggest new, more or better examples when you start to see them in the man page.

HTTP 1.1: disallow >3-digit response codes

The HTTP protocol is defined to only allow three-digit numbers and now curl enforces that check stricter. This was in part made to align behavior when curl is built to use hyper.

HTTP 1.1: ignore content-length if any transfer-encoding is used

Non-chunked transfer-encoded content that also sends Content-Length headers is rare but was incorrectly handled by curl. Found when aligning behavior with hyper builds.

http_proxy: only wait for writable socket while sending request

Due to a mistake in the handling of what socket activity to wait for, curl could accidentally be made to busy-loop from the CONNECT request was sent to the proxy until the first data arrived.

Support mbedTLS 3.0.0

When mbedTLS released a new version with support for TLS 1.3 etc, they also modified the API a bit.

Ban strerror

We’ve had our own internal strerror replacement function for a long time (primarily due to it not being thread-safe), but a recent code review revealed that a lot of uses of this function had still crept in. Starting now, our code check tool (checksrc) will error if strerror is used in libcurl code.

The mailing lists move from to

Our old decommissioned server hosted 29 mailing lists. We moved most of them and killed off a few. All our mailing lists are now hosted on, including all the curl related ones of course! The old server name will simply redirect to the new one if you go there with a browser.

Heading towards curl eight

There’s a plan for version 8 being forged! Let me just take you back a bit in time first..

The early days

When we first created libcurl, we bumped the major version number of the project from the previous version 6 to version 7. In late summer of 2000 we shipped curl and libcurl 7.1 as the first ever release that featured a separate library for Internet transfer powers. Everything before version 7 was just the command line tool, curl. That was the moment in time we decided we should leave kindergarten and we were ready to take on some tougher loads.

I had the main approach to the API worked out already from the start. It would be transfer-oriented, it would be built up around URLs and shouldn’t necessarily require that the users are themselves protocol experts to use it. I used inspiration from ioctl and fcntl when I made curl_easy_setopt and curl_easy_getinfo. They’re fixed functions with flexible arguments. The idea was that by doing that, we wouldn’t have to add new functions for new features but we would “just” add options and new options would simply just not work with older libcurls.

The first API we shipped also only provided synchronous single transfers. The “easy” interface.

I had no anticipations or particular hopes on the library then. It would be cool if someone found good use for it and it would be even cooler if someone would help out to improve it further.

It grew, I learned

I had never before developed and shipped a library for the world to use. I hadn’t really fully grasped and considered the impact of APIs and ABI stability etc.

We gradually improved the library over time. We bumped the SONAME several times in the first few years as we modified internals. In the same time the library caught on a bigger and bigger audience and in September 2006 as I ripped out code for what is commonly referred to as “FTP third party transfers” I once again bumped the ABI number (to 4) since the older libcurl was no longer compatible with the new release.

People don’t like SONAME bumps

That bump was met with quite a lot of resistance and objections among users. Changing SONAME of a widely used library it turns out causes a lot of pain, agony and squeaking. Possibly this was one of the earlier signs that libcurl had grown up and I decided that we should try to avoid going through this again. We shall not break ABI compatibility again. Ever.

No bumps, no worries

In this world with no SONAME bumps I wanted to keep that solidity visible in the major number of the project so even though the version number of the releases aren’t strictly related to the SONAME we kept shipping curl version seven. In September 2021, we reach curl 7.79.0.

We’ve managed to stick to our goals and a binary libcurl using application built after September 2006 can run with the latest libcurl with no modification needed! This is one of the biggest edges and “selling points” we have in libcurl: We take compatibility and unmodified behavior very seriously.

In 2013 I even wrote blog post emphasizing this and in there I said there won’t be a curl version 8 “in a long time”. But read on, things have changed a little!

An ever-growing minor number

We bump the minor version number every time we “change” something in the project, or add features. If we only do bug-fixes we only bump the patch number. You know, in classic “major,minor.patch” style.

As we do curl releases at least every 8 weeks and most releases have changes added, we bump the minor number very frequently, up to 6 times a year or so.

We provide version number information for libcurl provided as a 24 bit number, using 8 bits for each field. This implies that none of the numbers can ever go above 255. We can’t ship a 7.256.0 for this practical reason.

But also, from what I’ve seen people do with and think about version numbers before, I’m concerned that increasing the minor number beyond 99 will cause confusions. Version 7.100.0 risks gettinged confused and mixed up with 7.1 or 7.10.0, two versions that are terribly old. And frankly that’s a very large minor number and it starts becoming many digits in that release version.

There exists a solution to this!

Reset minor, bump major, keep SONAME

The idea is simply to do “a Linux kernel”. We change to version 8.0.0 at a given point in time, but we stick to the same SONAME as before.

We don’t break any compatibility, there will no no API or functionality cleanups. There will just be a version number bump to lower the minor number and let us start over that journey. Reset the counter so to speak.

When do we do this? We have roughly 20 releases left before the minor counter can reach 100, 20 releases take at least 6*20 = 120 weeks. 120 weeks is 2.3 years.

Another event within this period

On March 20, 2023. About 18 months into the future, the curl project turns 25 years old. Here’s a golden opportunity! Let’s top off the 25 year celebrations with a major version number bump!

The plan

Independently of what version number we have reached to at that point, independently of if we add features or not in that release, independently of exactly how that date fits within the pre-determined release cycle and without changing any APIs, we ship curl version 8.0.0 on that day.

Turning 25 and bumping the major version number on the same day should be fun.

Version 8

I hope that a small side-effect of bumping the major number will make users still left on version 7 to slightly faster feel outdated and push for getting up to 8. It could work as a minor push to get users to catch up a bit.

The minor number will of course immediately start “climbing” again and in a worst-case scenario, we risk reaching minor number 100 again within another 17 years. Maybe we can plan another bump for the 40th birthday?

Making world-class docs takes effort

Here are six requirements that I have on a project for it to reach my gold approval for stellar docs. Then something about what I’ve done recently to further improve the docs for curl.

Your docs belong in the code repository

It needs to be next to the code so that authors and contributors can update/read the docs while working on the code or docs. Providing it in a separate repository or otherwise separated will undoubtedly lead to discrepancies sooner or later. Similar to how all wikis are always wrong.

Your docs is not extracted from code

Admit it. If you browse around you will realize that the best documented projects you find never provide that docs generated directly from code. Such generated docs can still provide value, but you will not reach gold level without more effort.

Separated docs encourage more writing and writing by people who are otherwise scared of touching the code or thinking that fixing spelling errors in the docs isn’t worth patching the code for. It also allows for other and better formatting on the docs.

Your docs features examples

Users always ask for (more) examples. You can never go wrong by providing examples. If your docs don’t have enough examples, you’re not doing the docs good enough yet.

You document every API call you provide

Fewer things make me sigh more than when I have to dig up the source code and from that try to figure out exactly how an external and publicly provided API works. Yet this still happens regularly even for libraries that have been released and maintained for decades.

In one fairly recent instance I reported such an omission in a popular library. It took them over two years to add it.

Long-living libraries should also provide information about from which versions certain functionality or options exist or can be expected to work or not work.

Your docs is easily accessible and browsed

Good docs means that we can find what we’re looking for and that the documentation flows and is easily read and understood. Ideally, even simple google searches for API details in your library should lead us to suitable entry points.

Preferably, the documentation should also be provided for proper off-line reading, meaning man pages or something similar that can be browsed when disconnected from the Internet.

Your docs should be easy to contribute to

The docs should be easy for contributors to help out with (independently from the code if desired). That also includes that they should be easy for contributors to build and render locally so that they can test and view their updates while working on them.

Documentation in the curl project

I want the documentation for curl and libcurl to be known, recognized and widely admitted to be world-class.

I want the curl documentation to be of a quality and content to make users not able to find competitors or similar projects with better docs.

Documentation in curl is not an after-thought. It is not a second-tier component. It is a crucial and important foundation that allows users to use, trust and rely on our products. We require that new changes or improved functionality are provided with the corresponding updated and accurate documentation.

We also try to verify and check the docs as much as possible with scanners , tests and tools.

Non-stop iterating is key

I maintain that our documentation is as good as it is today a lot thanks to us very rigidly sticking to our guiding principles: compatibility and not breaking existing behavior. Documentation we wrote decades ago is still valid. It gives us plenty of time to keep refining and polishing the documentation of a feature that doesn’t change. No documentation was perfect already at the first attempt, but after numerous iterations and improvements chances are it is better. Time is on our side. And we are never done, documentation can always be improved.

I’m putting in the work

A few days ago I talked documentation with someone and when doing so I thought about what guiding principles I think we should put on project documentation. What I’ve listed above basically.

In then dawned on me that the current man curl.1 man page is actually not featuring that many examples, in spite of it being 3535 lines long. I pondered a little bit on how best add some, and then dove in and extended our system that generates it from the hundreds of individual files that each describe a single command line option. They should of course all offer at least one example!

Having 242 command line options (as of right now, it will be more soon), that sudden idea that seemed simple enough turned into a quite gruesome work and I spent many hours walking over the options to make up examples. I also made sure that our build system now returns an error if there’s a command option without an example in the documentation! This way, we can be sure that also all future command line options will have examples in the man page.

This made the curl.1 man page grew with over 1200 lines!

libcurl options too

A few years ago I did a manual effort and made sure most man pages for libcurl options include examples, but I never made that into a test or anything so there’s nothing that forces us to stick to this.

Having started this journey, I decided now was the time to add that requirement to the scripts. I extended test case 1173, which already scans all man pages to verify some basic syntax, to also check that man pages for options feature an EXAMPLE section.

There are at this moment 374 stand-alone man pages for libcurl options. Only ten of them were detected to not feature good enough examples and it wasn’t very hard to fix this.

Consistency is good

Having just extended the man page checker, another idea came up.

I made the script also check that each man page features the correct set of sections, in the required order! I’m a true believer in consistency and that using the same set in the same order will make the docs easier to read and find information in, and checking for these things will make sure that all future additions will be forced stick to the same.

The mandatory sections for libcurl option man pages are right now, in this order:


These man pages are allowed to have other sections as well, and they can be placed anywhere among the mandatory ones, but the eight section headers that has to be there has to be in that order.


While at it, I also extended the man page scanner to check that all references in all curl man pages to libcurl options are verified to actually refer to existing options, to find typos. Ironically this extra check turned out finding exactly no such typos in the current 463 man pages!


The outcome of the work I write about here will of course be merged asap and will be part of future releases and on the website.

We should keep thinking of more ways to improve the documentation and for more ways to verify and cross-reference things mentioned in the docs to increase its accuracy and detect typos.

If you find a problem, an inferior wording or just something you think we should improve in any curl documentation, file a bug or a PR! We also try to make this as easy as possible for users to do directly from the curl website by providing bug-reporting direct links from the documentation pages.


I added the sixth “rule” days after the initial post after Willy Tarreau’s feedback.

Early me caught on TV

SVT is the Swedish national public television. They recently announced their new series Det svenska spelundret, which translated to “The Swedish game wonder” or something. It is a five episode documentary series about the history behind and the creation of the flourishing Swedish computer game industry. In Swedish and the only subtitles available are also in Swedish.

In episode two, there’s a look into the home computer demo scene of the late 80s and early 90s that more or less kick-started some of the early game studios.

You know who were very present in the Swedish demo scene in the late 1980s? Me. I even dabbled a little into games and I wrote a few, at least beginnings of games on the Commodore 64, but I didn’t have the persistence and discipline to finish those projects so they never actually ended up anywhere further than playable prototypes.

I grabbed a frame from the show. At 5:06 there’s this photo, taken at some copy party in the late 80s (in the show they say early 90s but many photos were older).

The yellow circle was added by me to better highlight yours truly. Behind me in the blue-white striped shirt is my brother Björn.

This specific picture was from the copy party in Eskilstuna Sweden 12 – 15 May 1989 that I helped organize. A few hundred teenage nerds in a school over the weekend. I was eighteen years old at the time.

We, in the form of the demo group Horizon, won the demo competition there with our demo Dolly Party (in which I contributed code using my nick name Bagder). Here’s a YouTube recording of it.

Of course a lot of friends and acquaintances from those days also flickered past on the many old golden photos that were shown. Most of them very shown very quickly. A little disappointing was that Kjell Ericson who shot several of those photos didn’t get any credit at all in the show. Thanks Kjell!

The TV show says we called those events “demo parties” when they were in fact called “copy parties” to all of us (probably due to how they once started as a chance to meet up and exchange copies of games and other software) far into the 90s when I believe they rather became LAN parties.


Demos and pictures from my C64 days as member of the demo group Horizon have been collected by Kjell Ericson.

The demo days laid the solid foundation of my computer life and entire career. Slightly more about that can be found on my about me page.

A GitHub star

“The GitHub Stars program thanks GitHub’s most influential developers and gives them a platform to showcase their work, reach more people, and shape the future of GitHub.”

That’s a quote from In the beginning of June 2021 I was invited into the program. I consider it an honor to be recognized. See my featured profile.

The stars program provides insights into and early access to members about what GitHub is working on next and allows me to channel back feedback on such things.

As someone who basically lives on GitHub I believe this could be useful and productive. GitHub is the first site I visit in the morning and the last one I view before I go to bed at night.

Previous GitHub presents

I got coasters and a pint glass saying “100 million repositories” some years back, I got my 3D-printed contribution graph in steel and I got a GitHub notebook at a conference once.

A GitHub Star

Today a delivery guy arrived at my door and I unpacked this 20x30x5 cm dark wooden box with a transparent plastic front showing a very shiny GitHub star and a similar shiny plaque saying

Daniel Stenberg
Presented with <3 by GitHub in 2021

It’s hard to photograph due to all the glare!

The thing is beautiful and will get an honorary placement in my house.


On this thick paper that came with the “starbox”, the following text was printed

Congratulations Daniel Stenberg!

We are pleased to present you with your 2021 GitHub Stars award!

The document

Thank you for the tremendous work that you do in the community by inspiring, educating and influencing all those around you. You are a true star in our eyes, which is why we wanted to say ‘Thank you’ and recognize you as part of a select band of volunteer GitHub Stars from across the world. Together we are supporting communities where more than 60 million people learn, share, and work together to build software. We’re helping make a welcome and inclusive home for all developers and helping others to join us as the next generation.

So thank you for your passion, your love for sharing your knowledge, for your support of open source communities, the amazing things that you’ve done, and the exciting things to follow!

Again, congratulations on your GitHub Stars Award!

With <3 from GitHub


The day after, this second package arrived that was shock full of GitHub swag,

Nocai’s apology

Back in February of this year, I received one of the most chilling emails in my life when someone threatened my life: “I will slaughter you“.

That email penetrated something deep into my soul and heart and I was not quite myself for a few days.

Almost six month later (a few days ago), I received another email from a person who claims to be this “Al Nocai” from that first threat. I read the beginning of this email several times before I actually could make myself continue past the opening paragraphs. Slightly worried what to find, with the memories from the last time coming back.

This email however, says “an apology” in the subject. I believe this email is written by the same guy.

The long and full apology is inserted below. The gist of it is: he claims to have been the victim of all sorts of bad stuff by several people named “Dan” and I got lumped in there because of my first name. He (?) also says he suffers from schizophrenia.

I’m publishing this partly because I got a lot of attention when I made the initial threat public so I figure it could be interesting for some to learn about this development. I can of course not verify that this is in fact the same person nor will I even attempt to verify any of his many claims of wrongdoings against him.

I’m happy for “Al” that he’s getting help and tries to move on. For me, this apology at least finally proves that this threat is over and in fact never was intended literally. I hope I will never receive anything close to that again.

The apology in full

I am Al Nocai. When I contacted you initially, I believed you to be a Dan E., from texas, or a Dan S from delaware or a Dan from Minneapolis. I didn’t do my research, and when I found it was actually you and you had nothing to do with my situation, I became indignant and even more of an asshole. You had every right to be mad, and publish as you did. I’m not trying to justify what I did, there is none, I should have been a lot more cordial. I just want to provide context around what was happening, I believe I at least owe you why.

I had to retire from my career do to schizophrenia. Again, I should have not let my delusions go to the point they did nor should I have acted the way it does. My illness doesn’t detract from the rashness of my actions.

I, at the time, lost my defense project after getting hacked through the Department of Veterans Affairs in the US. It was a few years into development, and it was meant to be a pathway to get homeless veterans off the streets. I was trying to develop a “trade-route” in tech. At the time I was very lucid. I was volunteering regularly in my community and I had a great family life. In October 2020, there was an attempt on my life which left me bludgeoned and near death with 2 orbital fractures. These event led me to uncover a massive money laundering operation and then had ties elsewhere. I then got hacked. When I say hacked, I lost every device. They rooted my charge arbitrator, I was bios bonded and I basically lost every document and all my software.

The people who did it gloated to me about it to me through linkedin. Trying to take my computers back, I ended up QAing a lot of their malware. This led to be being whaled for months. People attempted to blackmail me, they stole my identity and I was lied to about what I was doing as the people approaching me hid their relations to the people who initially hacked me.

These stressors where the predicates to my psychotic break. My federal correspondence about the hacking was re-routed. I had people impersonating microsoft employees. I even had a $50 billion dollar mortgage servicer trying to sue me over tweets. I also had firms like outpost 24 doing MiTM attacks on me, which is also a factor as I didnt realize at first where all my EU Certs were coming from in my Active directory.

Last, just to give you a clearer picture at how much I was monitored: I ended up not being able to take anything back in Windows. They were in my Windows Registry directly from install. Finding what I did, I believe I misattributed a good amount of sloppy programming to malicious behavior due to stress and paranoia.

So why did I believe you to be someone else? All the people responsible for these actions, well most of them were named Dan. They were mostly ex-google employees. Which is why my results changed and I ended up with about 19k various porn accounts in my name. This, they were also posing as random people named Dan (i.e. when IO tried telling Convercent, Microsoft’s auditor) about the issues. They were named Dan, and they were fraudulent.

So when I found what I did, and as well maintained as I did, I jumped the gun and assumed you were, again, one of the individuals I had whaling me. And at that point, after going to every agency I could, state and local, about the issue, I was a vicious dog backed into a corner. And I also at the time didn’t mean I’d physically harm you. I meant I was going to keep taking out your site.

Again, this doesn’t excuse my behavior. And in the end after all I tried to do to report everything that was happening. I ended up making the people who whaled me a lot of money. And I ended up still losing everything, but I also hurt and was a real asshole to a lot of people that had nothing to do with anything.

In the end, I had a hard time realizing what I did and the curl reason was a piss poor one. Again, I was just being an indignant ass. Especially to someone who actually reported security issues.

Sorry it took me a long time to write this. I should have apologized right after I knew I was wrong. I apologize for that mistake as well.

This amends is also a part of my getting better. So I apologize if this angered you. I just needed to make sure I tell you that I was wrong and I should have had better judgement.

I hope this message finds you well,