Tag Archives: cURL and libcurl

FOSDEM 2024: you too could have made curl

This is the video recording of my talk with this title, done at February 4, 2024 10:00 in the K1.105 room at FOSDEM 2024. The room can hold some 800 people but there were a few hundred seats still unoccupied. Several people I met up with later have insisted that 10 am on a Sunday is way too early for attending talks…

When I was about to start my talk, the slides would not show on the projector. Yeah, sigh. Nothing surprising maybe, but you always hope you can avoid these problems – in particular in the last moment with a huge audience waiting.

There was this separate video monitor laptop that clearly showed that my laptop would output the correct thing – in a proper resolution (1280 x 720 as per auto-negotiation), but the projector refused to play ball. The live stream could also see my output, so the problem was somehow from the video box to the projector.

Several people eventually got involved, things were rebooted multiple times, cables were yanked and replugged in again. First after I installed arandr and forced-updated the resolution of my HDMI output to 1920×1080 the projector would suddenly show my presentation. (Later on I was told that people had the same problem in this room the day before…)

That was about nine minutes of technical difficulties that is cut out from the recording. Nine minutes to test my nerves and presentation finesse as I had to adapt.

Funding Dan to improve curl tests

A few weeks ago I mentioned how we fund Stefan’s work on improving HTTP(/3) in curl. Now, in similar spirit we are funding Dan Fandrich to work on further improving test infrastructure. Dan has worked fiercely on the introduction of parallel tests over the recent year or so and this is work that builds on that and continues down that road.

This funding is paid for by sponsors and donors, via Open Collective and GitHub sponsors. Thank you all!

Test Analysis System

curl contains a regression test suite of over 1900 individual test cases that are run automatically on every commit submission and on every pull request in almost 130 different environments., meaning that every change can result in more than 140,000 tests being run. A spurious test failure rate of a mere 0.001% is likely to cause a perfectly good PR to end up showing with a red failure. A new contributor that doesn’t understand this problem can spend hours poring over his or her patch and the related code in curl, searching for a problem that isn’t there.

Analyzing 140,000 tests for each change to the curl source code to find failure trends (such as flaky tests) demands an automated solution. Dan has created a system (working name Test Clutch) that has been successfully ingesting curl CI test results for much of the past year and has been used by him to find flaky tests as well as permanently failing tests (often submitted under the mistaken impression that the failed test was merely flaky). It collects individual test results from all the CI systems used in the curl project into a database where they can be analyzed.

This system has potential to be useful to a broader base of curl developers to help see test trends, test platform coverage and to better determine which tests are flaky and could use improvement. It has been written in a fashion such that test results for other projects besides curl can also be added and analyzed separately.

Work Projects

Make Test Clutch available

The current test ingestion and analysis system will be productionized and the analysis summary table will be integrated into the curl web site for easy access for developers.

Assist in PR work

This task will involve writing code to trigger the test analysis system to retrieve detailed PR test results when available. It must make a reasonable determination of when all the expected tests have been completed (since not all tests will run for every PR) then commenting on the PR with a summary of the test results and believability of any test failures.


These are project that will benefit the project when implemented but they are not time sensitive and Dan is not going to work full time on them. There are no exact end dates set for them.

The result of Dan’s work will become visible in PRs and website updates as we go forward.

Five year full time curl anniversary

Five years ago now, on February 2nd 2019, I started working for wolfSSL doing curl full time. I have now worked longer for wolfSSL than I previously did for Mozilla.

I have said it before and I will say it again: working full time on curl is my definition of living the dream.

Joining wolfSSL was not just me changing employer, it changed everything for me. First, I am not just a regular employee, I am the lead curl developer and the curl support we offer for commercial customers is unparalleled. No other business or individuals can offer the same level of support, knowledge, experience, insights and ability to merge fixes and changes back into curl mainline.

At wolfSSL we offer commercial services around and support for curl and libcurl. Contract development of new features, debugging, fixing problems and just about every other aspect of getting users get better use of (lib)curl in their products and services.

I think this change has been good for curl and curl project as well. The last five years have seen more and faster development than any other previous five year period. I have been able to work intensely and a lot on curl, When fixing bugs and adding features for customers, but even more just the general improving of things for everyone that the money from support customers makes possible.

curl 8.6.0


the 254th release
7 changes
56 days (total: 9,448)

154 bug-fixes (total: 9,888)
257 commits (total: 31,684)
0 new public libcurl function (total: 93)
1 new curl_easy_setopt() option (total: 304)

0 new curl command line option (total: 258)
65 contributors, 40 new (total: 3,078)
36 authors, 18 new (total: 1,237)
1 security fix (total: 151)

Release presentation


CVE-2024-0853: OCSP verification bypass with TLS session reuse. curl inadvertently kept the SSL session ID for connections in its cache even when the verify status (OCSP stapling) test failed. A subsequent transfer to the same hostname could then succeed if the session ID cache was still fresh, which then skipped the verify status check.


  • Markdown documentation. Most of the libcurl and command line documentation is now written using (basic) markdown instead of previous formats. Easier to read, easier to write.
  • CURLE_TOO_LARGE. A new libcurl error code for when “something” is growing too big to be allowed. Like a URL, a HTTP request or similar. Previously it would return out of memory for those situations which caused confusion to users.
  • CURLINFO_QUEUE_TIME_T. Applications can now ask libcurl how long a transfer was “queued” internally before it actually started.
  • CURLOPT_SERVER_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_MS. A new millisecond version of the already existing option to allow applications higher resolution control.
  • Use GetAddrInfoExW on >= Windows 8. On current Windows versions libcurl will now do asynchronous name resolving by default without using threads, which should be less resource heavy.
  • libpsl detection failure in configure causes error. If configure cannot find libpsl it will require the user to say that it should not be used, or to fix the problem. To make people who build curl more aware of the PSL state of the build.
  • runtests supports -gl, When you invoke individual test cases on macOS, you can now ask to run it with lldb with -gl just as you have been able to run it with gdb using -g for decades. Helps debugging difficult cases.


Here some of my favorite bugfixes from this cycle:

configure: add libngtcp2_crypto_boringssl detection. Previously it would only detect and build out of the box with the quictls version of ngtcp2 builds.

configure: when enabling QUIC, check that TLS supports QUIC. More efforts trying to detect wrong and invalid build combinations earlier, to avoid users ending up with broken builds.

all libcurl man page examples are verified in CI. Every man page example now compiles cleanly. This step made us detect and fix numerous tiny mistakes of the most annoying kind: when you copy code from docs and it does not work.

curl shows ipfs and ipns as supported “protocols”. In the regular --version output. Even if they are converted to https:// internally.

curl bsearches command line options. The command line parsing is now magnitudes faster. Of course it will not really be noticeable outside of the most extreme cases.

curl stopped supporting @filename style for --cookie. This syntax was never documented and was not used in any test case. It was risking to cause unwanted surprises.

curl –remove-on-error only removes “real” files. Mostly as a precaution for when users are unclever enough to run curl with elevated privileges and would save to a device or named pipe etc.

curl no longer sets the file comment on Amiga. It would truncate the URL weirdly and also risk leak credentials if such were used in the URL.

lib: reduced use of the download buffer all over. The download buffer has over time been abused for all kinds of buffer purposes. This cycle we have made a lot of such buffer use instead start use their own buffers. With a little luck, this will make us possible use a single download buffer for all transfer in a multi handle, thereby drastically reducing the amount of used memory when doing parallel transfers. With no behavior difference or performance degradation. Details on this will follow later.

lib: use memdup0 instead of malloc + memcpy. This was a common code pattern, and with this we reduce the number of mallocs and memcpys at the same time – which we think is good since they are known “problem functions” that are easy to mess up.

lib: various conversions from malloc to dynbuf. In similar spirit as the above, we continued to switch more functions away from using malloc and family to instead use the internal dynbuf API for managing dynamic buffers in a way that is less likely to cause memory related issues.

resolving: with modern c-ares, use its default timeout. It means tighter timeouts by default but also that this combo now also respect the timeout that can be specified in resolve.conf.

headers API: make sure the trailing newline is never stored. A header with no content on the right side of the colon would erroneously get its trailing newline stored as content

mprintf: overhaul, performance and bugfixes. Now the curl printf functions work even more similar to the glibc counterparts especially when provided illegal %-combinations and when using the <num>$ operator. Performance measurements on this new code also says this code now executes around 30% faster on commonly used format strings.

ftp: handle the PORT parsing without allocation. Minor cleanup.

http3: initial support for OpenSSL 3.2 QUIC stack. The forth QUIC backend in curl is here.

http: check for “Host:” case insensitively. If you would ask to disable this header with a different casing that what was compared, it would still send an empty header in the request.

http: only act on 101 responses when they are HTTP/1.1. If a HTTP response says another protocol version with a 101 response, it is now considered an illegal combination.

openldap: fix an LDAP crash. LDAP without TLS would crash on basic use.

openldap: fix STARTTLS. It was recently broken in a refactor.


There are no revolutionary changes in the pipe, but there are a series of things we most likely are going to land in the next cycle making the next version number likely to become 8.7.0.

Coming: a curl distros meeting

The curl project arranges a two hour video conference meeting on March 21, 2024, with the aim of getting together people from curl and persons packaging curl for distributions. Linux distros and others. If you distribute curl to your users, consider yourself invited!

The main purpose is to improve curl and how curl is shipped to end users. The idea is to make it a multi-party conversation to see how we can improve collaboration, information exchange, testing, experiences etc so that we in the curl project can help the distros ship curl better, faster and more convenient. To the benefit for everyone who uses curl and libcurl packaged by distributions.

Of course, getting people working on related matters together and talking could also help us get to know each other a little better, to get some faces and voices attached to email addresses and by that, making cooperation smoother in the future.

The meeting is open for anyone interested to join and participate in.

The event starts at 16:00 UTC and might last up to two hours.

All details and specifics for this event is put in this wiki page:



curl docs format evolution

I trust you have figured out already that I have the highest ambitions for the curl documentation. I want everything documented in a clear, easy-to-read and easy-to-find manner. This takes a lot of work and is not something that happens without effort.

Part of providing best-in-class documentation has in my mind always been to provide and ship man pages. And to make sure that those latest up-to-date man pages are always offered to users as good-looking webpages on the curl site.

Over twenty years ago I decided to render the web versions of the man pages by creating my own tool for that purpose: roffit. We still use it on the site today. It is a simple tool that converts nroff formatted man pages to HTML and adds cross-referencing links to other man pages. There is no concept of links in nroff, but I decided to use a combination of text and markup to use as a signal and it has worked out fine since. In part of course because I have then also subsequently made sure to format the curl man pages in this roffit-friendly way.


We started writing the curl man pages in the nroff format some time in the beginning of 1999. Mostly then because we did not know or have any tool that would convert nicely into nroff and later on to make sure we got things formatted the way we wanted. This approach works and can be used, but nroff is not a terribly human-friendly format and over time we decided that documenting several hundred command line options in a single nroff file was not ideal.

In November 2016 we revamped the system and started to generate the curl.1 man page at build time from multiple source files. Every command line option would then be documented in its own stand-alone file. Easier to read, easier to manage. Yet we controlled the output nroff format so that the web version would still look excellent. The individual files got .d extensions (for document) but were mostly still using nroff, and were mostly all appended to create the result.

Over time, we introduced more convenience formatting aids to the .d files so that we could write them using less and less nroff, and as a result they also grew more readable in their source format.

The .d file format never had its own name. It is just how we documented 250+ command line options for the curl command line tool.

The libcurl docs however remained authored in nroff. In 2014, the number of libcurl man pages exploded when we started doing a separate document for every libcurl option. We went from 59 man pages in the project to 270 between two releases. Since then we have added many more. Today in early 2024, we have a total of 496 individual man pages in the project. 493 of them concern libcurl.


When curl started, markdown did not exist – that format was created first in 2004. The early documentation we created in the project that was not nroff, we made using plain text files. It was first in 2014 when we slowly started to convert some of our text documents into markdown.

Markdown has several upsides compared to plain old text. In particular it is easier to render good-looking web versions of them, which we do on the curl web site and it offers cross-document linking etc. Over the years we have converted almost all our text documents into markdown. Markdown is also a user-friend format as it is easy to read and easy to edit for contributors, new and old.


The move away from using nroff for the libcurl man pages came with the introduction of the “curldown” document format in early 2024. Meant to make it easy to generate the same kind of nroff files we previously hand-edited, but using “markdown”. I use quotes around it because it is not a full-fledged markdown support, but it looks similar enough to trick casual users and we decided to use “.md” file extensions to make editors, GitHub and more treat and show them as such.

The file format is inspired by the one we created for the command line tool: with a header holding meta-data and then simplified markdown. Easy to read, easy to edit – for everyone. No more strange nroff syntax to copy and paste. The fact that GitHub render the sources files clean and good-looking is also attractive.

Switching to a markdown lookalike format had some other side-effects: suddenly a lot of CI jobs we have running caught these files and had a go at them: spellchecks, prose checks, checks for capitalized words after periods and more. This improved the language significantly.

Also, generating the nroff files rather than editing them has more benefits than just avoiding the baroque syntax: it also allows us to change styles and escape certain sequences through-out all documentation with just a few fixes in the scripts producing the output.

After this 47,000 lines added and removed patch was merged, we have a completely new source format system for the libcurl docs, that generates the same style of nroff output we had previously. With improved language.

But then why not…

With the huge switch to “curldown” for libcurl options, it felt wrong to keep the old curl .d files for the curl.1 man page, seeing as they were almost there already. I did the work and converted them over to the same markdown lookalike style I did for libcurl: they are now also .md files and now they too get spell-checked and scrutinized much more.

I took this move one step further: previously we generated the single curl.1 man page using a fixed header file and a footer file that we prepended and appended to the nroff generated from the (converted) .d documentation.

Now, we instead have a mainpage.idx file that lists which (markdown) file names to include and convert to nroff. This allows us to split the two big headers and footers into several smaller markdown files, each with its own header. Like “DESCRIPTION”, “URL”, and “GLOBBING”. Separating them makes them easier to manage for contributors and the index file makes it easy to change the order of sections etc.

We end up with a curl.1 man page that looks quite similar to before, but with improve language and easier format to edit the documentation going forward.

When I type this, we have 836 files with .md extensions in the curl git repository. At the time of the most recent release, we had 61.


I’m sure it does not stop here. I already have some ideas on how to improve this setup further.

I’m considering doing something to completely avoid the nroff step for the website HTML versions of the man pages and instead go straight from markdown.

The curl tool has the manpage built-in, (shown with the -M option), and I would like to fix the build to do this without using nroff.

I have some more CI jobs to add to verify and check the language in the markdown files. Mostly to make sure the language is consistent.

curl is a CNA

The curl project has been accepted as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) for vulnerabilities in all products directly made or managed by the project. If I’m counting correctly, we are the 351st CNA.

The official announcement from Mitre states: curl is now a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) for all products made and managed by the curl project. This includes curl, libcurl, and trurl.

In plain English, this means that we will reserve and manage our own CVEs in the future directly against the CVE database with no middle man, and also that we have a scope for CVEs that is our territory: curl and libcurl. No one else can now register CVEs for our products – without involving us. (There’s an appeals process so someone can still actually file CVEs for issues even if we say no, but at least there’s a process where both sides will argue their points.)

We do not particularly want to be a CNA but we hope that this move will make it harder to file more stupid curl CVEs in the future.

PSL in curl

PSL in this context stands for Public Suffix List. It is a list of known public suffixes in domain names. A public suffix is a name under which Internet users can (or historically could) directly register names – other than the top-level domains. One of the most commonly known and used such suffixes is “co.uk”, but the complete list is rather long and exhaustive.

Public suffixes are important when working with HTTP cookies, because the only way an HTTP client can accurately deny setting super cookies is to know about every existing PSL domain and deny servers to set cookies for those domains.

The use of PSL is recommend in RFC 6265: “If feasible, user agents SHOULD use an up-to-date public suffix list” (and yes, there mere fact that it speaks of a list and not the list of course highlights how problematic this is)

A super cookie is a cookie that is set for a “too wide” domain, making it apply across multiple sites in ways cookies are not supposed to function. If we allow a super cookie set for “co.uk”, that cookie could get sent to a huge amount of different domains.

If you ask me, this is one of the ugliest parts of cookie functionality. And there are a few such parts to select from.

The exact list of names present in the PSL varies over time. New names are added, old names are removed. This of course makes aging clients over time increasingly likely to unwittingly accept cookies for domain names that have since been added to the list. Or block cookies for domains that are no longer in the list!

curl, cookies and PSL

curl has supported cookies since 1998, but it has only supported PSL since 2015 (7.46.0). PSL support in curl is powered by the libpsl library.

Support for this external library is entirely optional in the build and lots of users deliberately decide to build curl without it. Leaving it out reduces footprint, avoids an extra dependency etc. Lots of users who build curl won’t use cookies or do not care about the risk for super cookies.

When you invoke curl -V, to get to see the versions and features of your currently installed curl tool, look for the PSL keyword among the features to learn whether your curl build supports Public Suffix List handling.

cookies are cross-client

Since cookies are sent to clients / browsers typically in a completely client-agnostic way, setting cookies with “illegal” domains make them get discarded and not used. This makes sites tend to not try super cookies for normal scenarios as those cookies will just be rejected by most clients. This fact sometimes save the non-PSL compliant clients.

Of course, servers can also just send a flood of cookies to the client trying different domain attributes – as clients will just silent discard the illegal ones and keep the legal ones and then use them later according to their own best abilities.

Force a decision

Based on the realization that people have been building and shipping curl without PSL support perhaps without fully understanding what they have ducked for, I have just merged a change to curl’s configure script. This change will ship in curl 8.6.0.

The configure script checks for libpsl by default (and has done so for a long time) and will use the library if detected, but starting now it will exit with an error if the detection fails to highlight this fact in a much more noticeable way. The users who want to keep building without it can just add --without-libpsl to hush up the message. Previously, a failed detection only worked as a hint to configure that it should build curl without PSL support – completely fine, but maybe not always done so with the user being totally knowledgeable of what that means.

This change still does not necessarily mean that the person getting the configure error understands PSL in depth, but it forces them to make a decision: Willingly build without it, or fix the build to use it. Your choice!

Not a security issue (in curl)

This (now past) lenient take, to allow users to build curl easily without PSL support, was reported as a curl security problem.

I disagree with that take, as I believe it is the responsibility of everyone building curl to make sure that the sum of the components is what they think it should be – the curl build procedure is not designed for nor attempting to make sure that the final product is hardened security wise (whatever that could be). PSL support is optionally built-in – by design.

This said: users who mistakenly use curl without PSL support might of course end up in what could be seen as a potential security problem. I do however not think that it is a security problem in the curl project itself.

Funding Stefan’s curl work

The curl fund sponsors curl development in Q1 2024 . The curl fund consists entirely and only of money donated to the project by companies and individuals.

Thank you sponsors!

These two funded projects are first out in 2024.

Support for OpenSSL’s QUIC API

Designated lead developer: Stefan Eissing

In OpenSSL‘s recent 3.2 release, they introduced support for client-side QUIC. OpenSSL has taken a different API approach than what just about all other TLS libraries have done (including all the OpenSSL forks): they implement a full QUIC stack.

The result is that curl’s QUIC (and by extension HTTP/3) support that already works with three different backends does not work with OpenSSL, but only with the OpenSSL family of forks (BoringSSL, libressl, AWS-LC and quictls), wolfSSL and GnuTLS. Also, OpenSSL just shipped this, while the other TLS libraries have shipped their QUIC APIs for years already.

This design choice of OpenSSL significantly hampers HTTP/3 adoption with curl (and others) since OpenSSL remains the by far most popular TLS library to use with curl.

To improve this situation going forward, Stefan Eiussing will work on adding support for OpenSSL’s QUIC in curl using nghttp3 on top. Experience from other QUIC libraries says that they usually don’t have all the methods we need on their first attempt, and since this is OpenSSL’s first attempt and nobody from them has asked us for feedback, we expect a high risk of at least minor problems. Finding those issues earlier is better than later, in case we need to work with the OpenSSL team to improve things.

Ideally, no major problems are identified and we have HTTP/3 support with OpenSSL in official curl builds later in the year.

Refactoring the HTTP Handler

Designated lead developer: Stefan Eissing

The second half of Stefan’s assignment is to work on generally improving the state of HTTP and handling the different HTTP versions in the libcurl source code.

We want to make curl’s HTTP handler focus on generic HTTP processing of requests and responses only and separate the serialization on the wire into version specific parts. This puts HTTP 1.x, 2 and 3 implementations on par with each other. Other 1.x implementations can then be configured in (e.g. the Rust based “hyper” module) without needing to replace the core HTTP handling of curl.


Stefan has already started. We expect and hope these two projects to be mostly done and landed by the end of Q1 2024. Stefan has an established presence in the project and has already previously done lots of good development work. We are in good hands with Stefan behind the wheel for this.

I personally will of course assist, help out, review, participate in design decisions and generally cheer on, while continuing to do my regular “chores” and curl work: security, releases, maintenance, customer and user support for example.

My upcoming FOSDEM 2024

I attended FOSDEM for the first time back in 2010. I have since been back and attended every single physical version of the conference since then (remember that it skipped a few years in the COVID days).

FOSDEM is my favorite conference no doubt.

I did a presentation in the embedded dev room in 2010. I have in fact talked in front of audiences almost every year and some years I did it more than once.

Stickers and coasters

If you are interested in getting a curl sticker or two, this is a great opportunity. I will bring a senseless amount of curl stickers in different flavors and sizes so that hopefully everyone who wants one can get one. Find me at FOSDEM to get one. Or find the wolfSSL stand (K building level 1), where I will stock up stickers and also spend time every once in a while.

You can find me at the wolfSSL booth following my talks. Saturday 11:30 – 13:00 and Sunday 11:00 – 13:00.

I will also bring fancy PCB-style coasters. You must have a commit merged in curl’s source repository to be eligible to one of those beauties receive from me.

Feel free to email or DM me on Mastodon or something for syncing.

Broom not included: curling the modern way

That’s the title of my talk in the Network devroom. It is scheduled to take place at 10:50 on Saturday February 3rd. In room UB5.230.

The talk is set to take 20 minutes (including questions). My presentation abstract from when I still naively thought I could get 40 minutes describes the talk like this:

Everyone uses curl, the Swiss army knife of Internet transfers. Earlier this year we celebrated curl’s 25th birthday, and while this tool has provided a solid set of command line options for decades, new ones are added over time This talk is a look at some of the most powerful and interesting additions to curl done in recent years. The perhaps lesser known curl tricks that might enrich your command lines, extend your “tool belt” and make you more productive. Also trurl, the recently created companion tool for URL manipulations you maybe did not realize you want.

I will have to make some tough decisions on what of all this that I can actually include…

You too could have made curl

This talk has been accepted on the main track, but is not yet scheduled.

The talk is 50 minutes. It happens at 10:00 Sunday February 4th in room K1.105 (La Fontaine).

Daniel has taken the curl project to run in some 20 billion installations. He talks about what it takes to succeed with Open Source: patience, time, ups and downs, cooperation, fighting your impostor syndrome – all while having fun. There’s no genius or magic trick behind successful open source. You can do it. The talk will of course be spiced up with anecdotes, experiences and stories from Daniel’s 25 years of leading the curl project.


I proposed a talk titled “HTTP/3 – why and where are we” in the Web Performance devroom but it was not accepted.

I will update this post with more info as such becomes available.