Tag Archives: talk

I’ll talk at FSCONS 2010

Recently I was informed that I got two talks accepted to the FSCONS 2010 conference, to be held in the beginning of November 2010.

My talks will be about the Future and current state of internet transport protocols (TCP, HTTP, SPDY, WebSockets, SCTP and more) and on High performance multi-protocol applications with libcurl, which will educate the audience on how to use libcurl when doing high performance clients with potentially a very large number of simultaneous transfers. A somewhat clueful reader will of course spot that these two talks have a lot in common, and yeah they do reveal a lot of what I do and what I like and what I poke on these days. I hope I’ll be able to put the light on some things not everyone is already perfectly aware of.

The talks will be held in English, and if the past FSCONS conferences tell anything, my talks will be video filmed and become available online afterward for the world to see if you have a funeral or something to attend to that prevents you from actually attending in person.

If you have thoughts, questions or anything on these topics that you would like to get answered in my talk, feel free to bring them up and I’ll see what I can do.

(If those fine guys and gals at FSCONS ever settled for a logo, or had one I could link to, I would’ve shown one of them right here.)

My talk Optimera Sthlm

30 minutes is a tricky period to fill with contents when you do a talk, and yesterday I did my best at confusing/informing the audience at the OPTIMERA STHLM conference in transport layer performance. Where time is spent or lost today in TCP, what to think about to get things to behave faster, that RTT is not getting better even though brandwidth is growing really fast these days and a little about some future technologies like WebSockets, SPDY, SCTP and MPTCP.

Note: this talk is entirely in Swedish.

My slides for this is also viewable with slideshare.net like this:

Foss-sthlm on Internetdagarna

Yes, I’m very happy to say that our good friends at .SE (who run and admin the .se TLD and more) like FOSS a lot and they are organizing Swedish perhaps biggest conference on internet-related stuff annually in October: Internetdagarna. This year, they’ve reached out to cooperate with us – the foss-sthlm foss network – to arrange and hold a meeting of our own during the conference.

The foss-sthlm meeting will not be within the actual conference, but will be held just next door. We intend to hold the meeting admission-free just as before – the way we like! I hope and think that we will be able to arrange another kick-ass meeting then and with .SE’s help we will get the arrangements done in style. I just very well may end up doing a talk myself at that meeting. (We call that meeting #4 for now, but it’s by no means decided that it actually will end up being the forth one this year.)

Let me again just mention that foss-sthlm is no formal organization and it has no leaders and no actual members. We’re all just individuals. However, I work to get things to happen within the network and I thus sometimes appear to “speak for” us, although in the end I of course only speak for myself and I help out to arrange things that I hope others will appreciate as well.


Our friends at .SE are once again putting together an interesting conference-style day with talks, and this time the title of it is “OPTIMERA STHLM” (yes they use all caps) and it is all about optimizing web-related things.

I’ve been invited and I will do a 30 minute talk during that day about the transport layer and stuff on top of the transport layer. In other words it’ll include things to consider for TCP, DNS, HTTP, handling sockets, libcurl and a quick look at things such as Websockets, SPDY, MPTCP and SCTP.

The full day’s program is now available on the linked page. Enjoy!

140 foss hackers

At last, the first meeting with our recently started foss-sthlm effort took place. The amount of attention and attendance we achieved by far surpassed our wildest assumptions, and around 130-140 persons interested in open source showed up (we don’t know the exact number). The facilities in Kista where we held the event, were graciously let to our use by Stockholm’s University (DSV) and they were very good. MSC and Nohup were our two sponsors who donated great sub sandwiches and drinks to all of us. Thank you!

I’m glad we manage to offer this event completely free of charge to the attendees, and hey we had quality talkers speaking up on really interesting subject that I think the audience appreciated on the subjects of PostgreSQL, Upstart, Open Source Sweden, Rockbox and Debian packaging.

I did a 20 minute talk about curl – in Swedish. The slides are available (they are thus in Swedish too), see below, and hopefully there will soon be video available online with my presentation.

I also hope that we will gather all the slides at one single point to offer on the foss-sthlm web site, so check that out later on if you want the lot!

And here are Björn‘s slides:

My Rockbox talk at Fosdem 2010

As I’ve mentioned several times before in this blog, I did a talk about Rockbox and reverse engineering at Fosdem 2010 Feburary 6-7 in Brussels, and since there was no “pre-arranged” video recording of the talks in the embedded devroom, Peter D’Hoye stepped up and recorded the whole thing using his Nokia n900 phone.

I decided to not make the slides for this talk available separately, as they were more or less the same as the ones I used for my FSCONS 2009 talk, so you can go watch them instead if this video isn’t enough!


To view it, I suggest you use VLC or similar and tell it to stream directly from one of these URLs, the file is a 1.1GB one with 848×480 resolution running for 51 minutes. Annoyingly, none of the usual free online video services allow this long ones.



Rockbox talk at Fosdem

I’m scheduled to do a talk about Rockbox at FOSDEM 2010 in the embedded devroom. I’ve got it confirmed, even though the schedule for that room is still not up on the fosdem site.

I must admit the planning for the schedule and the talks of Fosdem confuses me greatly so I’m not entirely sure how everything will work at there – this is going to become my first visit to Fosdem.

My talk will be based on and be similar to the talk I did on this topic at FSCONS 2009.

Update: fosdem info about the talk.


FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting

2010 conferences

What are the good conferences 2010 that I really shouldn’t miss? I’m talking open source, tech and internet protocols. Where are you going? I’m currently planning like this:

Fosdem 6-7 Feb in Brussels Belgium: I’m going and I’m doing a Rockbox talk.

foss-sthlm 24 Feb in Stockholm Sweden: I’m arranging and I’m doing a curl talk. This isn’t really a “conference” but I wanted to mention it anyway!

IETF 77 in Anaheim USA, March 21-26: While it would’ve been a blast to go there, it really doesn’t sync very well with my work schedule and other lifely matters so I’ll pass this one! Sorry all friends whom I otherwise would’ve met there!

OWASP AppSec Research in Stockholm Sweden, June 21-24: since it is in Stockholm and these guys tend to have interesting stuff I just may go. It depends a little on how the program will end up and if I manage to cough up a talk for it.

IETF 78 in Maastricht Netherlands July 25-30: I want to go there and I think the timing is much better for this IETF meeting than the previous few ones. With a little luck we’ll get both the HTTPBIS and the HTTPSTATE groups to have meetings here, and who knows what other fun there will be?!

Slackathon 2010 in August in Stockholm Sweden? It’s not decided yet but I hope they will go for it and I will try to attend. Slackathon reminders.

FSCONS in Gothenburg Sweden Oct/Nov: Since this is our current major open source conference in Sweden I really want to go and I hope to be able to do a talk too. I don’t think the date is set yet, which is a bit unfortunate since November this year is a bit special to me so there will be some other events going on at that time that risk conflicting with FSCONS.

curl talk at foss-sthlm

I’m now scheduled to do a short talk on curl and the project on the foss-sthlm meeting in Stockholm on February 24th! As you can see on the site, there’s also a set of other fun subjects around Free and Open Source Software.

The material on the site is all in Swedish and all talks are expected to be mostly in Swedish.

Our merry foss-sthlm effort has really taken off in a great way and more than 50 persons have already signed up to show up at the meeting and we have 5 other speakers apart from myself lined up. The program isn’t really fixed yet, but it certainly looks like it’ll end up at least mostly the way it currently looks.

If you are in the area and have an interest in FOSS, consider showing up!

Oh, and my brother Björn is scheduled to talk about Rockbox at the same event.


Me and Claes Jakobsson had a talk in #curl the other day about how we rarely meet Open Source people in the Stockholm Sweden area outside of our own little circles and friends.

In that moment we decided we’d try to arrange a meeting. Free Sofware and Open Source people in the area. In one place. Possibly involving beer. And why not some talks by some clueful people? We’re aiming for it to happen already during early spring 2010, but no date has been set yet.

We’ve already sent out a few mails to people, and we’ve posted about this idea at a few places and now I’ve setup a dedicated mailing list for this purpose. The foss-sthlm mailing list.

Do you want to participate at a meeting like this?

Do you want to help arranging the meeting and get the word spread in all the communities that we would like to get the word spread to?

Do you have any experience in arranging a meeting of this sort? We currently have no idea if people are interested enough, or if we get people interested how many we might be able to attract!

Do you by any chance have connections or friends at companies that would be interested in helping out with sponsorships or similar? My company (Haxx) will certainly make a contribution.

Don’t be shy. Join in and help us get some fun going.

Update: we now have web site monitoring our progress.