Category Archives: cURL and libcurl

curl and/or libcurl related

curling the metalink


Back in 2005 Anthony Bryan started to work with his metalink idea, as can be read in this early 2006 article. Very simplified, Metalink is a way to tell a client how to download the same identical file from many places potentially in parallel. Anthony tells me he had the idea much earlier than so, going back to a bad experience trying to download a Fedora ISO from a download mirror…

Anthony’s and my discussions about metalink started in September 2006 and we’ve bounced countless of mails and ideas back and forth since then. Even more, we’ve become friends and we’ve worked together on several related subjects as well, including several Internet Drafts within the IETF.

We had a metalink discussion on the libcurl mailing list back in April 2008 about whether to have libcurl support it natively or not, but we (I) ended up with the conclusion that it wasn’t fit for libcurl. Basically because metalink is a layer on top of the application protocols that libcurl supports.

I wasn’t quite prepared at that time to accept the patches for the curl tool since I didn’t like all the XML stuff it would bring in and as I recall it I felt that I wasn’t prepared to deal with that extra work load at the time. I think I told the guys I wanted to wait and see and try it more at a later point.

In September that same year I blogged about Anthony’s work on getting an internet draft done for metalink. That would later in 2010 get released as RFC5854 and a year later RFC6249 came out with a way to provide all the info in HTTP headers instead of XML as the previous document was for. (Both RFCs contain acknowledgements to yours truly as contributor.)


While I said metalink wasn’t really fit for libcurl, it was always fit for curl – the command line client that uses libcurl but is more of a transfer tool. During the spring 2012 Anthony and super-hacker Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa approached me and asked if perhaps we were ready for metalink in curl this time?


Since the last time, metalink has developed as a standard and there’s now a libmetalink project to use and I felt it was a good time development wise as well. Tatsuhiro whipped up a refreshed patch in no time and soon we were polishing off the last little edges around the corners and the metalink patch set was merged into curl 7.27.0! Anthony’s and Tatsuhiro’s persistence and patience over the years are impressive. Thanks a lot my friends! That’s a little over five and a half years since the first approach until it got merged into the mainline sources. That’s nothing but pure dedication.


So, starting with curl 7.27.0 and assuming you built curl with the correct set of prereqs installed, this is how you use it:

curl --metalink [URL]

Where the URL is a URL that points to a metalink file, and then curl will download the file from one of the URLs mentioned. curl will at this point try them serially if there are multiple ones specified and not in parallel. Room for future improvements.

curl 7.27.0 will probably be released in the end of July 2012, but you can already get an early test version as a daily snapshot. We’ll appreciate all feedback you can give us!

550M users

(This text has been updated since first post. It used to say 300 million but then I missed all iOS devices…)

Ok, so here’s a little ego game. The rules are very simple: try to figure out all things I’ve written code in (to any noticeable degree) and count how many users the products that use such code might have. Then estimate the total amount of humans that may in fact use my code from time to time.

I’ve been doing software both for fun and professionally for over 20 years (my first code I made available to others was written in 1986 on the C64). But as I look back on what I’ve done at my day job for all this time, most of my labor have been hidden into some sort of devices or equipment that never really were distributed to many customers. I don’t think I’ve ever done software professionally for consumer stuff. My open source code however has found its way into all sorts of things so I decided I could limit this count to open source code I’ve done. It is also slightly easier. Or perhaps less hard. And when it comes to open source, none of my other projects is as popular and widely used as curl. Counting curl users will drown all others.

First some basic stats: the web site gets more than 12000 unique visitors every weekday. curl packages are downloaded from there at a rate of roughly 1 million times/year. The site sends over 200GB of data every month. We have no idea how large share of users who get curl from the main site, but a guess is that it is far less than half of the user base. But of course the number of downloads says nothing about how many users there are.

Mac OS X ships with curl (and libcurl?) by default. There are perhaps 86 million macs in the world.

libcurl is used in television sets and Bluray players made by at least five major brands (LG, Panasonic, Philips, Sony and Toshiba). I’m convinced they don’t use it in all models but probably just a few of their higher end internet-connected ones. 10% of the total? It seems in 2009 there were 35 million flat panel TVs sold in the US with a forecast of the sales growing slightly over the years. I figure that would mean perhaps 100 million ones sold in the US the three last years possibly made by these brands (and lets assume that includes some Blu-rays too), and lets say that is half the world market for them, it would make libcurl shipping in 20 million something TVs.

curl and libcurl are installed by default in some Linux distributions but not in all. In Debian it is an optional extra and the popcon overview shows perhaps 70% of Debian users install libcurl (and 56% use libssh2). Lets assume that’s a suitable average for all desktop Linux users. How many are we? Let’s for the sake of the argument say that 3% of all computers using the internet run Linux. Some numbers say there are 2.3 billion internet users. It would make 70 million Linux computers and thus 49 million libcurl installations. Roughly.

Open Office and the recent spin-off LibreOffice are both using libcurl. Open Office said they have 100 million users now in May 2012.

Games: Second Life, Warhammer 40000, Ghost Recon, Need for speed world, Game Face and “Saints Row: The third” all use libcurl. The first game alone boasts over 20 million registered users. I couldn’t find any numbers for any other game I know uses libcurl.

Other embedded uses: libcurl and libssh2 are both announced as supported packages of Wind River Linux, the perhaps most dominant provider of embedded Linux and another leading provider is Montavista which also offers curl and libcurl. How many users? I have absolutely no idea. I’d say more than just a few, but how many? Impossible to tell so let’s ignore that possibly huge install base. Spotify uses or at least used libcurl, and early 2012 they had 15 million users.

Phones. libcurl is shipped in iOS and WebOS and it is used by RIM and Apple for some (to me) unknown purposes. Lots of applications on Android still build and use libcurl, c-ares and libssh2 for their apps but it is just impossible to estimate how many users they get. Apple has sold 250 million iOS devices, at least. (This little number was missed by me in the calculation I first posted.)


Infrastructure. libcurl is used in the Tornado web server made by Friendfeed/Facebook and it is used by significant services at How many users of said services? Surely many millions. But really, that would be users of just 2 libcurl users so let’s not rush ahead and count those as direct users!

libcurl powers the very popular PHP/CURL extension that a large amount of PHP-running sites have enabled and use. How many? In 2008, 33% of all internet sites run PHP. Let’s say the share has decreased to 30% since then and the total amount of active sites is now 200M. That makes 60M PHP sites, and if there’s 10% of them using PHP/CURL we’re talking 6 million users.

Development. git, darcs, bazaar and Mercurial are all children of the distribution version control systems (some of them very popular) and they all use libcurl. How many users do they have? Since they’re all working on multiple platforms I would estimate the number of users of them collectively to be in the tens of millions range. Let’s say 10 million.

86 + 20 + 49 + 100 + 20 + 15 + 250 + 6 + 10 = 556 million users


And yes, of course a lot of these users will be the same actual human. But I may also just have counted all the numbers completely wrong to start with. I would say I’m probably within the correct magnitude!

550 million users out of the world’s 2.3 billion internet users. 1 out of 4 are using something that runs code I wrote. Kind of cool!

Sweden has a population of less than 10 million. 550 million is almost twice the entire USA, four times the population of Russia or almost eight times the population of Germany… As a comparison to some big browsers, a recent article claims Google Chrome has 200 million users in April 2012 which may be around 25% of the browser market and showing that basically none of the individual browsers have a lot more users than 300 million…

Of course I know that every single person who reads this is a knowing or unknowing user… Can you think of any other major users?

shorter HTTP requests for curl

Starting in curl 7.26.0 (due to be released at the end of May 2012), we will shrink the User-agent: header that curl sends by default in HTTP(S) requests to something much shorter! I suspect that this will raise some eyebrows out there so even though I’ve emailed about it to the curl-users list before I thought I’d better write it up and elaborate.

A default ‘curl localhost’ on Debian Linux makes 170 bytes get sent in that single request:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0 (i486-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.24.0 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.6 libidn/1.23 libssh2/1.2.8 librtmp/2.3
Host: localhost
Accept: */*

As you can see, the user-agent description takes up a large portion of that request, and this for really no good reason at all. Without sacrificing any functionality I shrunk the same request down to 71 bytes:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.24.0
Host: localhost
Accept: */*

That means we shrunk it down to 41% of the original size. I’ll admit the example is a bit extreme and most other normal use cases will use longer host names and longer paths, but even for a URL like “” we’re down to 50% of the original request size (100 vs 199).

Can we shrink it even more? Sure, we could leave out the version number too. I left it in there now only to allow some kind of statistics to get extracted. We can’t remove the entire header, we need to include a user-agent in requests since there are too many servers who won’t function properly otherwise.

And before anyone asks: this change is only for the curl command line tool and not for libcurl, the library. libcurl does in fact not send any user-agent at all by default…

NFS has many meanings

Today I learned that Need for speed World (I first had to google what “NFS-world” actually means) uses curl when I received this email:

From: [removed]
Subject: NFS-world

I can not go into the game for 4 months my nickname “[removed]”. it writes the error “Login failed, please try again.” Please solve this problem. Support Group does not help.

But no, I don’t know why this guy emailed me…

I then went on to look for other Electronic Arts games using libcurl, and I fell over these forum posts that clearly indicate Game Face uses it, but I found no credits or other information page online.

Can you find any other?

The updated web scraping howto


Web scraping is a practice that is basically as old as the web. The desire to extract contents or to machine- generate things from what perhaps was primarily intended to be presented to a browser and to humans pops up all the time.

When I first created the first tool that would later turn into curl back in 1997, it was for the purpose of scraping. When I added more protocols beyond the initial HTTP support it too was to extend its abilities to “scrape” contents for me.

I’ve not (yet!) met Michael Schrenk in person, although I’ve communicated with him back and forth over the years and back in 2007 I got a copy of his book Webbots, Spiders and Screen Scrapers in its 1st edition. Already then I liked it to the extent that I posted this positive little review on the curl-and-php mailing list saying:

this book is a rare exception and previously unmatched to my knowledge in how it covers PHP/CURL. It explains to great details on how to write web clients using PHP/CURL, what pitfalls there are, how to make your code behave well and much more.

Fast-forward to the year 2011. I was contacted by Mike and his publisher at Nostarch, and I was asked to review the book with special regards to protocol facts and curl usage. I didn’t hesitate but gladly accepted as I liked the first edition already and I believe an updated version could be useful to people.

Now, in the early 2012 Mike’s efforts have turned out into a finished second edition of his book. With updated contents and a couple of new chapters, it is refreshed and extended. The web has changed since 2007 and so has this book! I hope that my contributions didn’t only annoy Mike but possibly I helped a little bit to make it even more accurate than the original version. If you find technical or factual errors in this edition, don’t feel shy to tell me (and Mike of course) about them!

Sloppily using SSL_OP_ALL

This story begins with a security flaw in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is truly a fundamental piece of software these days and I would go so far and say that lots of our critical infrastructure today is using it and needs it. Flaws in OpenSSL literally affect entire societies or at least risk doing so if the flaws can be exploited.

SSL/TLS is a rather old and well used protocol with many different implementations, both client and server side. In order to enhance how OpenSSL works with older SSL implementations or just those that have different views on how to implement things, OpenSSL provides an API call to tweak behaviors. The SSL_CTX_set_options function. In the curl project we’ve found good use of it for this purpose, and we use the generic define SSL_OP_ALL to switch on all “rather harmless” workarounds that OpenSSL offers. Rather harmless, that’s what the comment in the header file says.

Ok, enough background and dancing around the issue. The flaw that ignited my idea to write this blog post was a particular mistake made within SSL a long time ago within the code handling SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols when speaking this protocol with a peer that could select the plain-text (see this explanation) – the problem is a generic one with the protocol so different SSL libraries would approach it differently. Ok, so OpenSSL fixed the flaw back in the days of 0.9.6d (we’re talking May 9th 2002). As a user of a library such as OpenSSL it always feels good to see them being on top of security problems and releasing fixes. It makes you feel that you’re being looked after to some extent.

Shortly thereafter, the OpenSSL developers discovered that some broken server implementations didn’t work with the work-around they had done…

Alas, on July 30th 2002 the OpenSSL team released version 0.9.6e which offered a way for programs to disable this particular work-around. By switching this off, it would of course make the protocol less secure again but it would inter-operate better with faulty servers. How do you switch off this security measure? By using the SSL_CTX_set_options function setting the bit SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS.

Ok, so far so good. But the next step is what changed everything from fine to not so fine anymore: they then added that new bit to the SSL_OP_ALL define.

Yes. In one blow every single application out there that use SSL_OP_ALL suddently started switching off this security measure as soon as they were recompiled against this version of OpenSSL. This change was made in 2002 and this is still like this today. It fixed the security problem from OpenSSL’s aspect, but the way the bit was later added to the SSL_OP_ALL define it was instead transferred to affect many programs.

In curl’s case, we were alerted about this flaw on January 19th 2012 and it resulted in a security advisory. I did a quick search for SSL_OP_ALL on and it is obvious that there are hundreds of programs out there still using this bitmask as-is. In the curl project we enabled the SSL_OP_ALL approach for the first time in the 7.10.6 release we did in July 2003. It was wrong already at the time we started using it. It turns out we’ve been enabling this flaw for almost nine years.

In the GnuTLS camp however, they simply stopped doing their work-around for this as soon as they started supporting TLS 1.1 due to the problems the work-around caused to some servers. This since TLS 1.1 isn’t vulnerable to the problem. OpenSSL 1.0.1 beta was released on Janurary 3 2012 and is the first OpenSSL version ever released to support TLS newer than 1.0… The browsers/NSS seem to have mitigated this problem in a different way and there’s a patch available for OpenSSL to implement the same work-around but there’s been no feedback on how or if it will be used.

News in curl 7.24.0

We continue doing curl releases roughly bi-monthly. This time we strike back with a release holding a few interesting new things that I thought are worth highlighting a little extra!

The most important and most depressing news about this release is the two security problems that were fixed. Never before have we released two security advisories for the same release.

Security fixes

The “curl URL sanitization vulnerability” is about how curl trusts user provided URL strings a little too much. Providing sneakily crafted URLs with embeded url-encoded carriage returns and line feeds users could trick curl to do un-intended actions when POP3, SMTP or IMAP protocols were used.

The “curl SSL CBC IV vulnerability” is about how curl inadvertently disables a security measurement in OpenSSL and thus weakens the security for some aspects of SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 connections.


We have a bunch of new changes added to curl and libcurl that some users might like:

  • curl has this ability to run a set of “extra commands” for a couple of protocols when doing a transfer – we call them “quote” operations. A while ago we introduced a way to mark commands within a series of quote commands as not being important if they fail and that the rest of the commands should be sent anyway. We mark such commands with a ‘*’-prefix. Starting now, we support that ‘*’-prefix for SFTP operations as well!
  • CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS is a brand new option that allows programs to set which DNS server(s) libcurl should use to resolve host names. This function only works if libcurl was built to use a resolver backend that allows it to change DNS servers. That currently means nothing else but c-ares.
  • Now supports nettle for crypto functions. libcurl has long been supporting both OpenSSL and gcrypt backends for some of the crypto functions libcurl supports. The gcrypt made perfect sense when libcurl was built to use GnuTLS built to use gcrypt, but since GnuTLS recently has changed to using nettle by default the newly added support to use nettle with remove the need for an extra crypto link being linked for some users.
  • CURLOPT_INTERFACE was modified to allow “magic prefixes” for the application to tell that it uses an interface and not a host name and vice versa. The previous way would always test for both, which could lead to accidental (and slow) name resolves when the interface name isn’t currently present etc.
  • Active FTP sessions with the multi interface are now done much more non-blocking than before. Previously the multi interface would block while waiting for the server to connect back but it no longer does. A new option called CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS was added to allow programs to set how long libcurl should wait for accepting the server getting back.
  • Coming in from the Debian packaging guys, the configure script how features a new option called –enable-versioned-symbols that does exactly what it is called: it enables versioned symbols in the output libcurl.

Rosetta stone

How to figure out if a program uses curl? I get mails from users of it since the curl license is included somewhere and it includes my email address and very often that is the only address available…

To: Daniel Stenberg
Subject: Rosetta Stone Question

I am trying to install Rosetta Stone on my Mac but I am having trouble. The ReadMe says to contact the author, and this email was in the license info. Am I to understand that you are the author?

I don’t know exactly what Rosetta Stone is, but I guess it is the language learning software at


September 8, 2022. It is still alive!

Top-3 curl bugs in 2011

This is a continuation of my little top-3 things in curl during 2011 which started with the top-3 changes 2011.

The changelog on the curl site lists 150 bugs fixed in the seven released of the year. The most import fixes in my view were…

Bug-fix 1: handle HTTP redirects to //hostname/path

Following redirects is one of the fundamentals of HTTP user agents and one of the primary things people use curl and libcurl for is to mimic browser to do automatic stuff on the web. Therefore it was even more embarrassing to realize that libcurl didn’t properly support the relative redirect when the Location: header doesn’t include the protocol but the host name. It basically means that the protocol shall remain (in reality that means HTTP or HTTPS) but it should move over to the new host and path. All browsers support this since ages ago. Since November 15th 2011, libcurl does too!

Bug-fix 2: inappropriate GSSAPI delegation

We had one security vulnerability announced in 2011 and this was it. I won’t try to blame someone else for this mistake, but there are some corners of curl and libcurl I’m not personally very familiar with and I would say the GSS stuff is one of those. In fact, even the actual GSS and GSSAPI technologies are mercy areas as far as my knowledge reaches so I was not at all aware of this feature or that we even made us of it… Of course it also turns out that there’s a certain amount of existing applications that need it so we now have that ability in the library again if enabled by an option.

Bug-fix 3: multi interface, connect fail continue to next IP

One of those silly bugs nobody would expect us to have at this point. It turned out the code for the multi interface didn’t properly move on to try the next IP in case a connect() failed and the host name had resolved to a number of addresses to try. A long term goal of mine is to remodel the internals of libcurl to always use the multi interface code and I would just wrap that interfact with some glue logic to offer the easy interface. For that to work (and for lots of other reasons of course), the multi interface simply must work for all of these things.

Additionally, this is another of those things that are hard to test for in the test suite as it would involve trickery on IP or TCP level and that’s not easy to accomplish in a portable manner.

Top-3 curl changes in 2011

At the end of the year I thought it would be interesting to have a look back over the past twelve months and see what the biggest changes in the curl project were and what the most important bug-fixes were etc. I’ve turned into a little mini series of blog posts. The top-3s. First out, the top-3 changes.

Top-3 changes

In total I counted 29 notable changes brought during 2011. The most significant ones in my view are:

Change 1 – fancier protocol support in proxy strings

This may sound trivial, and the code certainly is, but with this change suddenly a lot of applications that use libcurl got better proxy support without having do anything at all. Previously the application would have to set what protocol type the proxy it would use is, even though libcurl has supported having the proxy specified as an environment variable for ages.

Having only the proxy name was useful but limiting. With this new change you can specify proxy type or rather proxy protocol by prefixing the proxy name like “socks4://” if you want a SOCKS4 proxy. libcurl now supports socks4, socks4a, socks5 or socks5h used as prefixes as well as http.

Change 2 – allow sending “empty” HTTP headers

Another minor change in code but possibly larger impact in usefulness for applications. We introduced a way for applications to change internal headers and to add new ones ages ago. We (or rather I) then made the choice that if you’d provide a header with only the name and a colon, that is with no contents on the right side, it would delete the internal header. That was not a clever move as later on people have wanted to add “blank” or “empty” headers that look exactly like that, but libcurl has then refused to.

There have been some more or less hackish work-arounds to trick libcurl into allowing an empty header, but now finally we introduce a nice and clean way for applications to pass in these kinds of empty headers:

Pass in an empty header that instead of a colon has a semicolon! This is an otherwise illegal header that wouldn’t make sense, but libcurl will use that as a trigger that an empty header should be used and it will then replace the semicolon with a colon and things will be fine.

Change 3 – Added support for cyassl and axTLS

Proving that libcurl moves forward and into more and more markets, the number of supported SSL libraries grew to 7 this year. The all new cyassl backend that replaced the previously done yassl backend that was using cyassl’s former OpenSSL emulation layer. Now we’re using the native and pure API and things are much cleaner. The possibly smallest available TLS library axTLS also got support.

Not all backends and not all SSL libraries are the same or support the same set of features, but then libcurl is used in many different scenarios and use cases and this way we offer more options to more users to craft libcurl for their particular needs. Our internal SSL backend API has managed quite well and proves to have been a worthy change. Adding support for yet another SSL library within libcurl is actually not a lot of work.

Change 4 – TSL-SRP

You may think number 4 of a top-3 list is weird, but I couldn’t cut it off here! =) TLS-SRP has been waiting in the shadows for so long and all of a sudden two of the major SSL libraries have support for it in released versions and libcurl got support for using these features in both libraries during 2011.