Category Archives: Security

tailmatching them cookies

A brand new libcurl security advisory was announced on April 12th, which details how libcurl can leak cookies to domains with tailmatch. Let me explain the details.

(Did I mention that security is hard?)

cookiecurl first implemented cookie support way back in the early days in the late 90s. I participated in the IETF work that much later documented how cookies work in real life. I know how cookies work, and yet this flaw still existed in the curl cookie implementation for over 13 years. Until someone spotted it. And once again that sense of gaaaah, how come we never saw this before!! came over me.

A quick cookie 101

When cookies are used over HTTP, it is (if we simplify things a little) only a name = value pair that is set to be valid a certain domain and a path. But the path is only specifying the prefix, and the domain only specifies the tail part. This means that a site can set a cookie that is for the entire site that is under the path /members so that it will be sent by the brower even for /members/names/ as well as for /members/profile/me etc. The cookie will then not be sent to the same domain for pages under a different path, such as /logout or similar.

A domain for a cookie can set to be valid for and then it will be sent by the browser also for and but not at all for or

Unless of course you have a bug in the cookie tailmatching function. The bug libcurl had until 7.30.0 was released made it send cookies for the domain also to sites that would have the same tail but a different prefix. Like

Let me try a story on you

It might not be obvious at first glance how terrible this can become to users. Let me take you through an imaginary story, backed up by some facts:

Imagine that there’s a known web site out there on the internet that provides an email service to users. Users login on a form and they read email. Or perhaps it is a social site. Preferably for our story, the site is using HTTP only but this trick can be done for most HTTPS sites as well with only a mildly bigger effort.

This known and popular site runs its services on ‘’. When you’re logged in to, your session is a cookie that keeps getting sent to the server and the server sometimes updates the contents and sends it back to the browser. This is the way millions of sites work.

As an evil person, you now register a domain and setup an attack server. You register a domain that has the same ending as the legitimate site. You call your domain ‘’ (FCAFPFS among friends).

anattackMr evil person also knows that there are several web browsers, typically special purpose ones for different kinds of devices, that use libcurl as its base. (But it doesn’t have to be a browser, it could be other tools as well but for this story a browser fits fine.) Lets say you know a person or two who use one of those browsers on

You send a phishing email to these persons. Or post a funny picture on the social site. The idea is to have them click your link to follow through to your funny FCAFPFS site. A little social engineering, who on the internet can truly resist funny cats?

The visitor’s browser (which uses a vulnerable libcurl) does the wrong “tailmatch” on the domain for the session cookie and gladly hands it off to the attacker site. The attacker site could then use that cookie to access and hijack the user’s session. Quite likely the attacker would immediately change password or something and logout/login so that the innocent user who’s off looking at cats will get a “you are logged-out” message when he/she returns to…

The attacker could then use “password reminder” features on other sites to get emails sent to to allow him to continue attacking the user’s other accounts on other services. Or if was a social site, the attacker would post more cat links and harvest more accounts etc…

End of story.

Any process improvements?

For every security vulnerability a project gets, it should be a reason for scrutinizing what went wrong. I don’t mean in the actual code necessarily, but more what processes we lack that made the bug sneak in and remain in there for so long without being detected.

What didn’t we do that made this bug survive this long?

Obviously we didn’t review the code properly. But this is a tricky beast that was added a very long time ago, back in the days when the project was young and not that many developers were involved. Before we even had a test suite. I do believe that we have slightly better reviews these days, but I will also claim that it is far from sure that we would detect this flaw by a sheer code review.

Test cases! We clearly lacked the necessary test case setup that tested the limitations of how cookies are supposed to work and get sent back and forth. We’ve added a few new ones now that detect this particular flaw fine, but I think we have reasons to continue to search for various kinds of negative tests we should do. Involving cookies of course, but also generally in other areas of the curl project.

Of course, we’re all just working voluntarily here on spare time so we can’t expect miracles.

(an attack, picture by Andy Gardner)

Why the latest security vulnerability in curl happened

In the end of January 2013 we got a fresh security vulnerability pointed out to us in the curl project (it was publicly announced on Feb 6). Another buffer overflow. This time in the SASL Digest-MD5 handling for POP3, IMAP and SMTP. It is the 16th security flaw during curl’s life-time of almost 15 years so it isn’t a disaster but still of course it is never fun when it happens. I put a lot of my own effort and pride into this project so every time something like this floats to the surface my pride and self-esteem get damaged a bit.

Everyone who’s concerned about open source and security and foremost in a reliable and secure libcurl of course now wonders: how did this happen? How could this piece of security problem get into libcurl and what are we doing to make sure it doesn’t happen again?

Let me tell you the story. It is not as interesting nor full of conspiracies as you’d like. It is instead rather dull and boring but nevertheless the truth.

I’m the lead developer and maintainer of curl and libcurl. I personally have done some 65% of all commits in the project and I do the majority of all code reviews on the mailing list. Our code might be used by some 500 million users, but the number of regulars that can be considered the “core team” can still basically be counted on a single hand. Also, we all do this primarily on our spare time.

During intense development periods we get flooded by bug reports and patch submissions and my backlog grows. It’s really not possible to foresee when these periods come, but occasionally it seems the planets align in this way and work piles up.

In order to then proceed the best way in the project, I try to focus on the architectural and “deep” matters that need me and my particular knowledge most. I then try to leave the “easy” problems that are easier to work on to others, and I try to stay away from the issues that already seem to be under control by some of the existing regulars in the project. I also have to let other “elders” in the project push things with slightly less scrutiny just to be able to plow through the work better. Unfortunately this leads to the occasional flaw getting through and in this case it was even a security vulnerability that when you look back on the code you really cannot understand how we could miss this.

We do take security seriously though and we make a big effort on handling all security reports swiftly and accurately. Even if this was the 16th time we let our guard down, I want to think that we at least react responsibly and in a good way when we realize our mistakes.

Please don’t judge us due to this. Please instead consider joining us and help us review code and help us find the next flaw before we merge it into mainline or at least before we do a public release with the code!


libcurl claimed to be dangerous

On October 24th, my twitter feed suddenly got more activity than usual when suddenly there’s a mention of a newly(?) published paper:

The most dangerous code in the world: validating SSL certificates in non-browser software

Within the twelve page document they discuss flaws in various APIs and other certificate checking software, and for libcurl they say:

Internally, it uses OpenSSL to verify the chain of trust and verifies the hostname itself. This functionality is controlled by parameters CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER (default value: true) and CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST (default value: 2). This interface is almost perversely bad. The VERIFYPEER parameter is a boolean, while a similar-looking VERIFYHOST parameter is an integer.

(The fact that libcurl supports no less than nine(!) different SSL library backends seems to have been ignored but is irrelevant.)

The final part is their focus. It is an integer option but it looks like it could be similar to the VERIFYPEER option which could be considered a boolean option – but note that there is no boolean options at all in libcurl, those are all “long” values. They go on to explain:

Well-intentioned developers not only routinely misunderstand these parameters, but often set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFY HOST to TRUE, thereby changing it to 1 and thus accidentally disabling hostname verification with disastrous consequences

They back up their claim with some snippets from PHP programs showing wrong use in chapter 7.

What did the authors do to try to fix the problem before posting rude comments in a report? Nothing. At. All. They could’ve emailed, tweeted or posted a bug report or patch but none of that happened.

They also only post examples of the bad use made by PHP code. The PHP code uses the PHP/CURL binding and a change could easily be done in the PHP binding. I don’t know PHP internals, but perhaps the option could be made to not accept a boolean value instead of a numerical there.

We’re now discussing this topic on the libcurl mailing list. If you have ideas or suggestions or just comments, feel free to join in!

Oh, and I feel that my recent blog post on the non-verifying users seems related and relevant.

I will also call the majority of all these suddenly appearing complainers on this API to be mostly hypocrites since the API has been established and working like this for over a 10 (ten!) years and not a single person has objected to it before. Joining up on the “bandwagon” now and calling the API stupid or silly is… well, I’d call it “non-intelligent behavior”. In libcurl we take a stable and solid API and ABI very seriously. We simply do not break API nor ABI unless forced brutally into a corner we can’t escape otherwise. Therefore we have kept this API to keep existing applications functional.

Update: the discussion thread on the topic from the PHP-DEV list. Thanks to Jan Ehrhardt.

Second update: we shipped libcurl 7.28.1 on November 20 2012, and it no longer accepts the value 1 to VERIFYHOST, but will instead cause curl_easy_setopt() return an error and use the default value (which is 2). This will prevent applications to accidentally be insecure due to use of 1.

SSL verification still often disabled

SSL padlockBack in 2002 I realized that having libcurl not do SSL server verification by default basically meant that everyone writing libcurl apps would inherit that flaw, simply because most people always just let the defaults remain unless they really have to read up on what something does and then modify them. If things work, things will just remain. So when we shipped libcurl 7.10 on the first of October that year, libcurl started verifying server certs by default.

Fast forward about ten years.

Surely SSL clients everywhere now do the right thing?

One day a couple of months ago, I was referred to this bug report for the pyssl module in Python which identifies that it doesn’t verify server certs by default! The default SSL handler in Python doesn’t verify the certificate properly. It makes all python programs that use this without special attention vulnerable for man in the middle attacks.

So let’s look at the state of another popular language: PHP. A plain standard PHP program opens a ssl:// or tls:// stream. Unless the author of said program knows and understands these things, it too runs without verifying server certs. If a program instead decides to use the PHP/CURL binding for HTTPS or similar, it will use libcurl’s default which verifies it (as I explained above).

But not everything is gloomy. Some parts of our community have decided to do the right thing:

I was told (and proven) that Ruby now does the right thing, but I don’t know how recent that is and thus how many older Ruby programs that suffer.

The same problem existed with perl’s major HTTPS using module, the LWP, for a very long time. The perl camp however already modified LWP to do verification by default with the release of libwww-perl 6.00, released in March 2011.

Side-note: in the curl project we make it easy for everyone on the Internet to use Firefox’s excellent CA cert bundle to verify server certs by providing the Firefox CA cert collection converted to PEM – the preferred format for OpenSSL, GnuTLS and others.


Even today, lots and lots of applications and scripts will remain insecure – even though they probably think they’re fairly safe when they switch to a HTTPS or SSL using protocol –  and might be subject for man-in-the-middle attacks without even being able to spot it. I think it is pretty sad.

Is there a case for a unified SSL front?

There are many, sorry very many, different SSL libraries today that various programs may want to use. In the open source world at least, it is more and more common that SSL (and other crypto) using programs offer build options to build with either at least OpenSSL or GnuTLS and very often they also offer optinal build with NSS and possibly a few other SSL libraries.

In the curl project we just added support for library number nine. In the libcurl source code we have an internal API that each SSL library backend must provide, and all the libcurl source code is internally using only that single and fixed API to do SSL and crypto operations without even knowing which backend library that is actually providing the functionality. I talked about libcurl’s internal SSL API before, and I asked about this on the libcurl list back in Feb 2011.

So, a common problem should be able to find a common solution. What if we fixed this in a way that would be possible for many projects to re-use? What if one project’s ability to select from 9 different provider libraries could be leveraged by others. A single SSL API with a simplified API but that still provides the functionality most “simple” SSL-using applications need?

Marc Hörsken and I have discussed this a bit, and pidgin/libpurble came up as a possible contender that could use such a single SSL. I’ve also talked about it with Claes Jakobsson and Magnus Hagander for postgresql and I know since before that wget certainly could use it. When I’ve performed my talks on the seven SSL libraries of libcurl I’ve been approached by several people who have expressed a desire in seeing such an externalized API, and I remember the guys from cyassl among those. I’m sure there will be a few other interested parities as well if this takes off.

What remains to be answered is if it is possible to make it reality in a decent way.


  1. will reduce code from the libcurl code base – in the amount of 10K or more lines of C code, and it should be a decreased amount of “own” code for all projects that would decide to use thins single SSL library
  2. will allow other projects to use one out of many SSL libraries, hopefully benefiting end users as a result
  3. should get more people involved in the code as more projects would use it, hopefully ending up in better tested and polished source code

There are several downsides with a unified library, from the angle of curl/libcurl and myself:

  1. it will undoubtedly lead to more code being added and implemented that curl/libcurl won’t need or use, thus grow the code base and the final binary
  2. the API of the unified library won’t be possible to be as tightly integrated with the libcurl internals as it is today, so there will be some added code and logic needed
  3. it will require that we produce a lot of documentation for all the functions and structs in the API which takes time and effort
  4. the above mention points will deduct time from my other projects (hopefully to benefit others, but still)

Some problems that would have to dealt with:

  1. how to deal with libraries that don’t provide functionality that the single SSL API does
  2. how to draw the line of what functionality to offer in the API, as the individual libraries will always provide richer and more complete APIs
  3. What is actually needed to get the work on this started for real? And if we do, what would we call the project…

PS, I know the term is more accurately “TLS” these days but somehow people (me included) seem to have gotten stuck with the word SSL to cover both SSL and TLS…

darwin native SSL for curl

I recently mentioned the new schannel support for libcurl that allows libcurl to do SSL natively without the use of any external libraries on Windows.

This “getting native support” obviously triggered Nick Zitzmann who stepped up and sent in Secure Transport support – the native API for doing SSL on Mac OS X and iOS. This ninth supported SSL library is now called ‘darwinssl’ in the curl code base. There have been some follow-up commits too to cleanup things and make use of that API for providing the necessary function calls when doing NTLM too etc.

This functionality is merged in to curl’s master git repository and will be part of the upcoming curl 7.27.0 release, planned to hit the public at the end of July 2012.

It could be noted that if your for example build curl/libcurl to also support SCP and SFTP, you’d be linking with libssh2 for that and libssh2 is still relying on a crypto library that is either OpenSSL or gcrypt so you may in fact still end up linking with a 3rd party crypto library… Nick mentioned in a separate mail how he has looked into making libssh2 use the Secure Transport API, but that he faced some issues regarding big numbers which made him hesitate and consider how to move forward.

schannel support in libcurl

schannel is the API Microsoft provides to allow applications to for example implement SSL natively, without needing any third part library.

On Monday June 11th we merged the 30+ commits Marc Hörsken brought us. This is now the 8th SSL variation supported by libcurl, and I figure this is going to become fairly popular now in the Windows camp coming the next release: curl 7.27.0.

So now my old talk about the seven SSL libraries libcurl supported has become outdated…

It can be worth noting that as long as you build (lib)curl to also support SCP and SFTP, powered by libssh2, that library will still require a separate crypto library and libssh2 supports to get built with either OpenSSL or gcrypt. Marc mentioned that he might work on making that one use schannel as well.


Sloppily using SSL_OP_ALL

This story begins with a security flaw in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is truly a fundamental piece of software these days and I would go so far and say that lots of our critical infrastructure today is using it and needs it. Flaws in OpenSSL literally affect entire societies or at least risk doing so if the flaws can be exploited.

SSL/TLS is a rather old and well used protocol with many different implementations, both client and server side. In order to enhance how OpenSSL works with older SSL implementations or just those that have different views on how to implement things, OpenSSL provides an API call to tweak behaviors. The SSL_CTX_set_options function. In the curl project we’ve found good use of it for this purpose, and we use the generic define SSL_OP_ALL to switch on all “rather harmless” workarounds that OpenSSL offers. Rather harmless, that’s what the comment in the header file says.

Ok, enough background and dancing around the issue. The flaw that ignited my idea to write this blog post was a particular mistake made within SSL a long time ago within the code handling SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols when speaking this protocol with a peer that could select the plain-text (see this explanation) – the problem is a generic one with the protocol so different SSL libraries would approach it differently. Ok, so OpenSSL fixed the flaw back in the days of 0.9.6d (we’re talking May 9th 2002). As a user of a library such as OpenSSL it always feels good to see them being on top of security problems and releasing fixes. It makes you feel that you’re being looked after to some extent.

Shortly thereafter, the OpenSSL developers discovered that some broken server implementations didn’t work with the work-around they had done…

Alas, on July 30th 2002 the OpenSSL team released version 0.9.6e which offered a way for programs to disable this particular work-around. By switching this off, it would of course make the protocol less secure again but it would inter-operate better with faulty servers. How do you switch off this security measure? By using the SSL_CTX_set_options function setting the bit SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS.

Ok, so far so good. But the next step is what changed everything from fine to not so fine anymore: they then added that new bit to the SSL_OP_ALL define.

Yes. In one blow every single application out there that use SSL_OP_ALL suddently started switching off this security measure as soon as they were recompiled against this version of OpenSSL. This change was made in 2002 and this is still like this today. It fixed the security problem from OpenSSL’s aspect, but the way the bit was later added to the SSL_OP_ALL define it was instead transferred to affect many programs.

In curl’s case, we were alerted about this flaw on January 19th 2012 and it resulted in a security advisory. I did a quick search for SSL_OP_ALL on and it is obvious that there are hundreds of programs out there still using this bitmask as-is. In the curl project we enabled the SSL_OP_ALL approach for the first time in the 7.10.6 release we did in July 2003. It was wrong already at the time we started using it. It turns out we’ve been enabling this flaw for almost nine years.

In the GnuTLS camp however, they simply stopped doing their work-around for this as soon as they started supporting TLS 1.1 due to the problems the work-around caused to some servers. This since TLS 1.1 isn’t vulnerable to the problem. OpenSSL 1.0.1 beta was released on Janurary 3 2012 and is the first OpenSSL version ever released to support TLS newer than 1.0… The browsers/NSS seem to have mitigated this problem in a different way and there’s a patch available for OpenSSL to implement the same work-around but there’s been no feedback on how or if it will be used.

What SOCKS is good for

You ever wondered what SOCKS is good for these days?

To help us use the Internet better without having the surrounding be able to watch us as much as otherwise!

There’s basically two good scenarios and use areas for us ordinary people to use SOCKS:

  1. You’re a consultant or you’re doing some kind of work and you are physically connected to a customer’s or a friend’s network. You access the big bad Internet via their proxy or entirely proxy-less using their equipment and cables. This allows the network admin(s) to capture and snoop on your network traffic, be it on purpose or by mistake, as long as you don’t use HTTPS or other secure mechanisms. When surfing the web, it is very easily made to drop out of HTTPS and into HTTP by mistake. Also, even if you HTTPS to the world, the name resolves and more are still done unencrypted and will leak information.
  2. You’re using an open wifi network that isn’t using a secure encryption. Anyone else on that same area can basically capture anything you send and receive.

What you need to set it up? You run

ssh -D 8080

… and once you’ve connected, you make sure that you change the network settings of your favourite programs (browsers, IRC clients, mail reader, etc) to reach the Internet using the SOCKS proxy on localhost port 8080. Now you’re done.

Now all your traffic will reach the Internet via your remote server and all traffic between that and your local machine is sent encrypted and secure. This of course requires that you have a server running OpenSSH somewhere, but don’t we all?

If you are behind another proxy in the first place, it gets a little more complicated but still perfectly doable. See my separate SSH through or over proxy document for details.

HTTP security, websockets and more


Together with friends in OWASP I’m happy to mention that we will do an event on January 31st on the topic “HTTP security, websockets and more” where I’ll talk. Starting at 17:30, the exact location is not decided yet and it’ll depend a bit on popularity, but it will be in Stockholm, Sweden.

The two other speakers to appear at the event are, apart from myself, John Wilander and Martin Holst-Swende. My part of the session will be about the WebSockets protocol, about the upcoming cookie RFC and some bits about the ongoing HTTPbis work.

Sign up to attend, the opportunity is only open one week.

Omegapoint will sponsor with something to eat and drink, and we do plan to go out and grab a beer afterwards and continue the discussion.

See you!