Tag Archives: Network

slow TCP connect on Windows

I have this tradition of mentioning occasional network related quirks on Windows on my blog so here we go again.

This round started with a bug report that said

curl is slow to connect to localhost on Windows

It is also demonstrably true. The person runs a web service on a local IPv4 port (and nothing on the IPv6 port), and it takes over 200 milliseconds to connect to it. You would expect it to take no less than a number of microseconds, as it does on just about all other systems out there.

The command

curl http://localhost:4567


Buckle up, this is getting worse. But first, let’s take a look at this exact use case and what happens.

The hostname localhost first resolves to ::1 and by curl. curl actually resolves this name “hardcoded”, so it does this extremely fast. Hardcoded meaning that it does not actually use DNS or any resolver functionality. It provides this result “fixed” for this hostname.

When curl has both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses to connect to and the host supports both IP families, it will first start the IPv6 attempt(s) and only if it did not succeed to connect over IPv6 after two hundred millisecond does it start the IPv4 attempts. This way of connecting is called Happy Eyeballs and is the de-facto and recommended way to connect to servers in a dual-stack since years back.

On all systems except Windows, where the IPv6 TCP connect attempt sends a SYN to a TCP port where nothing is listening, it gets a RST back immediately and returns failure. ECONNREFUSED is the most likely outcome of that.

On all systems except Windows, curl then immediately switches over to the IPv4 connect attempt instead that in modern systems succeeds within a small fraction of a millisecond. The failed IPv6 attempt is not noticeable to a user.

A TCP reminder

This is how a working TCP connect can be visualized like:

But when the TCP port in the server has no listener it actually performs like this

Connect failures on Windows

On Windows however, the story is different.

When the TCP SYN is sent to the port where nothing is listening and an RST is sent back to tell the client so, the client TCP stack does not return an error immediately.

Instead it decides that maybe the problem is transient and it will magically fix itself in the near future. It then waits a little and then keeps sending new SYN packets to see if the problem perhaps has fixed itself – until a maximum retry value is reached (set in the registry, this value defaults to 3 extra times).

Done on localhost, this retry-SYN process can easily take a few seconds and when done over a network, it can take even more seconds.

Since this behavior makes the leading IPv6 attempt not possible to fail within 200 milliseconds even when nothing is listening on that port, connecting to any service that is IPv4-only but has an IPv6 address by default delays curl’s connect success by two hundred milliseconds. On Windows.

Of course this does not only hurt curl. This is likely to delay connect attempts for countless applications and services for Windows users.

Non-responding is different

I want to emphasize that there is a big difference when trying to connect to a host where the SYN packet is simply not answered. When the server is not responding. Because then it could be a case of the packet gotten lost on the way so then the TCP stack has to resend the SYN again a couple of times (after a delay) to see if it maybe works this time.

IPv4 and IPv6 alike

I want to stress that this is not an issue tied to IPv6 or IPv4. The TCP stack seems to treat connect attempts done over either exactly the same. The reason I even mention the IP versions is because how this behavior works counter to Happy Eyeballs in the case where nothing listens to the IPv6 port.

Is resending SYN after RST “right” ?

According to this exhaustive resource I found on explaining this Windows TCP behavior, this is not in violation of RFC 793. One of the early TCP specifications from 1981.

It is surprising to users because no one else does it like this. I have not found any other systems or TCP stacks that behave this way.


There is no way for curl to figure out that this happens under the hood so we cannot just adjust the code to error out early on Windows as it does everywhere else.


There is a registry key in Windows called TcpMaxConnectRetransmissions that apparently can be tweaked to change this behavior. Of course it changes this for all applications so it is probably not wise to do this without a lot of extra verification that nothing breaks.

The two hundred millisecond Happy Eyeballs delay that curl exhibits can be mitigated by forcibly setting –happy-eyballs-timeout-ms to zero.

If you know the service is not using IPv6, you can tell curl to connect using IPv4 only, which then avoids trying and wasting time on the IPv6 sinkhole: –ipv4.

Without changing the registry and trying to connect to any random server out there where nothing is listening to the requested port, there is no decent workaround. You just have to accept that where other systems can return failure within a few milliseconds, Windows can waste multiple seconds.

Windows version

This behavior has been verified quite recently on modern Windows versions.

The Gemini protocol seen by this HTTP client person

There is again a pull-request submitted to the curl project to bring support for the Gemini protocol. It seems like a worthwhile effort that I support, even if it is also a lot of work involved and it might take some time before it reaches the state in which it can be merged. A previous attempt at doing this was abandoned a while ago.

This renewed interest made me take a fresh tour through the current Gemini protocol spec and I decided to write down some observations for you. So here I am. These are comments based on my reading of the 0.16.1 version of the protocol spec. I have implemented Internet application protocols client side for some thirty years. I have not actually implemented the Gemini protocol.

Motivations for existence

Gemini is the result of a kind of a movement that tries to act against some developments they think are wrong on the current web. Gemini is not only a new wire protocol, but also features a new documentation format and more. They also say its not “the web” at all but a new thing. As a sign of this, the protocol is designed by the pseudonymous “Solderpunk” – and the IETF or other suitable or capable organizations have not been involved – and it shows.

Counter surveillance

Gemini has no cookies, no negotiations, no authentication, no compression and basically no (other) headers either in a stated effort to prevent surveillance and tracking. It instead insists on using TLS client certificates (!) for keeping state between requests.

A Gemini response from a server is just a two-digit response code, a single media type and the binary payload. Nothing else.

Reduce complexity

They insist that thanks to reduced complexity it enables more implementations, both servers and clients, and that seems logical. The reduced complexity however also makes it less visually pleasing to users and by taking shortcuts in the protocol, it risks adding complexities elsewhere instead. Its quite similar to going back to GOPHER.

Form over content

This value judgement is repeated among Gemini fans. They think “the web” favors form over content and they say Gemini intentionally is the opposite. It seems to be true because Gemini documents certainly are never visually very attractive. Like GOPHER.

But of course, the protocol is also so simple that it lacks the power to do a lot of things you can otherwise do on the web.

The spec

The only protocol specification is a single fairly short page that documents the over-the-wire format mostly in plain English (undoubtedly featuring interpretation conflicts), includes the URL format specification (very briefly) and oddly enough also features the text/gemini media type: a new document format that is “a kind of lightweight hypertext format, which takes inspiration from gophermaps and from Markdown“.

The spec says “Although not finalised yet, further changes to the specification are likely to be relatively small.” The protocol itself however has no version number or anything and there is no room for doing a Gemini v2 in a forward-compatible way. This way of a “living document” seems to be popular these days, even if rather problematic for implementers.

Gopher revival

The Gemini protocol reeks of GOPHER and HTTP/0.9 vibes. Application protocol style anno mid 1990s with TLS on top. Designed to serve single small text documents from servers you have a relation to.

Short-lived connections

The protocol enforces closing the connection after every response, forcibly making connection reuse impossible. This is terrible for performance if you ever want to get more than one resource off a server. I also presume (but there is no mention of this in the spec) that they discourage use of TLS session ids/tickets for subsequent transfers (since they can be used for tracking), making subsequent transfers even slower.

We know from HTTP and a primary reason for the introduction of HTTP/1.1 back in 1997 that doing short-lived bursty TCP connections makes it almost impossible to reach high transfer speeds due to the slow-starts. Also, re-doing the TCP and TLS handshakes over and over could also be seen a plain energy waste.

The main reason they went with this design seem to be to avoid having a way to signal the size of payloads or do some kind of “chunked” transfers. Easier to document and to implement: yes. But also slower and more wasteful.

Serving an average HTML page using a number of linked resources/images over this protocol is going to be significantly slower than with HTTP/1.1 or later. Especially for servers far away. My guess is that people will not serve “normal” HTML content over this protocol.

Gemini only exists done over TLS. There is no clear text version.


There are no other methods or ways to send data to the server besides the query component of the URL. There are no POST or PUT equivalents. There is basically only a GET method. In fact, there is no method at all but it is implied to be “GET”.

The request is also size-limited to a 1024 byte URL so even using the query method, a Gemini client cannot send much data to a server. More on the URL further down.


There is a mechanism for a server to send back a single-line prompt asking for “text input” which a client then can pass to it in the URL query component in a follow-up request. But there is no extra meta data or syntax, just a single line text prompt (no longer than 1024 bytes) and free form “text” sent back.

There is nothing written about how a client should deal with the existing query part in this situation. Like if you want to send a query and answer the prompt. Or how to deal with the fact that the entire URL, including the now added query part, still needs to fit within the URL size limit.

Better use a short host name and a short path name to be able to send as much data as possible.


the strongly RECOMMENDED approach is to implement a lightweight “TOFU” certificate-pinning system which treats self-signed certificates as first- class citizens.

(From the Gemini protocol spec 0.16.1 section 4.2)

Trust on first use (TOFU) as a concept works fairly well when you interface a limited set of servers with which you have some relationship. Therefore it often works fine for SSH for example. (I say “fine” for even with ssh, people often have the habit of just saying yes and accepting changed keys even when they perhaps should not.)

There are multiple problems with doing TOFU for a client/server document browsing system like Gemini.

A challenge is of course that on the first visit a client cannot spot an impostor, and neither can it when the server updates its certificates down the line. Maybe an attacker did it? It trains users on just saying “yes” when asked if they should trust it. Since you as a user might not have a clue about how runs that particular server or whatever the reason is why the certificate changes.

The concept of storing certificates to compare against later is a scaling challenge in multiple dimensions:

  • Certificates need to be stored for a long time (years?)
  • Each host name + port number combination has its own certificate. In a world that goes beyond thousands of Gemini hosts, this becomes a challenge for clients to deal with in a convenient (and fast) manner.
  • Presumably each user on a system has its own certificate store. What user A trusts, user B does not necessarily have to trust.
  • Does each Gemini client keep its own certificate store? Do they share? Who can update? How do they update the store? What’s the file format? A common db somehow?
  • When storing the certificates, you might also want to do like modern SSH does: not store the host names in cleartext as it is a rather big privacy leak showing exactly which servers you have visited.

I strongly suspect that many existing Gemini clients avoid this huge mess by simply not verifying the server certificates at all or by just storing the certificates temporarily in memory.

You can opt to store a hash or fingerprint of the certificate instead of the whole one, but that does not change things much.

I think insisting on TOFU is one of Gemini’s weakest links and I cannot see how this system can ever scale to a larger audience or even just many servers. I foresee that they need to accept Certificate Authorities or use DANE in a future.

Gemini Proxying

By insisting on passing on the entire URL in the requests, it is primarily a way to solve name based virtual hosting, but it is also easy for a Gemini server to act as a proxy for other servers. On purpose. And maybe I should write “easy”.

Since Gemini is (supposed to be) end-to-end TLS, proxying requests to another server is not actually possible while also maintaining security. The proxy would have to for example respond with the certificate retrieved from the remote server (in addition to its own) but the spec mentions nothing of this so we can guess existing clients and proxies don’t do it. I think this can be fixed by just adjusting the spec. But would add some rather kludgy complexity for a maybe a not too exciting feature.

Proxying to gopher:// URLs should be possible with the existing wording because there is no TLS to the server end. It could also proxy http:// URLs too but risk having to download the entire thing first before it can send the response.


The Gemini URL scheme is explained in 138 words, which is of course very terse and assumes quite a lot. It includes “This scheme is syntactically compatible with the generic URI syntax defined in RFC 3986“.

The spec then goes on to explain that the URL needs be UTF-8 encoded when sent over the wire, which I find peculiar because a normal RFC 3986 URL is just a set of plain octets. A Gemini client thus needs to know the charset that was used for or to assume for the original URL in order to convert it to UTF-8.

Example: if there is a %C5 in the URL and the charset was ISO-8859-1. That means the octet is a LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE. The UTF-8 version of said character is the two-byte sequence 0xC3 0x85. But if the original charset instead was ISO-8859-6, the same %C5 octet means ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW, encoded as 0xD8 0xA5 in UTF-8.

To me this does not rhyme well with reduced complexity. This conversion alone will cause challenges when done in curl because applications pass an RFC 3986 URL to the library and it does not currently have enough information on how to convert that to UTF-8. Not to mention that libcurl completely lacks UTF-8 conversion functions.

This makes me suspect that the intention is probably that only the host name in the URL should be UTF-8 encoded for IDN reasons and the rest should be left as-is? The spec could use a few more words to explain this.

One of the Gemini clients that I checked out to see how they do this, in order to better understand the spec, even use the punycode version of the host name quoting “Pending possible Gemini spec change”. What is left to UTF-8 then? That client did not UTF-8 encode anything of the URL, which adds to my suspicion that people don’t actually follow this spec detail but rather just interoperate…

The UTF-8 converted version of the URL must not be longer than 1024 bytes when included in a Gemini request.

The fact that the URL size limit is for the UTF-8 encoded version of the URL makes it hard to error out early because the source version of the URL might be shorter than 1024 bytes only to have it grow past the size limit in the encoding phase.


The document is carelessly thinking “host name” is a good authority boundary to TLS client certificates, totally ignoring the fact that “the web” learned this lesson long time ago. It needs to restrict it to the host name plus port number. Not doing that opens up Gemini for rather bad security flaws. This can be fixed by improving the spec.

Media type

The text/gemini media type should simply be moved out the protocol spec and be put elsewhere. It documents content that may or may not be transferred over Gemini. Similarly, we don’t document HTML in the HTTP spec.


I am fairly sure that once I press publish on this blog post, some people will insist that I have misunderstood parts or most of the protocol spec. I think that is entirely plausible and kind of my point: the spec is written in such an open-ended way that it will not avoid this. We basically cannot implement this protocol by only reading the spec.


It is impossible to tell if this will fly for real or not. This is not a protocol designed for the masses to replace anything at high volumes. That is of course totally fine and it can still serve its community perfectly fine. There seems to be interest enough to keep the protocol and ecosystem alive for the moment at least. Possibly for a long time into the future as well.

What I would change

As I believe you might have picked up by now, I am not a big fan of this protocol but I still believe it can work and serve its community. If anyone would ask me, here are a few things I would consider changing in order to take it up a few notches.

  1. Split the spec into three separate ones: protocol, URL syntax, media type. Expand the protocol parts with more exact syntax descriptions and examples to supplement the English.
  2. Clarify the client certificate use to be origin based, not host name.
  3. Drop the TOFU idea, it makes for a too weak security story that does not scale and introduces massive complexities for clients.
  4. Clarify the UTF-8 encoding requirement for URLs. It is confusing and possibly bringing in a lot of complexity. Simplify?
  5. Clarify how proxying is actually supposed to work in regards to TLS and secure connections. Maybe drop the proxy idea completely to keep the simplicity.
  6. Consider a way to re-use connections, even if that means introducing some kind of “chunks” HTTP-style.


Hacker news

The dream of auto-detecting proxies

curl, along with every other Internet tool with aspirations, supports proxies. A proxy is a (usually known) middle-man in a network operation; instead of going directly to the remote end server, the client goes via a proxy.

curl has supported proxies since the day it was born.

Which proxy?

Applications that do Internet transfers often would like to automatically be able to do their transfers even when users are trapped in an environment where they use a proxy. To figure out the proxy situation automatically.

Many proxy users have to use their proxy to do Internet transfers.

A library to detect which proxy?

The challenge to figure out the proxy situation is of course even bigger if your applications can run on multiple platforms. macOS, Windows and Linux have completely different ways of storing and accessing the necessary information.


libproxy is a well-known library used for exactly this purpose. The first feature request to add support for this into libcurl that I can find, was filed in December 2007 (I also blogged about it) and it has been popping up occasionally over the years since then.

In August 2016, David Woodhouse submitted a patch for curl that implemented support for libproxy (the PR version is here). I was skeptical then primarily because of the lack of tests and docs in libproxy (and that the project seemed totally unresponsive to bug reports). Subsequently we did not merge that pull request.

Almost six years later, in June 2022, Jan Brummer revived David’s previous work and submitted a fresh pull request to add libproxy support in curl. Another try.

The proxy library dream is clearly still very much alive. There are also a fair amount of applications and systems today that are built to use libproxy to figure out the proxy and then tell curl about it.

What is unfortunately also still present, is the unsatisfying state of libproxy. It seems to have changed and improved somewhat since the last time I looked at it (6 years ago), but there several warning signs remaining that make me hesitate.

This is not a dependency I want to encourage curl users to lean and depend upon.

I greatly appreciate the idea of a libproxy but I do not like the (state of the) implementation.

My responsibility

Or rather, the responsibility I think we have as curl maintainers. We ship a product that is used and depended upon by an almost unfathomable amount of users, tools, products and devices.

Our job is to help guide our users so that the entire product, including third party dependencies, become an as safe and secure solution as possible. I am not saying that we can take full responsibility for the security of code outside of our own domain, but I think we should recognize that what we condone and recommend will be used. People read our support for library X as some level of approval.

We should only add support for third party libraries that meets a certain quality threshold. This threshold or bar maybe is (unfortunately) not written down anywhere but is still mostly a soft “gut feeling” based on human reviews of the situation.

What to do

I think the sensible thing to do first, before trying to get curl to use libproxy, is to make sure that there is a library for proxies that we can and want to lean on. That library can be the libproxy of today but it could also be something else.

Some areas in need of attention in libproxy that I recently also highlighted in the curl PR, that would take it closer to meeting the requirements we can ask of a dependency:

  1. Improve the project with docs. We cannot safely rely on a library and its APIs if we don’t know exactly what to expect.
  2. There needs to be at least basic tests that verify its functionality. We cannot fix and improve the library safely if we cannot check that it still works and behaves as expected. Tests is the only reliable way to make sure of this.
  3. Add CI jobs that build the project and run those tests. To help the project better verify that things don’t break along the way.
  4. Consider improving the API. To be fair, it is extremely simple now, but it’s also so simple that that it becomes ineffective and quirky in some use cases.
  5. Allow for external URL parser and URL retrieving etc to avoid blocking, double-parsing and to reuse caches properly. It would be ridiculous for curl to use a library that has its own separate (semi-broken) HTTP transfer and its own (synchronous) name resolving process.

A solid proxy library?

The current libproxy is not even a lot of code, it could perhaps make more sense to just plainly write a new library based on how you would want a library like this to work – and use all the knowledge, magic and experience from libproxy to get the technical parts done correctly. A libproxy-next-generation.


This would require that someone really wanted to see this development take place and happen. It would take someone to take lead in the project and push for changes (like perhaps the 5 bullets I listed above). The best would be if someone who would like to use this kind of setup could sponsor a developer half/full time for a while to get a good head start on this.

Based on history, seeing we have had this known use case and this library around for well over a decade and this is the best we have accomplished so far, I am not optimistic that we can turn this ship around. Until then, we simply cannot allow curl to use this dependency.

IPFS and their gateways

The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is according to the Wikipedia description: “a protocol, hypermedia and file sharing peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system.”. It works a little like bittorrent and you typically access content on it using a very long hash in an ipfs:// URL. Like this:


HTTP Gateways

I guess partly because IPFS is a rather new protocol not widely supported by many clients yet, people came up with the concept of IPFS “gateways”. (Others might have called it a proxy, because that is what it really is.)

This gateway is an HTTP server that runs on a machine that also knows how to speak and access IPFS. By sending the right HTTP request to the gateway, that includes the IPFS hash you are interested in, the gateway can respond with the contents from the IPFS hash.

This way, you just need an ordinary HTTP client to access IPFS. I think it is pretty clever. But as always, the devil is in the details.

Rewrite ipfs:// into https://

The quest for IPFS aficionados have seemingly become to add support for IPFS using this gateway approach to multiple widely used applications that know how to speak HTTP(S). Just rewrite the URL internally from IPFS to HTTPS.

ffmpeg got “native” IPFS support this way, and there is ongoing work to implement the same kind of URL rewrite for curl. (into curl, not libcurl)

So far so good I guess.

The URL rewrite

The IPFS “URL rewrite” is done in such so that the example IPFS URL is converted into “https://$gateway/$hash”. The transfer is done by the client as if it was a plain old HTTPS transfer.

What if the gateway is not local?

This approach has its biggest benefit of course when you can actually use a remote IPFS gateway. I presume most random ordinary users who want to access IPFS does not actually want to download, install and run an IPFS gateway on their machine to use this new power. They might very well appreciate the idea and convenience of accessing a remote IPFS gateway.

Remote IPFS gateways illustration

After all, the gateways are using HTTPS so at least the transfers are secure, right?

Leading people behind IPFS are even running public IPFS gateways for anyone to use. Both dweb.link and ipfs.io have been mentioned and suggested for default use. Possibly they are the same physical host as they appear to have the same IP addresses (owned by Protocol Labs, one of the big proponents behind IPFS).

The IPFS project also provides a list of public gateways.

No gateway set, use a default!

In an attempt to make this even easier for users, ffmpeg is made to use a built-in default gateway if none is set by the user.

I would expect very few users to actually have an IPFS gateway set. And even fewer to actually specify a local one.

So, when users want to watch a video using ffmpeg and an ipfs:// URL what happens?

The gateway sees it all

The remote gateway, that is administered by someone, somewhere, gets to see the full incoming request, and all traffic (video, whatever) that is sent back to the client (ffmpeg in this example) goes via the gateway. Sure, the client accesses the gateway via HTTPS so nobody can tamper with the traffic along the way, but the gateway is in full control and can inspect and tamper with the data as much as it likes. And there is no way for the client to know or detect if it is happening.

I am not involved in ffmpeg, nor do I have any insights into how the discussions evolved and were done around this subject, but for curl I have put my foot down and said that we must not blindly use and trust any default remote gateway like this. I believe it is our responsibility to not lure users into this traffic-monitoring setup.

Make sure you trust the gateway you use.

The curl way

curl will probably output an error message if there was no gateway set when an ipfs:// URL is used, and inform the user that it needs a gateway set to function and probably also show a URL for a page that contains more information about what this means and how to specify a gateway.

Bouncing gateways!

During the work of making the IPFS support for curl (which I review and comment on, not written or authored myself) I have also learned that some of the IPFS gateways even do regular HTTP 30x redirects to bounce over the client to another gateway.

Meaning: not only do you use and rely a total rando’s gateway on the Internet for your traffic. That gateway might even, on its own discretion, redirect you over to another host. Possibly run somewhere else, monitored by a separate team.

I have insisted, in the PR for ipfs support to curl, that the IPFS URL handling code should not automatically follow such gateway redirects, as I believe that adds even more risk to the user so if a user wants to allow this operation, it should be opt-in.

Imagine rising use of this

I would imagine that the ones hosting a popular default gateway either becomes overloaded and slow, or they need to scale up. If they scale up, they risk to leak traffic even wider. Scaling up also makes the operation more expensive, leading to incentives to make money somehow to finance it. Will the cookie car in the form of a massive data trove perhaps then be used/sold?

Users of these gateways get no promises, no rights, no contracts.

Other IPFS privacy concerns

Brave, the browser, has actual native IPFS support (not using any gateway) and they have an informative page called How does IPFS Impact my Privacy?

Final verdict

I am not dissing the idea nor implementation of IPFS itself. I think using HTTP gateways to access IPFS is a good idea in general as it makes the network more accessible. It is just a fragile solution that easily misleads users to do things they maybe shouldn’t. So maybe a little too accessible?


Image by Hans Schwarzkopf from Pixaba


I poked the ffmpeg project over Twitter, there was immediate reaction and there is already a proposed patch for ffmpeg that removes the use of a default IPFS gateway. “it’s a security risk”

.netrc pains

The .netrc file is used to hold user names and passwords for specific host names and allows tools to login to those systems automatically without having to prompt the user for the credentials while avoiding having to use them in command lines. The .netrc file is typically set without group or world read permissions (0600) to reduce the risk of leaking those secrets.


Allegedly, the .netrc file format was invented and first used for Berknet in 1978 and it has been used continuously since by various tools and libraries. Incidentally, this was the same year Intel introduced the 8086 and DNS didn’t exist yet.

.netrc has been supported by curl (since the summer of 1998), wget, fetchmail, and a busload of other tools and networking libraries for decades. In many cases it is the only cross-tool way to provide credentials to remote systems.

The .netrc file use is perhaps most widely known from the “standard” ftp command line client. I remember learning to use this file when I wanted to do automatic transfers without any user interaction using the ftp command line tool on unix systems in the early 1990s.


A .netrc file where we tell the tool to use the user name daniel and password 123456 for the host user.example.com is as simple as this:

machine user.example.com
login daniel
password 123456

Those different instructions can also be written on the same single line, they don’t need to be separated by newlines like above.


There is no and has never been any standard or specification for the file format. If you google .netrc now, the best you get is a few different takes on man pages describing the format in a high level. In general this covers our needs and for most simple use cases this is good enough, but as always the devil is in the details.

The lack of detailed descriptions on how long lines or fields to accept, how to handle special character or white space for example have left the implementers of the different code basis to decide by themselves how to handle those things.

The horse left the barn

Since numerous different implementations have been done and have been running in systems for several decades already, it might be too late to do a spec now.

This is also why you will find man pages out there with conflicting information about the support for space in passwords for example. Some of them explicitly say that the file format does not support space in passwords.


Most fields in the .netrc work fine even when not supporting special characters or white space, but in this age we have hopefully learned that we need long and complicated passwords and thus having “special characters” in there is now probably more common than back in the 1970s.

Writing a .netrc file with for example a double-quote or a white space in the password unfortunately breaks tools and is not portable.

I have found at least three different ways existing tools do the parsing, and they are all incompatible with each other.

curl parser (before 7.84.0)

curl did not support spaces in passwords, period. The parser split all fields at the following space or newline and accepted whatever is in between. curl thus supported any characters you want, except space and newlines . It also did not “unquote” anything so if you wanted to provide a password like ""llo (with two leading double-quotes), you would use those five bytes verbatim in the file.

wget parser

This parser allows a space in the password if you provide it quoted within double-quotes and use a backslash in front of the space. To specify the same ""llo password mentioned above, you would have to write it as "\"\"llo".

fetchmail parser

Also supports spaces in passwords. Here the double-quote is a quote character itself so in order to provide a verbatim double-quote, it needs to be doubled. To specify the same ""llo password mentioned above, you would have to write it as """"llo – that is with four double-quotes.

What is the best way?

Changing any of these parsers in an effort to unify risk breaking existing use cases and scripts out in the wild with outraged users as a result. But a change could also generate a few happy users too who then could better share the same .netrc file between tools.

In my personal view, the wget parser approach seems to be the most user friendly one that works perhaps most closely to what I as a user would expect. So that’s how I went ahead and made curl work.

What to do

Users will of course be stuck with ancient versions for a long time and this incompatibility situation will remain for the foreseeable future. I can think of a few work-arounds users can do to cope:

  • Avoid space, tabs, newline and various quotes in passwords
  • Use separate .netrc files for separate tools
  • Provide passwords using other means than .netrc – with curl you can for example explore using –config instead

Future curl supports quoting

We are changing the curl parser somewhat in the name of compatibility with other tools (read wget) and curl will allow quoted strings in the way wget does it, starting in curl 7.84.0. While this change risks breaking a few command lines out there (for users who have leading double-quotes in their existing passwords), I think the change is worth doing in the name of compatibility and the new ability to use spaces in passwords.

A little polish after twenty-four years of not supporting spaces in user names or passwords.

Hopefully this will not hurt too many users.


Image by Anja-#pray for ukraine# #helping hands# stop the war from Pixabay

Considered “18+”

Vodafone UK has taken it on themselves to make the world better by marking this website (daniel.haxx.se) “adult content”. I suppose in order to protect the children.

It was first reported to me on May 2, with this screenshot from a Vodafone customer:

And later followed up with some more details from another user in this screenshot

Customers can opt out of this “protection” and then apparently Vodafone will no longer block my site.


I was graciously given more logs (my copy) showing DNS resolves and curl command line invokes.

It shows that this filter is for this specific host name only, not for the entire haxx.se domain.

It also shows that the DNS resolves are unaffected as they returned the expected Fastly IP addresses just fine. I suspect they have equipment that inspects outgoing traffic that catches this TLS connection based on the SNI field.

As the log shows, they then make their server do a TLS handshake in which they respond with a certificate that has daniel.haxx.se in the CN field.

The curl verbose output shows this:

* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
*  subject: CN=daniel.haxx.se
*  start date: Dec 16 13:07:49 2016 GMT
*  expire date: Dec 16 13:07:49 2026 GMT
*  issuer: C=ES; ST=Madrid; L=Madrid; O=Allot; OU=Allot; CN=allot.com/emailAddress=info@allot.com
*  SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate in certificate chain (19), continuing anyway.
> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
> Host: daniel.haxx.se
> User-Agent: curl/7.79.1
> Accept: */*

The allot.com clue is the technology they use for this filtering. To quote their website, you can “protect citizens” with it.

I am not unique, clearly this has also hit other website owners. I have no idea if there is any way to appeal against this classification or something, but if you are a Vodafone UK customer, I would be happy if you did and maybe linked me to a public issue about it.


I was pointed to the page where you can request to unblock specific sites so I have done that now (at 12:00 May 2).

Update on May 3

My unblock request for daniel.haxx.se is apparently “on hold” according to the web site.

I got an email from an anonymous (self-proclaimed) insider who says he works at Allot, the company doing this filtering for Vodafone. In this email, he says

Most likely, Vodafone is using their parental control a threat protection module which works based on a DNS resolving.

and then

After the business logic decides to block the website, it tells the DNS server to reply with a custom IP to a server that always shows a block page, because how HTTPS works, there is no way to trick it, either with Self-signed certificate, or using a signed certificate for a different domain, hence the warning.

What is weird here is that this explanation does not quite match what I have seen the logs provided to me. They showed this filtering clearly not being DNS based – since the DNS resolves got the exact same IP address a non-filtered resolver does.

Someone on Vodafone UK could of course easily test this by simply using a different DNS server, like or

Discussed on hacker news.

Update May 3, 2024: unblocked

Two years later the situation was the same and I wrote about it on Mastodon:

Just hours later I was emailed by a person who explained they are employed by Vodafone and they forwarded my post internally. The blocking should thereby be gone. The original block was wrongly applied and then my unblocking request from two years ago “never reached the responsible team”.

Another win for complaining in the public.

Daily web traffic

By late 2019, there’s an estimated amount of ten billion curl installations in the world. Of course this is a rough estimate and depends on how you count etc.

There are several billion mobile phones and tablets and a large share of those have multiple installations of curl. Then there all the Windows 10 machines, web sites, all macs, hundreds of millions of cars, possibly a billion or so games, maybe half a billion TVs, games consoles and more.

How much data are they transferring?

In the high end of volume users, we have at least two that I know of are doing around one million requests/sec on average (and I’m not even sure they are the top users, they just happen to be users I know do high volumes) but in the low end there will certainly be a huge amount of installations that barely ever do any requests at all.

If there are two users that I know are doing one million requests/sec, chances are there are more and there might be a few doing more than a million and certainly many that do less but still many.

Among many of the named and sometimes high profiled apps and users I know use curl, I very rarely know exactly for what purpose they use curl. Also, some use curl to do very many small requests and some will use it to do a few but very large transfers.

Additionally, and this really complicates the ability to do any good estimates, I suppose a number of curl users are doing transfers that aren’t typically considered to be part of “the Internet”. Like when curl is used for doing HTTP requests for every single subway passenger passing ticket gates in the London underground, I don’t think they can be counted as Internet transfers even though they use internet protocols.

How much data are browsers driving?

According to some data, there is today around 4.388 billion “Internet users” (page 39) and the world wide average time spent “on the Internet” is said to be 6 hours 42 minutes (page 50). I think these numbers seem credible and reasonable.

According to broadbandchoices, an average hour of “web browsing” spends about 25MB. According to databox.com, an average visit to a web site is 2-3 minutes. httparchive.org says the median page needs 74 HTTP requests to render.

So what do users do with their 6 hours and 42 minutes “online time” and how much of it is spent in a browser? I’ve tried to find statistics for this but failed.

@chuttenc (of Mozilla) stepped up and helped me out with getting stats from Firefox users. Based on stats from users that used Firefox on the day of October 1, 2019 and actually used their browser that day, they did 2847 requests per client as median with the median download amount 18808 kilobytes. Of that single day of use.

I don’t have any particular reason to think that other browsers, other days or users of other browsers are very different than Firefox users of that single day. Let’s count with 3,000 requests and 20MB per day. Interestingly, that makes the average data size per request a mere 6.7 kilobytes.

A median desktop web page total size is 1939KB right now according to httparchive.org (and the mobile ones are just slightly smaller so the difference isn’t too important here).

Based on the median weight per site from httparchive, this would imply that a median browser user visits the equivalent of 15 typical sites per day (30MB/1.939MB).

If each user spends 3 minutes per site, that’s still just 45 minutes of browsing per day. Out of the 6 hours 42 minutes. 11% of Internet time is browser time.

3000 requests x 4388000000 internet users, makes 13,164,000,000,000 requests per day. That’s 13.1 trillion HTTP requests per day.

The world’s web users make about 152.4 million HTTP requests per second.

(I think this is counting too high because I find it unlikely that all internet users on the globe use their browsers this much every day.)

The equivalent math to figure out today’s daily data amounts transferred by browsers makes it 4388000000 x 30MB = 131,640,000,000 megabytes/day. 1,523,611 megabytes per second. 1.5 TB/sec.

30MB/day equals a little under one GB/month per person. Feels about right.

Back to curl usage

The curl users with the highest request frequencies known to me (*) are racing away at one million requests/second on average, but how many requests do the others actually do? It’s really impossible to say. Let’s play the guessing game!

First, it feels reasonable to assume that these two users that I know of are not alone in doing high frequency transfers with curl. Purely based on probability, it seems reasonable to assume that the top-20 something users together will issue at least 10 million requests/second.

Looking at the users that aren’t in that very top. Is it reasonable to assume that each such installed curl instance makes a request every 10 minutes on average? Maybe it’s one per every 100 minutes? Or is it 10 per minute? There are some extremely high volume and high frequency users but there’s definitely a very long tail of installations basically never doing anything… The grim truth is that we simply cannot know and there’s no way to even get a ballpark figure. We need to guess.

Let’s toy with the idea that every single curl instance on average makes a transfer, a request, every tenth minute. That makes 10 x 10^9 / 600 = 16.7 million transfers per second in addition to the top users’ ten million. Let’s say 26 million requests per second. The browsers of the world do 152 million per second.

If each of those curl requests transfer 50Kb of data (arbitrarily picked out of thin air because again we can’t reasonably find or calculate this number), they make up (26,000,000 x 50 ) 1.3 TB/sec. That’s 85% of the data volume all the browsers in the world transfer.

The world wide browser market share distribution according to statcounter.com is currently: Chrome at 64%, Safari at 16.3% and Firefox at 4.5%.

This simple-minded estimate would imply that maybe, perhaps, possibly, curl transfers more data an average day than any single individual browser flavor does. Combined, the browsers transfer more.

Guesses, really?

Sure, or call them estimates. I’m doing them to the best of my ability. If you have data, reasoning or evidence to back up modifications my numbers or calculations that you can provide, nobody would be happier than me! I will of course update this post if that happens!

(*) = I don’t name these users since I’ve been given glimpses of their usage statistics informally and I’ve been asked to not make their numbers public. I hold my promise by not revealing who they are.


Thanks to chuttenc for the Firefox numbers, as mentioned above, and thanks also to Jan Wildeboer for helping me dig up stats links used in this post.

Fewer mallocs in curl

Today I landed yet another small change to libcurl internals that further reduces the number of small mallocs we do. This time the generic linked list functions got converted to become malloc-less (the way linked list functions should behave, really).

Instrument mallocs

I started out my quest a few weeks ago by instrumenting our memory allocations. This is easy since we have our own memory debug and logging system in curl since many years. Using a debug build of curl I run this script in my build dir:

export CURL_MEMDEBUG=$HOME/tmp/curlmem.log
./src/curl http://localhost
./tests/memanalyze.pl -v $HOME/tmp/curlmem.log

For curl 7.53.1, this counted about 115 memory allocations. Is that many or a few?

The memory log is very basic. To give you an idea what it looks like, here’s an example snippet:

MEM getinfo.c:70 free((nil))
MEM getinfo.c:73 free((nil))
MEM url.c:294 free((nil))
MEM url.c:297 strdup(0x559e7150d616) (24) = 0x559e73760f98
MEM url.c:294 free((nil))
MEM url.c:297 strdup(0x559e7150d62e) (22) = 0x559e73760fc8
MEM multi.c:302 calloc(1,480) = 0x559e73760ff8
MEM hash.c:75 malloc(224) = 0x559e737611f8
MEM hash.c:75 malloc(29152) = 0x559e737a2bc8
MEM hash.c:75 malloc(3104) = 0x559e737a9dc8

Check the log

I then studied the log closer and I realized that there were many small memory allocations done from the same code lines. We clearly had some rather silly code patterns where we would allocate a struct and then add that struct to a linked list or a hash and that code would then subsequently add yet another small struct and similar – and then often do that in a loop.  (I say we here to avoid blaming anyone, but of course I myself am to blame for most of this…)

Those two allocations would always happen in pairs and they would be freed at the same time. I decided to address those. Doing very small (less than say 32 bytes) allocations is also wasteful just due to the very large amount of data in proportion that will be used just to keep track of that tiny little memory area (within the malloc system). Not to mention fragmentation of the heap.

So, fixing the hash code and the linked list code to not use mallocs were immediate and easy ways to remove over 20% of the mallocs for a plain and simple ‘curl http://localhost’ transfer.

At this point I sorted all allocations based on size and checked all the smallest ones. One that stood out was one we made in curl_multi_wait(), a function that is called over and over in a typical curl transfer main loop. I converted it over to use the stack for most typical use cases. Avoiding mallocs in very repeatedly called functions is a good thing.


Today, the script from above shows that the same “curl localhost” command is down to 80 allocations from the 115 curl 7.53.1 used. Without sacrificing anything really. An easy 26% improvement. Not bad at all!

But okay, since I modified curl_multi_wait() I wanted to also see how it actually improves things for a slightly more advanced transfer. I took the multi-double.c example code, added the call to initiate the memory logging, made it uses curl_multi_wait() and had it download these two URLs in parallel:


The second one being just 512 megabytes of zeroes and the first being a 600 bytes something public html page. Here’s the count-malloc.c code.

First, I brought out 7.53.1 and built the example against that and had the memanalyze script check it:

Mallocs: 33901
Reallocs: 5
Callocs: 24
Strdups: 31
Wcsdups: 0
Frees: 33956
Allocations: 33961
Maximum allocated: 160385

Okay, so it used 160KB of memory totally and it did over 33,900 allocations. But ok, it downloaded over 512 megabytes of data so it makes one malloc per 15KB of data. Good or bad?

Back to git master, the version we call 7.54.1-DEV right now – since we’re not quite sure which version number it’ll become when we release the next release. It can become 7.54.1 or 7.55.0, it has not been determined yet. But I digress, I ran the same modified multi-double.c example again, ran memanalyze on the memory log again and it now reported…

Mallocs: 69
Reallocs: 5
Callocs: 24
Strdups: 31
Wcsdups: 0
Frees: 124
Allocations: 129
Maximum allocated: 153247

I had to look twice. Did I do something wrong? I better run it again just to double-check. The results are the same no matter how many times I run it…

33,961 vs 129

curl_multi_wait() is called a lot of times in a typical transfer, and it had at least one of the memory allocations we normally did during a transfer so removing that single tiny allocation had a pretty dramatic impact on the counter. A normal transfer also moves things in and out of linked lists and hashes a bit, but they too are mostly malloc-less now. Simply put: the remaining allocations are not done in the transfer loop so they’re way less important.

The old curl did 263 times the number of allocations the current does for this example. Or the other way around: the new one does 0.37% the number of allocations the old one did…

As an added bonus, the new one also allocates less memory in total as it decreased that amount by 7KB (4.3%).

Are mallocs important?

In the day and age with many gigabytes of RAM and all, does a few mallocs in a transfer really make a notable difference for mere mortals? What is the impact of 33,832 extra mallocs done for 512MB of data?

To measure what impact these changes have, I decided to compare HTTP transfers from localhost and see if we can see any speed difference. localhost is fine for this test since there’s no network speed limit, but the faster curl is the faster the download will be. The server side will be equally fast/slow since I’ll use the same set for both tests.

I built curl 7.53.1 and curl 7.54.1-DEV identically and ran this command line:

curl http://localhost/80GB -o /dev/null

80 gigabytes downloaded as fast as possible written into the void.

The exact numbers I got for this may not be totally interesting, as it will depend on CPU in the machine, which HTTP server that serves the file and optimization level when I build curl etc. But the relative numbers should still be highly relevant. The old code vs the new.

7.54.1-DEV repeatedly performed 30% faster! The 2200MB/sec in my build of the earlier release increased to over 2900 MB/sec with the current version.

The point here is of course not that it easily can transfer HTTP over 20 Gigabit/sec using a single core on my machine – since there are very few users who actually do that speedy transfers with curl. The point is rather that curl now uses less CPU per byte transferred, which leaves more CPU over to the rest of the system to perform whatever it needs to do. Or to save battery if the device is a portable one.

On the cost of malloc: The 512MB test I did resulted in 33832 more allocations using the old code. The old code transferred HTTP at a rate of about 2200MB/sec. That equals 145,827 mallocs/second – that are now removed! A 600 MB/sec improvement means that curl managed to transfer 4300 bytes extra for each malloc it didn’t do, each second.

Was removing these mallocs hard?

Not at all, it was all straight forward. It is however interesting that there’s still room for changes like this in a project this old. I’ve had this idea for some years and I’m glad I finally took the time to make it happen. Thanks to our test suite I could do this level of “drastic” internal change with a fairly high degree of confidence that I don’t introduce too terrible regressions. Thanks to our APIs being good at hiding internals, this change could be done completely without changing anything for old or new applications.

(Yeah I haven’t shipped the entire change in a release yet so there’s of course a risk that I’ll have to regret my “this was easy” statement…)

Caveats on the numbers

There have been 213 commits in the curl git repo from 7.53.1 till today. There’s a chance one or more other commits than just the pure alloc changes have made a performance impact, even if I can’t think of any.


Are there more “low hanging fruits” to pick here in the similar vein?

Perhaps. We don’t do a lot of performance measurements or comparisons so who knows, we might do more silly things that we could stop doing and do even better. One thing I’ve always wanted to do, but never got around to, was to add daily “monitoring” of memory/mallocs used and how fast curl performs in order to better track when we unknowingly regress in these areas.

Addendum, April 23rd

(Follow-up on some comments on this article that I’ve read on hacker news, Reddit and elsewhere.)

Someone asked and I ran the 80GB download again with ‘time’. Three times each with the old and the new code, and the “middle” run of them showed these timings:

Old code:

real    0m36.705s
user    0m20.176s
sys     0m16.072s

New code:

real    0m29.032s
user    0m12.196s
sys     0m12.820s

The server that hosts this 80GB file is a standard Apache 2.4.25, and the 80GB file is stored on an SSD. The CPU in my machine is a core-i7 3770K 3.50GHz.

Someone also mentioned alloca() as a solution for one of the patches, but alloca() is not portable enough to work as the sole solution, meaning we would have to do ugly #ifdef if we would want to use alloca() there.

poll on mac 10.12 is broken

When Mac OS X first launched they did so without an existing poll function. They later added poll() in Mac OS X 10.3, but we quickly discovered that it was broken (it returned a non-zero value when asked to wait for nothing) so in the curl project we added a check in configure for that and subsequently avoided using poll() in all OS X versions to and including Mac OS 10.8 (Darwin 12). The code would instead switch to the alternative solution based on select() for these platforms.

With the release of Mac OS X 10.9 “Mavericks” in October 2013, Apple had fixed their poll() implementation and we’ve built libcurl to use it since with no issues at all. The configure script picks the correct underlying function to use.

Enter macOS 10.12 (yeah, its not called OS X anymore) “Sierra”, released in September 2016. Quickly we discovered that poll() once against did not act like it should and we are back to disabling the use of it in preference to the backup solution using select().

The new error looks similar to the old problem: when there’s nothing to wait for and we ask poll() to wait N milliseconds, the 10.12 version of poll() returns immediately without waiting. Causing busy-loops. The problem has been reported to Apple and its Radar number is 28372390. (There has been no news from them on how they plan to act on this.)

poll() is defined by POSIX and The Single Unix Specification it specifically says:

If none of the defined events have occurred on any selected file descriptor, poll() waits at least timeout milliseconds for an event to occur on any of the selected file descriptors.

We pushed a configure check for this in curl, to be part of the upcoming 7.51.0 release. I’ll also show you a small snippet you can use stand-alone below.

Apple is hardly alone in the broken-poll department. Remember how Windows’ WSApoll is broken?

Here’s a little code snippet that can detect the 10.12 breakage:

#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int main(void)
  struct timeval before, after;
  int rc;
  size_t us;

  gettimeofday(&before, NULL);
  rc = poll(NULL, 0, 500);
  gettimeofday(&after, NULL);

  us = (after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
    (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec);

  if(us < 400000) {
    puts("poll() is broken");
    return 1;
  else {
    puts("poll() works");
  return 0;

Follow-up, January 2017

This poll bug has been confirmed fixed in the macOS 10.12.2 update (released on December 13, 2016), but I’ve found no official mention or statement about this fact.

Summers are for HTTP

stockholm castle and ship
Stockholm City, as photographed by Michael Caven

In July 2015, 40-something HTTP implementers and experts of the world gathered in the city of Münster, Germany, to discuss nitty gritty details about the HTTP protocol during four intense days. Representatives for major browsers, other well used HTTP tools and the most popular HTTP servers were present. We discussed topics like how HTTP/2 had done so far, what we thought we should fix going forward and even some early blue sky talk about what people could potentially see being subjects to address in a future HTTP/3 protocol.

You can relive the 2015 version somewhat from my daily blog entries from then that include a bunch of details of what we discussed: day one, two, three and four.

http workshopThe HTTP Workshop was much appreciated by the attendees and it is now about to be repeated. In the summer of 2016, the HTTP Workshop is again taking place in Europe, but this time as a three-day event slightly further up north: in the capital of Sweden and my home town: Stockholm. During 25-27 July 2016, we intend to again dig in deep.

If you feel this is something for you, then please head over to the workshop site and submit your proposal and show your willingness to attend. This year, I’m also joining the Program Committee and I’ve signed up for arranging some of the local stuff required for this to work out logistically.

The HTTP Workshop 2015 was one of my favorite events of last year. I’m now eagerly looking forward to this year’s version. It’ll be great to meet you here!

The city of Stockholm in summer sunshine