Tag Archives: Security

SSL verification still often disabled

SSL padlockBack in 2002 I realized that having libcurl not do SSL server verification by default basically meant that everyone writing libcurl apps would inherit that flaw, simply because most people always just let the defaults remain unless they really have to read up on what something does and then modify them. If things work, things will just remain. So when we shipped libcurl 7.10 on the first of October that year, libcurl started verifying server certs by default.

Fast forward about ten years.

Surely SSL clients everywhere now do the right thing?

One day a couple of months ago, I was referred to this bug report for the pyssl module in Python which identifies that it doesn’t verify server certs by default! The default SSL handler in Python doesn’t verify the certificate properly. It makes all python programs that use this without special attention vulnerable for man in the middle attacks.

So let’s look at the state of another popular language: PHP. A plain standard PHP program opens a ssl:// or tls:// stream. Unless the author of said program knows and understands these things, it too runs without verifying server certs. If a program instead decides to use the PHP/CURL binding for HTTPS or similar, it will use libcurl’s default which verifies it (as I explained above).

But not everything is gloomy. Some parts of our community have decided to do the right thing:

I was told (and proven) that Ruby now does the right thing, but I don’t know how recent that is and thus how many older Ruby programs that suffer.

The same problem existed with perl’s major HTTPS using module, the LWP, for a very long time. The perl camp however already modified LWP to do verification by default with the release of libwww-perl 6.00, released in March 2011.

Side-note: in the curl project we make it easy for everyone on the Internet to use Firefox’s excellent CA cert bundle to verify server certs by providing the Firefox CA cert collection converted to PEM – the preferred format for OpenSSL, GnuTLS and others.


Even today, lots and lots of applications and scripts will remain insecure – even though they probably think they’re fairly safe when they switch to a HTTPS or SSL using protocol –  and might be subject for man-in-the-middle attacks without even being able to spot it. I think it is pretty sad.

Sloppily using SSL_OP_ALL

This story begins with a security flaw in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is truly a fundamental piece of software these days and I would go so far and say that lots of our critical infrastructure today is using it and needs it. Flaws in OpenSSL literally affect entire societies or at least risk doing so if the flaws can be exploited.

SSL/TLS is a rather old and well used protocol with many different implementations, both client and server side. In order to enhance how OpenSSL works with older SSL implementations or just those that have different views on how to implement things, OpenSSL provides an API call to tweak behaviors. The SSL_CTX_set_options function. In the curl project we’ve found good use of it for this purpose, and we use the generic define SSL_OP_ALL to switch on all “rather harmless” workarounds that OpenSSL offers. Rather harmless, that’s what the comment in the header file says.

Ok, enough background and dancing around the issue. The flaw that ignited my idea to write this blog post was a particular mistake made within SSL a long time ago within the code handling SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 protocols when speaking this protocol with a peer that could select the plain-text (see this explanation) – the problem is a generic one with the protocol so different SSL libraries would approach it differently. Ok, so OpenSSL fixed the flaw back in the days of 0.9.6d (we’re talking May 9th 2002). As a user of a library such as OpenSSL it always feels good to see them being on top of security problems and releasing fixes. It makes you feel that you’re being looked after to some extent.

Shortly thereafter, the OpenSSL developers discovered that some broken server implementations didn’t work with the work-around they had done…

Alas, on July 30th 2002 the OpenSSL team released version 0.9.6e which offered a way for programs to disable this particular work-around. By switching this off, it would of course make the protocol less secure again but it would inter-operate better with faulty servers. How do you switch off this security measure? By using the SSL_CTX_set_options function setting the bit SSL_OP_DONT_INSERT_EMPTY_FRAGMENTS.

Ok, so far so good. But the next step is what changed everything from fine to not so fine anymore: they then added that new bit to the SSL_OP_ALL define.

Yes. In one blow every single application out there that use SSL_OP_ALL suddently started switching off this security measure as soon as they were recompiled against this version of OpenSSL. This change was made in 2002 and this is still like this today. It fixed the security problem from OpenSSL’s aspect, but the way the bit was later added to the SSL_OP_ALL define it was instead transferred to affect many programs.

In curl’s case, we were alerted about this flaw on January 19th 2012 and it resulted in a security advisory. I did a quick search for SSL_OP_ALL on koders.com and it is obvious that there are hundreds of programs out there still using this bitmask as-is. In the curl project we enabled the SSL_OP_ALL approach for the first time in the 7.10.6 release we did in July 2003. It was wrong already at the time we started using it. It turns out we’ve been enabling this flaw for almost nine years.

In the GnuTLS camp however, they simply stopped doing their work-around for this as soon as they started supporting TLS 1.1 due to the problems the work-around caused to some servers. This since TLS 1.1 isn’t vulnerable to the problem. OpenSSL 1.0.1 beta was released on Janurary 3 2012 and is the first OpenSSL version ever released to support TLS newer than 1.0… The browsers/NSS seem to have mitigated this problem in a different way and there’s a patch available for OpenSSL to implement the same work-around but there’s been no feedback on how or if it will be used.

News in curl 7.24.0

We continue doing curl releases roughly bi-monthly. This time we strike back with a release holding a few interesting new things that I thought are worth highlighting a little extra!

The most important and most depressing news about this release is the two security problems that were fixed. Never before have we released two security advisories for the same release.

Security fixes

The “curl URL sanitization vulnerability” is about how curl trusts user provided URL strings a little too much. Providing sneakily crafted URLs with embeded url-encoded carriage returns and line feeds users could trick curl to do un-intended actions when POP3, SMTP or IMAP protocols were used.

The “curl SSL CBC IV vulnerability” is about how curl inadvertently disables a security measurement in OpenSSL and thus weakens the security for some aspects of SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 connections.


We have a bunch of new changes added to curl and libcurl that some users might like:

  • curl has this ability to run a set of “extra commands” for a couple of protocols when doing a transfer – we call them “quote” operations. A while ago we introduced a way to mark commands within a series of quote commands as not being important if they fail and that the rest of the commands should be sent anyway. We mark such commands with a ‘*’-prefix. Starting now, we support that ‘*’-prefix for SFTP operations as well!
  • CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS is a brand new option that allows programs to set which DNS server(s) libcurl should use to resolve host names. This function only works if libcurl was built to use a resolver backend that allows it to change DNS servers. That currently means nothing else but c-ares.
  • Now supports nettle for crypto functions. libcurl has long been supporting both OpenSSL and gcrypt backends for some of the crypto functions libcurl supports. The gcrypt made perfect sense when libcurl was built to use GnuTLS built to use gcrypt, but since GnuTLS recently has changed to using nettle by default the newly added support to use nettle with remove the need for an extra crypto link being linked for some users.
  • CURLOPT_INTERFACE was modified to allow “magic prefixes” for the application to tell that it uses an interface and not a host name and vice versa. The previous way would always test for both, which could lead to accidental (and slow) name resolves when the interface name isn’t currently present etc.
  • Active FTP sessions with the multi interface are now done much more non-blocking than before. Previously the multi interface would block while waiting for the server to connect back but it no longer does. A new option called CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS was added to allow programs to set how long libcurl should wait for accepting the server getting back.
  • Coming in from the Debian packaging guys, the configure script how features a new option called –enable-versioned-symbols that does exactly what it is called: it enables versioned symbols in the output libcurl.

HTTP security, websockets and more


Together with friends in OWASP I’m happy to mention that we will do an event on January 31st on the topic “HTTP security, websockets and more” where I’ll talk. Starting at 17:30, the exact location is not decided yet and it’ll depend a bit on popularity, but it will be in Stockholm, Sweden.

The two other speakers to appear at the event are, apart from myself, John Wilander and Martin Holst-Swende. My part of the session will be about the WebSockets protocol, about the upcoming cookie RFC and some bits about the ongoing HTTPbis work.

Sign up to attend, the opportunity is only open one week.

Omegapoint will sponsor with something to eat and drink, and we do plan to go out and grab a beer afterwards and continue the discussion.

See you!

Apple – only 391 days behind

In the curl project, we take security seriously. We work hard to make sure we don’t open up for security problems of any kind and once we fail, we work hard at analyzing the problem and coming up with a proper fix as swiftly as possible to make our “customer” as little vulnerable as possible.

Recently I’ve been surprised and slightly shocked by the fact that a lot of open source operating systems didn’t release any security upgrades to our most recent security flaw until well over a month after we first publicized the flaw. I’m not sure why they all reacted so slowly. Possibly it is because vendor-sec isn’t quite working as they were informed prior to the notification, and of course I don’t really expect many security guys to be subscribed to the curl mailing lists. Slow distros include Debian and Mandriva while Redhat did great.

Today however, I got a mail from Apple (and no, I don’t know why they send these mails to me but I guess they think I need them or something) with the subject “APPLE-SA-2010-03-29-1 Security Update 2010-002 / Mac OS X v10.6.3“. Aha! Did Apple now also finally update their curl version you might think?

They did. But they did not fix this problem. They fixed two previous problems universally known as CVE-2009-0037 and CVE-2009-2417. Look at the date of that first one. March 3, 2009. Yes, a whopping 391 days after the problem was first made public, Apple sends out the security update. Cool. At least they eventually fixed the problem…

a big curl forward

We’re proudly presenting a major new release of curl and libcurl and we call it 7.20.0.

The primary reason we decided to bump the minor number this time was that we introduce a range of new protocols, but we also did some other rather big works. This is the biggest update to curl and libcurl that have been made in recent years. Let me mention some of the other noteworthy changes and bugfixes:

We fixed a potential security issue, that would occur if an application requested to download compressed HTTP content and told libcurl to automatically uncompress it (CURLOPT_ENCODING) as then libcurl could wrongly call the write callback (CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) with a larger buffer than what is documented to be the maximum size.

TFTP was finally converted to a “proper” protocol internally. By that I mean that it can now be used with the multi interface in an asynchronous way and it has far less special treatments. It is now “just another protocol” basically and that is a good thing. Also, the BLKSIZE problem with TFTP that has haunted us for a while was fixed so I really think this is the best version ever for TFTP in libcurl.

In several different places in the code older versions of libcurl didn’t properly call the progress callback while waiting for some special event to happen. This made the curl tool’s progress meter less responding but perhaps more importantly it prevented apps that use libcurl to abort the transfer during those phases. The affected periods included the ftp connection phase (including the initial FTP commands and responses), waiting for the TCP connect to complete and resolving host names using c-ares.

The DNS cache was found to have at least two bugs that could make entries linger in the database eternally and in another case too long. For apps that use a lot of connections to a lot of hosts, these problems could result in some serious performance punishments when the DNS cache lookups got slower and slower over time.

Users of the funny ftp server drftpd will appreciate that (lib)curl now support the PRET command, which is needed when getting data off such servers in passive mode. It’s a bit of a hack, but what can we do? We didn’t invent it nor can we help that it’s a popular thing to use! 😉


The big protocols

OWASP Sweden once again arranged another interesting meeting, this time with three talks.owasp

The title of the meeting on January 21st here in Stockholm called the protocols “the big ones” (but in Swedish) but I have no idea what kind of measurement they’ve used or what the small ones are or what other “big protocols” there might be! 😉

First we got to hear HÃ¥vard Eidnes tell us about BGP and that protocol seems to suffer from its share of security problems with the protocol itself but perhaps even more with the actual implementations as one of the bigger recent BGP-related incidents that was spoken about was about how internal routes were leaked to the outside from Pakistan in Feb 2008 which made them block the entire world’s access to Youtube. This talk also gave us some insights on the “wild west” of international routing and the lack of control and proper knowledge about who’s allowed to route what to where.

There then was a session by Rickard Bellgrim about DNSSEC and even though I’ve heard talks about this protocol in the past I couldn’t but to again feel that man they have a lot of terminology in that world that makes even a basic description fairly hard to keep up with in some parts of it all. And man do they have a lot of signing and keys and fingerprints and trusts going on… Of course DNSSEC is the answer to lots of existing problems with DNS and DNSSEC certainly opens up a range of new fun. The idea to somehow replace the need for ca-certs by storing keys in DNS is interesting, but even though technically working and sound I fear the browser vendors and the CAs of the SSL world won’t be very fast to turn the wheels to roll in that direction. DNSSEC certainly makes name resolving a lot more complicated, and I wonder if c-ares should ever get into that game… And BTW, DNSSEC of course doesn’t take away the fact that specific implementations may still be vulnerable to security flaws.

The last talk of the evening was about SSL, or rather TLS, held by Fredrik Hesse. He gave us a pretty detailed insight into how the protocol works, and then a fairly detailed overview of the flaws discovered during the last year or so, primarily MD5 and rogue ca certs, the null-prefix cert names and the TLS renegotiation bug. I felt good about already knowing just about everything of what he told us. I can also boast with having corrected the speaker afterward at the pub where we were having our post-talk-beers as he was evidently very OpenSSL focused when he spoke about what SSL libraries can and cannot do.

A great evening. And with good beers too. Thanks to the organizers!

The Swedish BankID curse and Debian

Lots of bank, tax and insurance related stuff in Sweden these days switch to using BankID for secure logins on web sites.

That system used to be a java-thing so as long as your browser supported running java applets, you’d be fine. Even us strange guys who prefer Linux. While I’m not a huge fan of java, this seemed to be a rather fine example of where using a java-applet was actually a pretty good idea to achieve functionality on a wide variety of platforms without too much work.

They ditched the java applet a while ago and switched to a browser plugin and native application instead, which then suddenly made them forced to write platform-specific code to achieve the same magic. And not too surprisingly, the Linux version was poorly made and is not supported and is left with a really complicated way to install it which no doubt will prevent every Linux-newbie out there from using BankID on Linux. Annoying and rude if you ask me.

Now, my bank (Skandiabanken) is about to switch to use BankID completely for their regular logins and I thought it was about time for me to start the fight with this under Linux and see what I will learn.

The install.sh script is written for Ubuntu (very poorly) and doesn’t work. Shame on you Nexus for that crap. I poked it and with some manual hands-on I could install the stuff properly. I can now head over to the official BankID site and it verifies that my installation works fine. Somehow it does however not allow me to “sign” anything because of some failure and here’s the “fun” part:

The only help and contact there is about BankID says “contact your bank” for support. My bank says they have no support and just drops the ball there.

I’m willing to offer my fixed version of the install script that will work better on more distros. I’m willing to work a bit on my own to fix this for Linux uses such as myself. But how the hack can I even fix the problems when nobody can answer any questions or provide any details on this system?

null-prefix domino


At the end of July 2009, Scott Cantor contacted us in the curl project and pointed out a security flaw in libcurl (in code that was using OpenSSL to verify server certificates). Having read his explanation I recalled that I had witnessed the discussion on the NSS list about this problem just a few days earlier (which resulted in their August 1st security advisory). The problem is basically that the cert can at times contain a name with an embedded zero in the middle, while most source code assumes plain C-style strings that ends with a zero. This turns out to be exploitable, and is explained in great detail in this document (PDF).

I started to work on a patch, and in the mean time I talked to Simon Josefsson of the GnuTLS team to see if GnuTLS was fine or not, only to get him confirm that GnuTLS did indeed have the same problem.

So I contacted vendor-sec, and then on the morning of August 5 I thought I’d just make a quick check how the other HTTPS client implementations do their cert checks.

Wget: vulnerable

neon: vulnerable

serf: vulnerable

So, Internet Explorer and Firefox were vulnerable. NSS and GnuTLS were. (OpenSSL wasn’t, but then it doesn’t provide this verifying feature by itself) (lib)curl, wget, neon, serf were all vulnerable. If that isn’t a large amount of the existing HTTPS clients then what is? I also think that this shows that it would be good for all of us if OpenSSL had this functionality, as even if it had been vulnerable we could’ve fixed a busload of different applications by repairing a single library. Now we instead need to hunt down all apps that use OpenSSL and that verify certificate names.

Quite clearly we (as implementers) have all had the same silly assumptions, and quite likely we’ve affected each other into doing these sloppy codes. SSL and certificates are over and over again getting hit by this kind of painful flaws and setbacks. Darn, getting things right really is very very hard…

(Disclaimer: I immediately notified the neon and serf projects but to my knowledge they have not yet released any fixed versions.)

Making better advisories

A while ago yet another security flaw was discovered in curl (actually the tenth flaw in more than eleven years) by Scott Cantor. He reported it privately to us. We worked on the issue and in the end I posted an official project cURL security advisory about it. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary really. Scott did great and we fixed the problem rather promptly and in coordination with vendor-sec etc.

After a security advisory and the accompanying release, something particular always happens. It’s the same every time I’ve done this and there’s really no surprise: one by one the different Linux distros and similar parties start to ship their security advisories and alerts about the same problem and they offer their upgrade paths for their users to get a corrected version of the package.

But I’ll tell you why I think those advisories tend to make me really sad. It’s not because of the flaws they fix or how fast or slow they are to appear. It’s entirely due to the contents of them or perhaps in many times the lack of contents.

When the first distro-based advisory comes out, they often tend not to use the phrasing used in the original advisory (which we’ve crafted on for weeks and coordinated with vendor-sec) but they instead offer their own interpretation. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but when the guys simplify matters they tend to blur out the actual cause and make the real issue hard to understand. Not to mention that when the first guy had done a mistake, most others just repeat that without thinking.

Credit to the doers

The craft of hunting down security problems in software and the art of then creating a fix for that problem is very time consuming and takes a fair amount of skill and patience. Yet some people do this. Some of those even track down problems in open source code bases and tell the projects about the issues to give them a chance to fix them before they’re made public.

Those people are good people that we need.

In the open source world, and in fact in a lot of other places too, the just about only reward we can offer guys who do outstanding work like this is with attribution. Give credit where credit is due. Mention the guy who did the job!

Distro advisories are not good

Very often the subsequent advisories go the lazy route and they borrow their advisory explanation from another distro’s advisory. Still not using the original explanation. They like short and not too detailed explanations. Factual errors seem to not be too important.

Very few distro-advisories give any credit to the original guy who found the error. The only one thing we can offer as payment is then neglected and this is more of an established practice than a mistake. All distros do this. At best they refer to a CVE number for the flaw, but CVE numbers have the great disadvantage that they very rarely reveal any particular details about the flaw until a long time after the advisory is made.

Not only do they often not credit the originator, they also rarely link back to the original advisory or even the advisory the originator sent out (sometimes they’re sent out independently) – so getting the full description from the actual upstream project is harder than it has to be. They do however generally  link to their own site, using their own issue number for the security problem. If things are good, you can find references to the original in that web page they link to. I’ve also seen several distro advisories that simply don’t at all mention what patches they’ve applied or what particular upstream changset they’ve backported.

In this latest advisory from curl, the common repeated mistake was that the certificate flaw concerned the Common Name field (and it implied that it was only about that field) which is wrong, and which is why the original advisory didn’t explicitly mention that field. It also affects the subjectAltName field and that’s at least – if not more – as important to address for this particular flaw. The flaw also only concerned curl built to use OpenSSL, which was a fact that was often not mentioned at all.

What I suggest!

That every vendor and Linux distro that ship security advisories do this:

  1. credit the original problem founder/researcher. This way the glory and fame goes to the person(s) who often did a lot of research and hard work.
  2. link to the original advisory so that everyone who wants to can get the info and details from the upstream project and their ideas of what the problems are and what the best fixes or work-arounds might be
  3. fact-check your error/solution description better and don’t just repeat what someone else wrote unless you know that’s an accurate description
  4. don’t repeat others’ simplifications and errors. The act of duplicating someone else’s description is pretty low in general and it would often only be a signal that you haven’t understood the issue in the first place. If you have a rule to not copy others you won’t risk copying their mistakes.