Category Archives: cURL and libcurl

curl and/or libcurl related

When Worlds Collide

SanDisk Sansa ConnectReaders of my blog or my site or almost whatever on the internet where my name would appear should know that two of my primary open source involvements are in the curl and the Rockbox projects.

Therefore I felt great pleasure yesterday when both of these worlds collided!

While investigating the internals of the SanDisk Sansa Connect mp3 player for the Rockbox project, fellow Robert Keevil discovered that it actually includes… libcurl! (actually, he discovered this before but I only realized it yesterday)

Of course I updated the companies that use curl page with this news…

Axis2/C going libcurl?

Axis2/CApache’s Axis2/C project, said to be “the only complete SOAP engine” is considering to move over to use libcurl for HTTP transport by default. At least Axis2/C developer Dinesh Premalal thinks they should, and he lists multiple reasons in his blog and I can of course do nothing but agree.libcurl

One reason he failed to mention is that we all (Axis2/C users and libcurl users) benefit from them switching to libcurl since then we’ll have a larger combined potential developer base and we’ll get more eyes on the code, more testing done and thus in the end we will get a better transport library all over.

I’m slightly puzzled by Dinesh’s blog entry since this bug tracker entry submitted to Axis2/C mentions their failure to include curl’s copyright/license text in the distribution, which seems to imply that they already use (parts of) curl. Or?

curl 7.18.0 feature freeze

Feature freeze!I just mailed the curl-library list about us entering feature freeze for the upcoming 7.18.0 release. The plan is to have two weeks of bug fixing and time to allow people to find bugs, before we release it to the public. Please get a daily snapshot and give it a spin!

Here’s the changes that’ll be coming:

… and there are 26 bug fixes mentioned in the RELEASE-NOTES in progress so far!

curl on

On, the nice guys at Coverity run scans on open source projects to check for flaws in their source code. Their list currently includes 265 projects, and curl is one of them. I have only good words to say about their scanning, as they found no less than 27 flaws in curl 7.16.1 and only one of them was a false positive. All the others were valid and true flaws that we could fix. I don’t think anyone was any serious security risk, but still. 26 bugs detected in one go.

On January 8th 2008, Coverity announced their “rung 2” for eleven projects that had zero flaws left in rung 1 and the rung 2 projects get an upgraded analysis. curl was also at zero flaws left, but it isn’t clear to me what else we could to do to reach rung 2 or even how we can get them to do a follow-up scan on a newer release since 7.16.1 is quite old by now and with all the changes in the code over time there’s always the risk new nasty bugs have crept in… So we’re at rung 1 still with no recent release scanned.

libcurl and libwww today

There’s talk in the Debian camp about dropping libwww as it is over 5 years since its last release and over a year since the last CVS commit in that project. It is also abandoned by the W3C these days. It seems there are just about two remaining packages depending on it, Amaya and wmweather+.libcurl

Amaya seems to at least discuss moving over to libcurl. I don’t know about wmweather+, but looking at their code, I actually think switching to libcurl will improve their code… not really related, but still about curl, one post on the Amaya list mentioned this weird list of user-agents you should block from your site, as it claims they are “spam bots” and it explicitly mentions curl in there…

Darcs is however currently adding support for libwww since it apparently does pipelining better, where as libcurl still has some flaws in its support for that.

Recent and Current Hardware Problems

During the last week or so, we’ve experienced major problems on some of the main servers at work, and I happen to host a bunch of services on them. Thus, I not only get problems to access my regular mail, but also the primary curl web site gets shaky!

Unfortunately, this is holiday season so most people that can fix these issues aren’t around so waiting for a reboot of the boxes can take a long time. Fortunately, we already have work in progress that is meant to replace the two main servers with two new ones on January second 2008, so things should at least settle after that operation.

cURLSo, remember that you can always find a suitable curl web mirror at that has most of the contents you’ll need. Some stuff is only provided on the main site, but all downloads, docs and more are distributed on mirrors.

Aiming for 7.18.0 in January 2008

cURLThis info was also posted to the curl-library list today.

I previously thought of releasing 7.18.0 in December but since there are still outstanding topics in the list and since there’s no pressure due to any serious bug fixes or anything, I decided we can just as wait until January. I want January 13th to be the feature freeze day after which no new features will be committed until the release, which hopefully then could be done by January 28th or so.

The live updated TODO-RELEASE document will change over time, but it currently contains these items:

Is there anything we’ve forgotten we should include in the next release? To get a feel for how the next release will look like, check out the RELEASE-NOTES in progress, or try out a daily snapshot!

library for proxy detection

Only days after I wrote about the pacparser, another and in many ways more complete approach to detecting what proxy to use for accessing various internet resources emerge: libproxy.

One of the main authors of it, Alex Panit, already submitted a feature-request for libcurl to support this. but I’m not at all convinced that is a good idea. It seems the authors submit “please include support for this”-requests all over in similar and related projects – similar in style to how metalink did.

As usual, I value your input and feedback so please raise your voice and speak up!

So far this young project lacks docs on API and install process, so I haven’t yet even been able to build it for a test drive…


Today I just casually noticed the NetBSD 4.0 release, but what really caught my interest was the dedication of the release. It is dedicated to Jun-Ichiro “itojun” Hagino, who apparently passed away in October this year only 37 years old. See also this “memorial”.

Anyway, the reason I noticed is because I remember him and his contributions in the curl project back in 2001 and 2002 when he provided a set of very good and useful patches (for example this) that made curl take a huge step forward in its IPv6-support. It is of course with sadness that I get to hear about him again this way. I’m sure he will be missed in many camps.