Tag Archives: cURL and libcurl


Our friends at .SE are once again putting together an interesting conference-style day with talks, and this time the title of it is “OPTIMERA STHLM” (yes they use all caps) and it is all about optimizing web-related things.

I’ve been invited and I will do a 30 minute talk during that day about the transport layer and stuff on top of the transport layer. In other words it’ll include things to consider for TCP, DNS, HTTP, handling sockets, libcurl and a quick look at things such as Websockets, SPDY, MPTCP and SCTP.

The full day’s program is now available on the linked page. Enjoy!

professional libcurl hackers look this way!

In my company, Haxx, we work as consultants and we do contract development for customers who pay for our skill, time and dedication. We help them develop stuff.Haxx

We’re a small company, with basically two full-time employees. Most of our working days, we are involved with a single customer each who pays for our full-time involvement during a number of months. This is all good and fine. We love our jobs and we love our customers. We’re in it for the fun.

Now, these days we can see that the economy is slowly but surely gaining ground again and is getting up to speed. We hear more and more requests for help and potential assignments are starting to pour in. That’s great and all. Except that we’re only two guys and can’t accept very many projects…

Recently we’ve experienced a noticeable increase in amount of requests for support and other development help that involves curl and libcurl. I am the originator and maintainer of curl, there’s really no surprise or wonder that these companies contact me and us about it. I’m always very happy to see that there are companies and persons who are willing to pay for support of open source and in many cases pay for extending and bug fixing libcurl and have those fixes going back to the mainline sources without complaints.

Since we fail to accept a lot of requests, I’m interested in finding you who are interested in helping out with such work. Are you interested in helping out customers with curl related problems? Customers often come to us when they’ve got stuck within something they can’t easily solve themselves and they turn to us as experts in general, and experts on curl and libcurl in particular. And we are.

Before you think this is a great idea and you send me an email introducing yourself and your greatness in this area, please be aware that I will require proof of your qualifications. Most preferably, that proof is at least one good patch posted to the libcurl mailing list and accepted into the mainline libcurl code, but I’m open to accepting slightly less ideal proofs as well if you can just motivate why you failed to provide the ideal ones. Of course you will also need to be able to communicate in English without problems. Your geographical location, gender, race, religion, skin-color and shoe size are completely uninteresting.

I’m looking for someone interested in contract development, not full-time employment. We still do these kinds of jobs on a case by case basis and there may be one every two days, one per week or sometimes even less frequently. I want to increase my network of people I know and trust can deliver quality code and services for this kind of projects.

Can you help us?

curl and speced cookie order

I just posted this on the curl-library list, but I feel it suits to be mentioned here separately.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m involved in the IETF http-state working group which is working to document how cookies are used in the wild today. The idea is to create a spec that new implementations can follow and that existing implementations can use to become more interoperable.

(If you’re interested in these matters, I can only urge you to join the http-state mailing list and participate in the discussions.)

The subject of how to order cookies in outgoing HTTP Cookie: headers have been much debated over the recent months and I’ve also blogged about it. Now, the issue has been closed and the decision went quite opposite to my standpoint and now the spec will say that while the servers SHOULD not rely on the order (yeah right, some obviously already do and with this specified like this even more will soon do the same) it will recommend clients to sort the cookies in a given way that is close to the way current Firefox does it[*].

This has the unfortunate side-effect that to become fully compatible with how the browsers do cookies, we will need to sort our cookies a bit more than what we just recently introduced. That in itself really isn’t very hard since once we introduced qsort() it is easy to sort on more/other keys.

The biggest problem we get with this, is that the sorting uses creation time of the cookies. libcurl and curl and others mostly use the Netscape cookie files to store cookies and keep state between invokes, and that file format doesn’t include creation time info! It is a simple text-based file format with TAB-separated columns and the last (7th) column is the cookie’s content.

In order to support the correct sorting between sessions, we need to invent a way to pass on the creation time. My thinking is that we do this in a way that allows older libcurls still understand the file but just not see/understand the creation time, while newer versions will be able to get it. This would be possible by extending the expires field (the 6th) as it is a numerical value that the existing code will parse as a number and it will stop at the first non-digit character. We could easily add a character separation and store the
creation time after. Like:

Old expire time:


New expire+creation time:


This format might even work with other readers of this file format if they do similar assumptions on the data, but the truth is that while we picked the format in the first place to be able to exchange cookies with a well known and well used browser, no current browser uses that format anymore. I assume there are still a bunch of other tools that do, like wget and friends.

Update: as my friend Micah Cowan explains: we can in fact use the order of the cookie file as “creation time” hint and use that as basis for sorting. Then we don’t need to modify the file format. We just need to make sure to store them in time-order… Internally we will need to keep a line number or something per cookie so that we can use that for sorting.

[*] – I believe it sorts on path length, domain length and time of creation, but as soon as the -06 draft goes online it will be easy to read the exact phrasing. The existing -05 draft exists at: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpstate-cookie-05

Apple – only 391 days behind

In the curl project, we take security seriously. We work hard to make sure we don’t open up for security problems of any kind and once we fail, we work hard at analyzing the problem and coming up with a proper fix as swiftly as possible to make our “customer” as little vulnerable as possible.

Recently I’ve been surprised and slightly shocked by the fact that a lot of open source operating systems didn’t release any security upgrades to our most recent security flaw until well over a month after we first publicized the flaw. I’m not sure why they all reacted so slowly. Possibly it is because vendor-sec isn’t quite working as they were informed prior to the notification, and of course I don’t really expect many security guys to be subscribed to the curl mailing lists. Slow distros include Debian and Mandriva while Redhat did great.

Today however, I got a mail from Apple (and no, I don’t know why they send these mails to me but I guess they think I need them or something) with the subject “APPLE-SA-2010-03-29-1 Security Update 2010-002 / Mac OS X v10.6.3“. Aha! Did Apple now also finally update their curl version you might think?

They did. But they did not fix this problem. They fixed two previous problems universally known as CVE-2009-0037 and CVE-2009-2417. Look at the date of that first one. March 3, 2009. Yes, a whopping 391 days after the problem was first made public, Apple sends out the security update. Cool. At least they eventually fixed the problem…

curl goes git

Just a few days ago the curl project turned twelve years old, and I decided that it was time for us to ditch our trusty old CVS setup and switch over to use git instead for source code control.

Why Switch at All

I’ve been very content with CVS over the years and in our small project we don’t really have any particularly weird or high demands on the version control software.

Lately (like in recent years) I’ve dipped my toes into various projects that have been using git, and more and more over time I’ve learned to appreciate the little goodies that git does that CVS simply cannot. I’m then not even speaking about branches or merges etc that git does a whole lot better and easier than CVS, I’m in fact even more in love with git’s way to ease handling with diffs sent by email and its great way of keeping track of authors separately from the committer etc. git am and git commit –author are simply two very handy tools missing in CVS.

Why Git

So if we want to switch from CVS to another tool what would we chose? That wasn’t really the question in my case so I didn’t answer it. In my case, it was rather that I’ve been using git in several projects and it is used in some of the biggest projects I work with so it was some git’s features I wanted. I didn’t consider any of the other distributed version tools as quite frankly: they wouldn’t be much better for me than what CVS already is. I want to reduce the number of different tools I need, and I’m quite sure anyway that git is one of the top contenders even if I would do an actual comparison.

So the choice to go git was quite selfish and done by me, but I felt that quite a few guys in the curl community supported this decision and very few actually believe remaining with CVS was a better idea.

The fact that git itself uses libcurl for its HTTP access of course also proves its good taste! 🙂

How did the conversion go

Very easy and swiftly. First, as I mentioned above we never used branches much so we basically had a linear development with a set of tags. I did an rsync of the full repo to get a local copy to work with, then I ran ‘git cvsimport’ on that to created a new repo. I did run it a couple of times to make sure I had done a correct mapping of all CVS user names to their git equivalents. Converting >10 years of CVS commits took roughly 10 minutes on my desktop machine so it wasn’t that tedious even.

Once I had a local repo created with all authors looking good, I simply followed the instructions on github.com on how to add a remote origin to a local branch and when I pushed to that, git sent off all commits ever made to curl to the remote repo now exposed to the world from github.com.


When that part was done, I did a quick read on the ‘git help daemon’ docs and 30 seconds later I had a local repo setup that is a mirror of the github one, so that users can still opt to get the code from haxx.se.

Unchanged work flow

Git allows different ways of working with the code, but I’ve decided that at least as a start we won’t change the way we work. I’ll offer all committers push rights to the master branch on the repository and we will simply all push to that, as our head development branch.

We will prefer patches made with git format-patch sent to the mailing list, but as before you can still produce patches by diffing source code using extracted tarballs or whatever approach you prefer.

All details on how to get the code for curl using git is available online.

140 foss hackers

At last, the first meeting with our recently started foss-sthlm effort took place. The amount of attention and attendance we achieved by far surpassed our wildest assumptions, and around 130-140 persons interested in open source showed up (we don’t know the exact number). The facilities in Kista where we held the event, were graciously let to our use by Stockholm’s University (DSV) and they were very good. MSC and Nohup were our two sponsors who donated great sub sandwiches and drinks to all of us. Thank you!

I’m glad we manage to offer this event completely free of charge to the attendees, and hey we had quality talkers speaking up on really interesting subject that I think the audience appreciated on the subjects of PostgreSQL, Upstart, Open Source Sweden, Rockbox and Debian packaging.

I did a 20 minute talk about curl – in Swedish. The slides are available (they are thus in Swedish too), see below, and hopefully there will soon be video available online with my presentation.

I also hope that we will gather all the slides at one single point to offer on the foss-sthlm web site, so check that out later on if you want the lot!

And here are Björn‘s slides:

a big curl forward

We’re proudly presenting a major new release of curl and libcurl and we call it 7.20.0.

The primary reason we decided to bump the minor number this time was that we introduce a range of new protocols, but we also did some other rather big works. This is the biggest update to curl and libcurl that have been made in recent years. Let me mention some of the other noteworthy changes and bugfixes:

We fixed a potential security issue, that would occur if an application requested to download compressed HTTP content and told libcurl to automatically uncompress it (CURLOPT_ENCODING) as then libcurl could wrongly call the write callback (CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION) with a larger buffer than what is documented to be the maximum size.

TFTP was finally converted to a “proper” protocol internally. By that I mean that it can now be used with the multi interface in an asynchronous way and it has far less special treatments. It is now “just another protocol” basically and that is a good thing. Also, the BLKSIZE problem with TFTP that has haunted us for a while was fixed so I really think this is the best version ever for TFTP in libcurl.

In several different places in the code older versions of libcurl didn’t properly call the progress callback while waiting for some special event to happen. This made the curl tool’s progress meter less responding but perhaps more importantly it prevented apps that use libcurl to abort the transfer during those phases. The affected periods included the ftp connection phase (including the initial FTP commands and responses), waiting for the TCP connect to complete and resolving host names using c-ares.

The DNS cache was found to have at least two bugs that could make entries linger in the database eternally and in another case too long. For apps that use a lot of connections to a lot of hosts, these problems could result in some serious performance punishments when the DNS cache lookups got slower and slower over time.

Users of the funny ftp server drftpd will appreciate that (lib)curl now support the PRET command, which is needed when getting data off such servers in passive mode. It’s a bit of a hack, but what can we do? We didn’t invent it nor can we help that it’s a popular thing to use! 😉


cookie order

I’ve previously mentioned the IETF httpstate working group several times, and here’s some insights into one topic we’re currently discussing:

HTTP Cookie: sort order

The current httpstate draft for the updated cookie spec says that cookies that are sent to a server with the Cookie: header in a HTTP request need to be sorted. They must be sorted primarily on path length and secondary on creation-time.

According to others on the http-state mailinglist, that’s exactly what the major browsers do already and they thus think we should document that as that’s how cookies work.

During these discussions I’ve learned that cookies with the same name that have been specified with different paths, will all be sent in the request and thus they need to be sent in a particular order and in fact even the original Netscape “spec” said so. I agree with this and I’ve also modified libcurl to act accordingly.

I hold the position that only cookies that have identical names need this treatment and that’s what we must specify. Implementers however will most likely find that sorting all cookies at once will be easier.

The secondary sort key, the creation-time, is much more questionable. Why would the server care about that? How can they even rely on that?

Previously in this discussion (back in August 2009) I checked other open source cookie implementations to see how they deal with cookie sorting. I learned that perl’s LWP does sort them based on path length but on nothing else. The following tools did no sorting at all: wget, curl, libsoup, pavuk, lftp and aria2. I have no doubts that we can find more if we would search for more implementations in more languages and environments.

Specifying that sorting is a MUST on path length will still keep LWP and the next curl version compliant. Specifying that they MUST sort on creation-date as well will then make all of these projects non-conforming.

One problem I have in the cookie discussion in general is that the (5?) major browsers pretty much all behave the same and while the 5 major browsers have almost 100% of the web browser market for users, we cannot then automatically assume that they have 100% of the HTTP client or cookie-using client market. We just don’t know how many applications, tools and frameworks exist out there that aren’t actually browsers but still are using cookies.

Of course, I want to say that creation-time sorting is pointless but I have nothing to back that up with. No numbers. The other side of the discussion has a bunch of browsers that sort like this already, but no numbers or evidence if servers rely on this or how many that do.

Can any reader of this find a site out there that depends on the cookie order being sorted on creation-date?

(Reminder: the charter for the HTTPSTATE working group is to document existing widely used practices. It is not to solve problems or to fix problems in the existing cookie protocol. We all know and acknowledge that cookies as they currently work are quite flawed and painful.)

2010 conferences

What are the good conferences 2010 that I really shouldn’t miss? I’m talking open source, tech and internet protocols. Where are you going? I’m currently planning like this:

Fosdem 6-7 Feb in Brussels Belgium: I’m going and I’m doing a Rockbox talk.

foss-sthlm 24 Feb in Stockholm Sweden: I’m arranging and I’m doing a curl talk. This isn’t really a “conference” but I wanted to mention it anyway!

IETF 77 in Anaheim USA, March 21-26: While it would’ve been a blast to go there, it really doesn’t sync very well with my work schedule and other lifely matters so I’ll pass this one! Sorry all friends whom I otherwise would’ve met there!

OWASP AppSec Research in Stockholm Sweden, June 21-24: since it is in Stockholm and these guys tend to have interesting stuff I just may go. It depends a little on how the program will end up and if I manage to cough up a talk for it.

IETF 78 in Maastricht Netherlands July 25-30: I want to go there and I think the timing is much better for this IETF meeting than the previous few ones. With a little luck we’ll get both the HTTPBIS and the HTTPSTATE groups to have meetings here, and who knows what other fun there will be?!

Slackathon 2010 in August in Stockholm Sweden? It’s not decided yet but I hope they will go for it and I will try to attend. Slackathon reminders.

FSCONS in Gothenburg Sweden Oct/Nov: Since this is our current major open source conference in Sweden I really want to go and I hope to be able to do a talk too. I don’t think the date is set yet, which is a bit unfortunate since November this year is a bit special to me so there will be some other events going on at that time that risk conflicting with FSCONS.

httpstate cookie domain pains

Back in 2008, I wrote about when Mozilla started to publish their effort the “public suffixes list” and I was a bit skeptic.

Well, the problem with domains in cookies of course didn’t suddenly go away and today when we’re working in the httpstate working group in the IETF with documenting how cookies work, we need to somehow describe how user agents tend to work with these and how they should work with them. It’s really painful.

The problem in short, is that a site that is called ‘www.example.com’ is allowed to set a cookie for ‘example.com’ but not for ‘com’ alone. That’s somewhat easy to understand. It gets more complicated at once when we consider the UK where ‘www.example.co.uk’ is fine but it cannot be allowed to set a cookie for ‘co.uk’.

So how does a user agent know that co.uk is magic?

Firefox (and Chrome I believe) uses the suffixes list mentioned above and IE is claimed to have its own (not published) version and Opera is using a trick where it tries to check if the domain name resolves to an IP address or not. (Although Yngve says Opera will soon do online lookups against the suffix list as well.) But if you want to avoid those tricks, Adam Barth’s description on the http-state mailing list really is creepy.

For me, being a libcurl hacker, I can’t of course but to think about Adam’s words in his last sentence: “If a user agent doesn’t care about security, then it can skip the public suffix check”.

Well. Ehm. We do care about security in the curl project but we still (currently) skip the public suffix check. I know, it is a bit of a contradiction but I guess I’m just too stuck in my opinion that the public suffixes list is a terrible solution but then I can’t figure anything that will work better and offer the same level of “safety”.

I’m thinking perhaps we should give in. Or what should we do? And how should we in the httpstate group document that existing and new user agents should behave to be optimally compliant and secure?

(in case you do take notice of details: yes the mailing list is named http-state while the working group is called httpstate without a dash!)