Tag Archives: Development

Three static code analyzers compared

I’m a fan of static code analyzing. With the use of fancy scanner tools we can get detailed reports about source code mishaps and quite decently pinpoint what source code that is suspicious and may contain bugs. In the old days we used different lint versions but they were all annoying and very often just puked out far too many warnings and errors to be really useful.

Out of coincidence I ended up getting analyses done (by helpful volunteers) on the curl 7.26.0 source base with three different tools. An excellent opportunity for me to compare them all and to share the outcome and my insights of this with you, my friends. Perhaps I should add that the analyzed code base is 100% pure C89 compatible C code.

Some general observations

First out, each of the three tools detected several issues the other two didn’t spot. I would say this indicates that these tools still have a lot to improve and also that it actually is worth it to run multiple tools against the same source code for extra precaution.

Secondly, the libcurl source code has some known peculiarities that admittedly is hard for static analyzers to figure out and not alert with false positives. For example we have several macros that look like functions and on several platforms and build combinations they evaluate as nothing, which causes dead code to be generated. Another example is that we have several cases of vararg-style functions and these functions are documented to work in ways that the analyzers don’t always figure out (both clang-analyzer and Coverity show problems with these).

Thirdly, the same lesson we knew from the lint days is still true. Tools that generate too many false positives are really hard to work with since going through hundreds of issues that after analyses turn out to be nothing makes your eyes sore and your head hurt.


The first report I got was done with Fortify. I had heard about this commercial tool before but I had never seen any results from a run but now I did. The report I got was a PDF containing 629 pages listing 1924 possible issues among the 130,000 lines of code in the project.


Fortify claimed 843 possible buffer overflows. I quickly got bored trying to find even one that could lead to a problem. It turns out Fortify has a very short attention span and warns very easily on lots of places where a very quick glance by a human tells us there’s nothing to be worried about. Having hundreds and hundreds of these is really tedious and hard to work with.

If we’re kind we call them all false positives. But sometimes it is more than so, some of the alerts are plain bugs like when it warns on a buffer overflow on this line, warning that it may write beyond the buffer. All variables are ‘int’ and as we know sscanf() writes an integer to the passed in variable for each %d instance.

sscanf(ptr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", &int1, &int2, &int3, &int4);

I ended up finding and correcting two flaws detected with Fortify, both were cases where memory allocation failures weren’t handled properly.

LLVM, clang-analyzer

Given the exact same code base, clang-analyzer reported 62 potential issues. clang is an awesome and free tool. It really stands out in the way it clearly and very descriptive explains exactly how the code is executed and which code paths that are selected when it reaches the passage is thinks might be problematic.

clang-analyzer report - click for larger version

The reports from clang-analyzer are in HTML and there’s a single file for each issue and it generates a nice looking source code with embedded comments about which flow that was followed all the way down to the problem. A little snippet from a genuine issue in the curl code is shown in the screenshot I include above.


Given the exact same code base, Coverity detected and reported 118 issues. In this case I got the report from a friend as a text file, which I’m sure is just one output version. Similar to Fortify, this is a proprietary tool.

coverity curl report - click for larger version

As you can see in the example screenshot, it does provide a rather fancy and descriptive analysis of the exact the code flow that leads to the problem it suggests exist in the code. The function referenced in this shot is a very large function with a state-machine featuring many states.

Out of the 118 issues, many of them were actually the same error but with different code paths leading to them. The report made me fix at least 4 accurate problems but they will probably silence over 20 warnings.

Coverity runs scans on open source code regularly, as I’ve mentioned before, including curl so I’ve appreciated their tool before as well.


From this test of a single source base, I rank them in this order:

  1. Coverity – very accurate reports and few false positives
  2. clang-analyzer – awesome reports, missed slightly too many issues and reported slightly too many false positives
  3. Fortify – the good parts drown in all those hundreds of false positives

Join the SPDY library development

Back in October I posted about my intentions to work on getting curl support for SPDY to be based on libspdy. I also got in touch with Thomas, the primary author of libspdy and owner of libspdy.org.

Unfortunately, he was ill already then and he was ill when I communicated with him what I wanted to see happen and I also posted a patch etc to him. He mentioned to me (in a private email) a lot of work they’ve done on the code in a private branch and he invited me to get access to that code to speed up development and allow me to use their code.

I never got any response on my eager “yes, please let me in!” mail and I’ve since mailed him twice over the period of the latest months and as there have been no responses I’ve decided to slowly ramp up my activities on my side while hoping he will soon get back.

I’ve started today by setting up the spdy-library mailing list. I hope to attract fellow interested hackers to join me on this. The goal is quite simply to make a libspdy that works for us. It is to be C89 code that is portable with an API that “makes sense”. I don’t know yet if we will work on libspdy as it currently looks, if Thomas’ team will push their updated work soon or if going with my current spindly fork off github is the way. I hope to get help to decide this!

Join the effort by simply adding yourself the mailing list and participate in the discussions: http://cool.haxx.se/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spdy-library.

And a wiki on github.

Update: I’ve created a hub collecting all related info and pointers over at spindly.haxx.se.


curl meetup at Fosdem 2012

The FOSDEM 2012 dates were recently revealed (4-5 February 2012).

A pint of guinness

I’d be happy to arrange a get-together for libcurl hackers at Fosdem this year. To me, Brussels, Belgium seems mid-europe enough to be able to attract a bunch of us:

  • libcurl application users/authors
  • libcurl binding hackers
  • libcurl contributors
  • … and everyone else who’s doing related activities or who just is interested

Potential subjects to discuss at such a meeting:

  • what’s the most important stuff libcurl still lacks?
  • what’s the least documented/understood parts of libcurl?
  • are there shared problems several/many libcurl bindings have to solve?
  • can we improve how we work/develop libcurl and bindings?
  • what kind of beer is best at a curl meetup?
  • [fill in your own curl related subject]

I would like at least 4-5 people voicing interest for this to be worthwhile for me to actually try to do anything. Please speak up on the libcurl mailing list, tweet me or mail me privately! The more people that are interested, the more planning and stuff we’ll do for it.

Haxx – the first year

Last year I left my former employment, and focused on Haxx full-time. My brother joined me a few months afterward (January 2010). Today, at October 1 2010 we celebrate the official one year anniversary of Haxx AB as employer.Haxx

The history of Haxx goes far longer back than so. Linus Nielsen Feltzing and I first registered the company Haxx back in October 1997 and we used it then primarily as a way to market and do business on the side of our “real” jobs. To have a way to charge and do things we wanted to, that wasn’t conflicting with our day jobs. And of course we also bought the domain and could setup our “permanent” email addresses etc, which turned out great since I’ve thus used the same email address since back then and I hope I never need to change it again!

The first year of Haxx has been nothing but great fun and a major success.

As we’re contract developers and consultants, we of course need to make sure that our employees are sold to customers to a high degree with as little gaps as possible. Our projects are typically going on from a few months up to a year or two. During this year, both me and Björn have worked with several end customers and we’ve thus both managed to change assignments several times and none of the times caused any gaps – at all. Our services seem to be in high demand.

Being only two employees brings challenges on how to deal with sales, financial accounting etc as we’re just a few guys and we’re experts on development! We have found a few great partners that “sell” us (and of course we pay them a certain amount of percentage, but that’s a price we need to accept and is nothing but fair anyway since we can then remain doing what we’re good at and what we love) and we’re buying the bookkeeping etc from another company that is specialized at doing it for companies like us.

We’re looking forward to many more years of great fun. We also hope to be able to grow the company slightly over time, so if you’re a kick-ass embedded open source guy with networking experience and some 10+ years in the business and you live in the Stockholm Sweden area, do get in touch! As I’ve mentioned before, we’re gonna start out our second year with Linus onboard.

I’ll get back with an update next year! 🙂

poll vs select

I’m a person working a lot with networking and development around it. I mostly do this on Linux, often involving drivers or otherwise very close to the operating system and C and the core libraries.

The other day I once again fell over some random inaccuracy about poll compared to select and instead of trying to whine on some IRC channel or complain on their mailing list, I decided I would instead strike back by writing up and presenting a web page of my own. It details as much as possible about poll vs select and related event-based functions. I want it to become a placeholder for everything that is relevant to say about poll and select in a comparison aspect and when comparing them to event-based alternatives like libevent and libev.

So the next time I face someone not quite understanding this whole situation or perhaps when someone reiterates something that isn’t quite true, I have a resource to point to.

Not to mention that I think this new poll vs select page fits in nicely with my other “X vs Y” articles and docs pages I’ve written the last few years.

If you find flaws, or miss details or have questions about this page. Please do not hesitate to comment here, or to mail me about it or tweet me on twitter or whatever method you prefer. I appreciate your feedback!

poll vs select

professional libcurl hackers look this way!

In my company, Haxx, we work as consultants and we do contract development for customers who pay for our skill, time and dedication. We help them develop stuff.Haxx

We’re a small company, with basically two full-time employees. Most of our working days, we are involved with a single customer each who pays for our full-time involvement during a number of months. This is all good and fine. We love our jobs and we love our customers. We’re in it for the fun.

Now, these days we can see that the economy is slowly but surely gaining ground again and is getting up to speed. We hear more and more requests for help and potential assignments are starting to pour in. That’s great and all. Except that we’re only two guys and can’t accept very many projects…

Recently we’ve experienced a noticeable increase in amount of requests for support and other development help that involves curl and libcurl. I am the originator and maintainer of curl, there’s really no surprise or wonder that these companies contact me and us about it. I’m always very happy to see that there are companies and persons who are willing to pay for support of open source and in many cases pay for extending and bug fixing libcurl and have those fixes going back to the mainline sources without complaints.

Since we fail to accept a lot of requests, I’m interested in finding you who are interested in helping out with such work. Are you interested in helping out customers with curl related problems? Customers often come to us when they’ve got stuck within something they can’t easily solve themselves and they turn to us as experts in general, and experts on curl and libcurl in particular. And we are.

Before you think this is a great idea and you send me an email introducing yourself and your greatness in this area, please be aware that I will require proof of your qualifications. Most preferably, that proof is at least one good patch posted to the libcurl mailing list and accepted into the mainline libcurl code, but I’m open to accepting slightly less ideal proofs as well if you can just motivate why you failed to provide the ideal ones. Of course you will also need to be able to communicate in English without problems. Your geographical location, gender, race, religion, skin-color and shoe size are completely uninteresting.

I’m looking for someone interested in contract development, not full-time employment. We still do these kinds of jobs on a case by case basis and there may be one every two days, one per week or sometimes even less frequently. I want to increase my network of people I know and trust can deliver quality code and services for this kind of projects.

Can you help us?

Autotool alternatives

Lots of people whine and complain on the set of build tools we often refer to as a collective by the term ‘autotools’. That term tends to include autoconf, libtool and automake.

I think a certain amount of criticism is warranted against this family of aged tools that are unix-centric, have cryptic ways to control them (I think there’s a reason m4 macros  is not widely used…) and they are several independent tools with a tricky mix of cross-breeding.A build tool

The upsides include them being well tested, fairly well known, there’s a wide range of existing tests done for them, they work fine when cross-compiling and they support building out-of-source tree just fine.

But what about the alternatives?

I spend time in projects where the discussion of ditching autoconf come up every once in a while, as sure as that the sun will rise tomorrow. The discussion is always that tool Z is much better and easier to deal with and that everything gets shiny if we just switch. That Z is a lot of different tools that are available today, including CMake, scons, waf or cDetect.

The problem as I always see and why I almost always argue against Z is that autoconf is old, trusty, proven and I know it. The Z tool is often much newer, less proven, less peoeple involved in the project know Z, use Z or know how to customize it (since new tests will be needed and some tests will need to be changed etc). So even though Z is sometimes accepted as a testing ground in my projects, a year or two after the Z was accepted – unless I myself have accepted it and joined its efforts – Z has lagged behind to a point where it isn’t good anymore since I don’t know it and most people are rather fixing the traditional autoconf stuff. So we extract the Z support again.

But if we would never accept new tools we would never evolve, and yes indeed autoconf and friends have their share of flaws.

The question is of course when to switch – what kind of project in what development state etc – and which alternative that is useful for a particular project. Me being a developer primarily working with plain C and working with lowlevel code and libraries mostly will no doubt have a different view than those who use other languages, who do more “apps” or perhaps even GUI programming…

Can you help me point out good build system comparisions and overiews? I’ve tried to find good comparisions but I failed. Just about all of them are written by the authors of one of these tools.

My ambition is to create some sort of comparison document myself. I think the comparison could include autotools, cmake, waf, scons, cdetect, qmake and ant. Any more?

(I got triggered to write this blog post after my post to the trio mailing list on this topic.)

How much for a bug?

no bugsWarning: blog post with no clear conclusion!

I offer support deals to companies that want to get help with Open Source programs I’ve contributed to. The deals I’ve made so far have primarily involved libcurl, c-ares or libssh2, but that’s basically because those are projects in which I participate a lot in (and maintain) so people find me easily in relation to those projects.

I wouldn’t mind accepting service and support deals for other projects or software products either, as long as they are products I know and am fairly familiar with already and I am not scared of digging in and fixing things under the hood when that is required.

In fact, I could very well consider to offer to fix bugs in any Open Source software. Like a general: if you have a bug in an open source project that you really want fixed and you can’t do it yourself I might be your man. Of course this would be limited to some certain kinds of projects and programs, but it could still include a wide range of software. A lot more than the ones I happen to be involved in at any particular point in time.

But while “a bug” is a fairly easily defined term to a user who can’t make something work in a given program it can be anything from dead simple to downright impossible for a developer to fix. The fact that users many times cannot determine if a “bug” is hard or easy, if it’s a bug or a feature not working on purpose, makes such a business deal very hard to provide.

How to pay to get a bug fixed?

Fixed price per bug? Presumably only tricky bugs would be considered for this so it would require a fairly high fixed price. But then it’ll also never be used for simple bugs either since the fixed price would scare away such use cases. I don’t think a fixed-price scheme works very well for this.One dollar bill

Then we only have a variable price approach left. A common way for a consultant like me is to charge for my time spent on a project: I set an hourly rate, I fix the issue in N hours. I charge hourly rate * N. For smallish projects, this is less attractive to customers. If we have no previous relationship, there’s a trust issue where the customer might not just blindly accept that I worked 10 hours on a task they think sounds easy so they feel overcharged. Also, there’s the risk that I estimate the job to be 2 hours but end up spending 12. My conclusion is that per-hour pricing doesn’t work for this either.

A variable price approach based on something else than number of hours it took for me to fix the problem is therefore needed.

A bug fix is of course worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. But we don’t know what they are prepared to pay. On the other end, a bug fix can get done by someone for the price he/she is willing to accept to get the job done. So where is the cross section of those two unknown graphs?

I don’t have the answer here. I’m very interested in feedback and suggestions though. If you would pay for a bug fix, how would you like to get the price set?

Going full-time Haxx

I realize noHaxxt a lot of you who read my site or blog are aware of my actual real world day-job situation (nor should you have to care), but I still want to let you guys know that I’m ending my employment at CAG Contactor and my intention is to find my way forward with my own company, Haxx AB, as employee number 1.

Haxx has existed for over ten years already, but we’ve so far only used it for stuff on the side that wasn’t full-time nor competing with our day-jobs. Starting in October, I’ll now instead work only for and with Haxx.

I don’t expect much in my actual day to day business to change much as I intend to continue as a contract developer / consultant / hacker doing embedded, Linux, open source and network development as an expert and senior engineer.

So if you want my help, you can continue to contact me the same way as before, and I can offer my services like before! 😉 The only difference is in my end where I get more freedom and control.

This move on my behalf will affect some of you indirectly: I will move a lot of web and other internet-based services from servers owned and run by Contactor to servers owned by Haxx. So, expect a lot of my sites and contents to get some uptime glitches in the upcoming month in my struggle to get things up on the new place(s).

Concepts of a new distributed build

It was time to make an overhaul of our distributed builds system for Rockbox. The one currently in place is quite fancy and it does build 106 builds in around 7-8 minutes, but during the years it has served us we have found a few areas where we want to improve.

The goals for the new system were primarily:

  • do all the builds faster
  • reverse the connection so that people can contribute clients easier
  • make a system that is more allowing for slower machines to contribute

The biggest weaknesses of the existing system:

  • The master uses ssh to the distributed clients, which forces them to have an accessible ssh server and port etc. It also makes it awkward for people behind NATs who wants to run more clients.
  • It only hands out a particular build to one client, so thus if a large build happens to get handed to a slow client towards the end of a build round, all the other clients will sit idle waiting for the last client to finish.
  • The build and the subsequent upload of results to the master are synchronous, so thus a client with a very slow uplink may spend a significant time on the upload before it can start the next build.

The  new system is currently in development. It consists of a server that runs on one of our main servers, and there’s a client script that each volunteer contributor runs on their systems.

The clients connect to the master on a dedicated TCP port, specifying user name, password, name of the particular client instance, what particular architectures the client can build and how many bogomips the client boasts. While bogomips is a bogus way to measure anything, we’ve started out using it for a rough way to sort the the build clients based on speed.

The clients keep connected to the server all the time. There’s a ping message from the master every N second of idleness to make sure the connection is kept alive. As soon as the master wants the client to do a build, it sends a message to it detailing exactly how it should build it and using what SVN revision. The client will then do the build at once, upload the results using HTTP to a dedicated place and then tell the server the build is complete.

The server knows about all builds to do at a  commit, what we call a build round. It has a rough “score” or “weight” for each build that grades them in a slow to fast order. When a build round starts, the server will first sort all builds based on number of times they’ve been handed out and as secondary sort key the “weight” of it. Then it loops over the currently connected build clients and hand out builds from the sorted build table. The server then continues to do that until all clients have three builds each to build. As soon as a build is reported to have been completed by a client, that client will get the next build from the sorted build list.

If a client connects to the server and the server deems the client to be too old (since it does specify its version in the handshake message), it will be told to update to a specific version instead and come back then. This way the server can update all build clients when important things are fixed.

The clients will soon start to get assigned builds that already have been assigned to another client. This is not a problem but in fact our intention. The client that completes the build first will simply tell the server, and the server will then tell all the other clients that build that same build that they should cancel that particular build.

A client that joins the server in the middle of a build round will simply get a bunch of builds immediately and join in. A client that disconnects during a build round simply won’t complete its builds and other clients will instead do them. The system is also tolerant against the fact that bogomips is lame to compare computers with, and that the build “score” may not be very accurate or even that some server will have very slow or very fast upload speeds at unpredictable times.

The build master itself does not know when to start a new build round. It simply knows about the concept and it knows how to tell clients to complete a round. To make the master to start a new round, you need to connect to the server’s listening port and issue a special command and provide a password and then you can tell the server to start a build of a specific SVN revision. Or to queue up a build to be performed after the current one if there happens to be one in progress already.

When a full build round is complete, a hundred or so builds have been done, and full packages and log files are now in a directory on the build server, the server will simply trigger an external script that then takes care of updating our build table etc. In fact, every single completed build will optionally trigger an external script to allow web pages or stats pages to get updated as we go.

This build system is currently pretty Rockbox-specific as this is the project and development system we’re writing this for, but there’s really nothing in this that must be this way. I’m sure that if someone (you?) wants to adapt this for another project, I’d be more than happy to assist and to help ensuring that this becomes a more generic distributed build system. Just raise your hand and step forward!

At the time of this writing, (primarily) me and Björn are still ironing out quirks in this new system to hopefully get it going live real soon…
