curl ootw: –range

--range or -r for short. As the name implies, this option is for doing “range requests”. This flag was available already in the first curl release ever: version 4.0. This option requires an extra argument specifying the specific requested range. Read on the learn how!

What exactly is a range request?

Get a part of the remote resource

Maybe you have downloaded only a part of a remote file, or maybe you’re only interested in getting a fraction of a huge remote resource. Those are two situations in which you might want your internet transfer client to ask the server to only transfer parts of the remote resource back to you.

Let’s say you’ve tried to download a 32GB file (let’s call it a huge file) from a slow server on the other side of the world and when you only had 794 bytes left to transfer, the connection broke and the transfer was aborted. The transfer took a very long time and you prefer not to just restart it from the beginning and yet, with many file formats those final 794 bytes are critical and the content cannot be handled without them.

We need those final 794 bytes! Enter range requests.

With range requests, you can tell curl exactly what byte range to ask for from the server. “Give us bytes 12345-12567” or “give us the last 794 bytes”. Like this:

curl --range 12345-12567


curl --range -794

This works with curl with several different protocols: HTTP(S), FTP(S) and SFTP. With HTTP(S), you can even be more fancy and ask for multiple ranges in the same request. Maybe you want the three sections of the resource?

curl --range 0-1000,2000-3000,4000-5000

Let me again emphasize that this multi-range feature only exists for HTTP(S) with curl and not with the other protocols, and the reason is quite simply that HTTP provides this by itself and we haven’t felt motivated enough to implement it for the other protocols.

Not always that easy

The description above is for when everything is fine and easy. But as you know, life is rarely that easy and straight forward as we want it to be and nether is the --range option. Primarily because of this very important detail:

Range support in HTTP is optional.

It means that when curl asks for a particular byte range to be returned, the server might not obey or care and instead it delivers the whole thing anyway. As a client we can detect this refusal, since a range response has a special HTTP response code (206) which won’t be used if the entire thing is sent back – but that’s often of little use if you really want to get the remaining bytes of a larger resource out of which you already have most downloaded since before.

One reason it is optional for HTTP and why many sites and pages in the wild refuse range requests is that those sites and pages generate contend on demand, dynamically. If we ask for a byte range from a static file on disk in the server offering a byte range is easy. But if the document is instead the result of lots of scripts and dynamic content being generated uniquely in the server-side at the time of each request, it isn’t.

HTTP 416 Range Not Satisfiable

If you ask for a range that is outside of what the server can provide, it will respond with a 416 response code. Let’s say for example you download a complete 200 byte resource and then you ask that server for the range 200-202 – you’ll get a 416 back because 200 bytes are index 0-199 so there’s nothing available at byte index 200 and beyond.

HTTP other ranges

--range for HTTP content implies “byte ranges”. There’s this theoretical support for other units of ranges in HTTP but that’s not supported by curl and in fact is not widely used over the Internet. Byte ranges are complicated enough!

Related command line options

curl also offers the --continue-at (-C) option which is a perhaps more user-friendly way to resume transfers without the user having to specify the exact byte range and handle data concatenation etc.

Help curl: the user survey 2020

The annual curl user survey is up. If you ever used curl or libcurl during the last year, please consider donating ten minutes of your time and fill in the question on the link below!

[no longer open]

The survey will be up for 14 days. Please share this with your curl-using friends as well and ask them to contribute. This is our only and primary way to find out what users actually do with curl and what you want with it – and don’t want it to do!

The survey is hosted by Google forms. The curl project will not track users and we will not ask who you are (and than some general details to get a picture of curl users in general).

The analysis from the 2019 survey is available.

curl ootw: -Y, –speed-limit

(Previous options of the week)

Today we take a closer look at one of the real vintage curl options. It was added already in early 1999. -Y for short, --speed-limit is the long version. This option needs an additional argument: <speed>. Let me describe exactly what that speed is and how it works below.

Slow or stale transfers

Very early on in curl’s lifetime, it became obvious to us that lots of times when you use curl in order to do an Internet transfer, that transfer could sometimes take a long time. Occasionally even ridiculously long times and it could seem that the transfers just stalled without any hope of resurrecting and completing its mission.

How do you tell curl to abandon such lost-hope transfers? The options we provide for timeouts provide one answer. But since the transfer speeds can vary greatly from time to time and machine to machine, you have to use a timeout value that uses an insane margin, which for the cases when everything flies fast turns out annoying.

We needed another way to detect and abort these stale transfers. Enter speed limit.

Lower than speed-limit bytes per second during speed-time

The --speed-limit <speed> you tell curl is the transfer speed threshold below which you think the transfer is untypically slow, specified as bytes per second. If you have a really fast Internet, you might for example think that a transfer that is below 1000 bytes/second is a sign of something not being right.

But just measuring a the transfer speed to be below that special threshold in a single snapshot is not a strong enough signal for curl to act on it. The speed also needs to be measure below that threshold during --limit-time <seconds>. If the transfer speed just incidentally sometimes and very quickly drops below the threshold (bad wifi?) that’s not a reason for concern. The default limit time (when --limit-speed is used without --limit-time set) is 30. The transfer speed needs to be measured below the threshold for that many consecutive seconds (and it samples once per second).

If curl deems that your transfer speed was too slow during the given period, it will break the transfer and return 28. Timeout.

These two options are entirely protocol independent and work for all transfers using any of the protocols curl supports.


Tell curl to give up the transfer if slower than 1000 bytes per second during 20 seconds:

curl --speed-limit 1000 --speed-time 20

Tell curl to give up the transfer if slower than 100000 bytes per second during 60 seconds:

curl --speed-limit 100000 --speed-time 60

It also works the same for uploads. If the speed is below 2000 bytes per second during 45 seconds, abort:

curl --speed-limit 2000 --speed-time 45 -T sendaway.txt

Related options

--max-time and --connect-timeout are options with similar functionality and purpose, and you can indeed in many cases add those as well.

Manual cURL cURL

The HP Color LaserJet CP3525 Printer looks like any other ordinary printer done by HP. But there’s a difference!

A friend of mine fell over this gem, and told me.

TCP/IP Settings

If you go to the machine’s TCP/IP settings using the built-in web server, the printer offers the ordinary network configure options but also one that sticks out a little exta. The “Manual cURL cURL” option! It looks like this:

I could easily confirm that this is genuine. I did this screenshot above by just googling for the string and printer model, since there appears to exist printers like this exposing their settings web server to the Internet. Hilarious!


How on earth did that string end up there? Certainly there’s no relation to curl at all except for the actual name used there? Is it a sign that there’s basically no humans left at HP that understand what the individual settings on that screen are actually meant for?

Given the contents in the text field, a URL containing the letters WPAD twice, I can only presume this field is actually meant for Web Proxy Auto-Discovery. I spent some time trying to find the user manual for this printer configuration screen but failed. It would’ve been fun to find “manual cURL cURL” described in a manual! They do offer a busload of various manuals, maybe I just missed the right one.

Does it use curl?

Yes, it seems HP generally use curl at least as I found the “Open-Source Software License Agreements for HP LaserJet and ScanJet Printers” and it contains the curl license:

The curl license as found in the HP printer open source report.

HP using curl for Print-Uri?

Independently, someone else recently told me about another possible HP + curl connection. This user said his HP printer makes HTTP requests using the user-agent libcurl-agent/1.0:

I haven’t managed to get this confirmed by anyone else (although the license snippet above certainly implies they use curl) and that particular user-agent string has been used everywhere for a long time, as I believe it is copied widely from the popular libcurl example getinmemory.c where I made up the user-agent and put it there already in 2004.


Frank Gevaerts tricked me into going down this rabbit hole as he told me about this string.

qlog with curl

I want curl to be on the very bleeding edge of protocol development to aid the Internet protocol development community to test out protocols early and to work out kinks in the protocols and server implementations using curl’s vast set of tools and switches.

For this, curl supported HTTP/2 really early on and helped shaping the protocol and testing out servers.

For this reason, curl supports HTTP/3 already since August 2019. A convenient and well-known client that you can then use to poke on your brand new HTTP/3 servers too and we can work on getting all the rough edges smoothed out before the protocol is reaching its final state.

QUIC tooling

One of the many challenges QUIC and HTTP/3 have is that with a new transport protocol comes entirely new paradigms. With new paradigms like this, we need improved or perhaps even new tools to help us understand the network flows back and forth, to make sure we all have a common understanding of the protocols and to make sure we implement our end-points correctly.

QUIC only exists as an encrypted-only protocol, meaning that we can no longer easily monitor and passively investigate network traffic like before, QUIC also encrypts more of the protocol than TCP + TLS do, leaving even less for an outsider to see.

The current QUIC analyzer tool lineup gives us two options.


We all of course love Wireshark and if you get a very recent version, you’ll be able to decrypt and view QUIC network data.

With curl, and a few other clients, you can ask to get the necessary TLS secrets exported at run-time with the SSLKEYLOGFILE environment variable. You’ll then be able to see every bit in every packet. This way to extract secrets works with QUIC as well as with the traditional TCP+TLS based protocols.


The qvis/qlog site. If you find the Wireshark network view a little bit too low level and leaving a lot for you to understand and draw conclusions from, the next-level tool here is the common QUIC logging format called qlog. This is an agreed-upon common standard to log QUIC traffic, which the accompanying qvis web based visualizer tool that lets you upload your logs and get visualizations generated. This becomes extra powerful if you have logs from both ends!

Starting with this commit (landed in the git master branch on May 7, 2020), all curl builds that support HTTP/3 – independent of what backend you pick – can be told to output qlogs.

Enable qlogging in curl by setting the new standard environment variable QLOGDIR to point to a directory in which you want qlogs to be generated. When you run curl then, you’ll get files creates in there named as [hex digits].log, where the hex digits is the “SCID” (Source Connection Identifier).


qlog and qvis are spear-headed by Robin Marx. qlogging for curl with Quiche was pushed for by Lucas Pardue and Alessandro Ghedini. In the ngtcp2 camp, Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa made it very easy for me to switch it on in curl.

The top image is snapped from the demo sample on the qvis web site.

Review: curl programming

Title: Curl Programming
Author: Dan Gookin
ISBN: 9781704523286
Weight: 181 grams

A book for my library is a book about my library!

Not long ago I discovered that someone had written this book about curl and that someone wasn’t me! (I believe this is a first) Thrilled of course that I could check off this achievement from my list of things I never thought would happen in my life, I was also intrigued and so extremely curious that I simply couldn’t resist ordering myself a copy. The book is dated October 2019, edition 1.0.

I don’t know the author of this book. I didn’t help out. I wasn’t aware of it and I bought my own copy through an online bookstore.

First impressions

It’s very thin! The first page with content is numbered 13 and the last page before the final index is page 110 (6-7 mm thick). Also, as the photo shows somewhat: it’s not a big format book either: 225 x 152 mm. I suppose a positive spin on that could be that it probably fits in a large pocket.

Size comparison with the 2018 printed version of Everything curl.

I’m not the target audience

As the founder of the curl project and my role as lead developer there, I’m not really a good example of whom the author must’ve imagined when he wrote this book. Of course, my own several decades long efforts in documenting curl in hundreds of man pages and the Everything curl book makes me highly biased. When you read me say anything about this book below, you must remember that.

A primary motivation for getting this book was to learn. Not about curl, but how an experienced tech author like Dan teaches curl and libcurl programming, and try to use some of these lessons for my own writing and manual typing going forward.

What’s in the book?

Despite its size, the book is still packed with information. It contains the following chapters after the introduction:

  1. The amazing curl … 13
  2. The libcurl library … 25
  3. Your basic web page grab … 35
  4. Advanced web page grab … 49
  5. curl FTP … 63
  6. MIME form data … 83
  7. Fancy curl tricks … 97

As you can see it spends a total of 12 pages initially on explanations about curl the command line tool and some of the things you can do with it and how before it moves on to libcurl.

The book is explanatory in its style and it is sprinkled with source code examples showing how to do the various tasks with libcurl. I don’t think it is a surprise to anyone that the book focuses on HTTP transfers but it also includes sections on how to work with FTP and a little about SMTP. I think it can work well for someone who wants to get an introduction to libcurl and get into adding Internet transfers for their applications (at least if you’re into HTTP). It is not a complete guide to everything you can do, but then I doubt most users need or even want that. This book should get you going good enough to then allow you to search for the rest of the details on your own.

I think maybe the biggest piece missing in this book, and I really thing it is an omission mr Gookin should fix if he ever does a second edition: there’s virtually no mention of HTTPS or TLS at all. On the current Internet and web, a huge portion of all web pages and page loads done by browsers are done with HTTPS and while it is “just” HTTP with TLS on top, the TLS part itself is worth some special attention. Not the least because certificates and how to deal with them in a libcurl world is an area that sometimes seems hard for users to grasp.

A second thing I noticed no mention of, but I think should’ve been there: a description of curl_easy_getinfo(). It is a versatile function that provides information to users about a just performed transfer. Very useful if you ask me, and a tool in the toolbox every libcurl user should know about.

The author mentions that he was using libcurl 7.58.0 so that version or later should be fine to use to use all the code shown. Most of the code of course work in older libcurl versions as well.

Comparison to Everything curl

Everything curl is a free and open document describing everything there is to know about curl, including the project itself and curl internals, so it is a much wider scope and effort. It is however primarily provided as a web and PDF version, although you can still buy a printed edition.

Everything curl spends more space on explanations of features and discussion how to do things and isn’t as focused around source code examples as Curl Programming. Everything curl on paper is also thicker and more expensive to buy – but of course much cheaper if you’re fine with the digital version.

Where to buy?

First: decide if you need to buy it. Maybe the docs on the curl site or in Everything curl is already good enough? Then I also need to emphasize that you will not sponsor or help out the curl project itself by buying this book – it is authored and sold entirely on its own.

But if you need a quick introduction with lots of examples to get your libcurl usage going, by all means go ahead. This could be the book you need. I will not link to any online retailer or anything here. You can get it from basically anyone you like.

Mistakes or errors?

I’ve found some mistakes and ways of phrasing the explanations that I maybe wouldn’t have used, but all in all I think the author seems to have understood these things and describes functionality and features accurately and with a light and easy-going language.

Finally: I would never capitalize curl as Curl or libcurl as Libcurl, not even in a book. Just saying…

curl ootw: –get

(Previous options of the week.)

The long version option is called --get and the short version uses the capital -G. Added in the curl 7.8.1 release, in August 2001. Not too many of you, my dear readers, had discovered curl by then.

The thinking behind it

Back in the early 2000s when we had added support for doing POSTs with -d, it become obvious that to many users the difference between a POST and a GET is rather vague. To many users, sending something with curl is something like “operating with a URL” and you can provide data to that URL.

You can send that data to an HTTP URL using POST by specifying the fields to submit with -d. If you specify multiple -d flags on the same command line, they will be concatenated with an ampersand (&) inserted in between. For example, you want to send both name and bike shed color in a POST to

curl -d name=Daniel -d shed=green


Okay, so curl can merge -d data entries like that, which makes the command line pretty clean. What if you instead of POST want to submit your name and the shed color to the URL using the query part of the URL instead and you still would like to use curl’s fancy -d concatenation feature?

Enter -G. It converts what is setup to be a POST into a GET. The data set with -d to be part of the request body will instead be put after the question mark in the HTTP request! The example from above but with a GET:

curl -G -d name=Daniel -d shed=green

(The actual placement or order of -G vs -d is not important.)

The exact HTTP requests

The first example without -G creates this HTTP request:

User-agent: curl/7.70.0
Accept: /
Content-Length: 22
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


While the second one, with -G instead does this:

GET /?name=Daniel&shed=green HTTP/1.1
User-agent: curl/7.70.0
Accept: /

If you want to investigate exactly what HTTP requests your curl command lines produce, I recommend --trace-ascii if you want to see the HTTP request body as well.

-X GET vs -G

One of the highest scored questions on stackoverflow that I’ve answered concerns exactly this.

-X is only for changing the actual method string in the HTTP request. It doesn’t change behavior and the change is mostly done without curl caring what the new string is. It will behave as if it used the original one it intended to use there.

If you use -d in a command line, and then add -X GET to it, curl will still send the request body like it does when -d is specified.

If you use -d plus -G in a command line, then as explained above, curl sends a GET in the command line and -X GET will not make any difference (unless you also follow a redirect, in which the -X may ruin the fun for you).

Other options

HTTP allows more kinds of requests than just POST or GET and curl also allows sending more complicated multipart POSTs. Those don’t mix well with -G; this option is really designed only to convert simple -d uses to a query string.

curl, open source and networking